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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by ComradeDave

  1. I did a dry fit, needless to say it's a little big on my wireframe. how do you know where to install the snaps so everything fits ok? and if parts need to be altered how do you bring them in?
  2. Chest and back armour trimmed and sanded! pics tonight!
  3. This is what I meant in ESB the stripes vary widely. I went off of screen shots and swhelmets.com
  4. Oooops typo I meant crl lol for the ear stripes I followed the screen captures some had 2 bars some had three on either side some were between the bumps some were on them so I made each side symmetrical with 3 stripes pics to come
  5. Exterior done I looked at the cry and movie screen captures and made compromise Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk
  6. In all honesty from what you can see how are the black outlines on the ear bars... I had a face like this :L staring at them after.
  7. need to look again in my research for the ESB Rank stripe rules
  8. Helmet exterior painted and decal'd and arm armour closed and stripped. No pics of the arms yet. I'm trying to go for a slightly batteworn look so I used some diluted black paint to mimic some soot marks.
  9. I'm sorry man I don't know how I missed that! Lookin sharp trooper!
  10. We're gonna get this mother done even if it kills me!
  11. All cover strips on and curing for the arm armour. and initial ear painting
  12. I donno bro in my case, I need to make that armour look as slick as ice, so when people find out whose in it they can be like... Ohhhh.. it's you :L well nice armour bye! lol
  13. I'd love to have this finished for Motor City Comic con... but All these setbacks are making me sad still need to wait for TB's decals, blaster is here, need to start on the legs and torso and finish trimming, painting cluing clamping... help me Lord Vader Help me!!!!!
  14. plus it's been very difficult with an 8a-530p job to get in the time I would like to put into this I'm just going to have to buckle down.
  15. I've had this same issue with cover strips, there seems to be norms but variations are accepted. for example due to my size the 15-16 mm coverstrip on my arm armour had to be taken down to 13, I've asked around an that seems to be ok. I'm not on my leg armor just yet, :L
  16. Sigh, another one of my brothers joining the ranks. I still have soooooo much to do... Having that stomach virus set me back a bit. I think I have to quit drinking while I'm building and get right down to it.
  17. Danny boy, the only difference is what is stated above, Brett, simply left the counter and cylinders off! I'd like to get the ESB greeblies though and try and make it a promo version, maybe try and find the M19 scope. It's from Quest Designs and I couldn't be happier with it. going to put some work into her but it's a great looking weapon!
  18. Note this is a ESB build y'all no power cylinders and no counter just FYI
  19. yeah I retried with photobucket should be there now bud.
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