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Everything posted by TK-7980

  1. The elastic, I believe, has velcro on the side that isn't facing the camera, and pull the shins together and attaches to the white velcro on the leg armor to clamp it together.
  2. Haha, it's like a dollar cheaper than WoW if I remember right.
  3. I think I'm going to take the plunge and try to make one of these with my next set of armor.
  4. Warhammer Online was sooooo much fun, but my comp couldn't handle it.
  5. Those look sooooo bad a**. Lovin' the paint jobs. They're so amazing. Makes me want to do a custom Boba.
  6. No one will notice the difference, but you could paint it if it really bothers you.
  7. Is there a snap tutorial anywhere that I could look at? Just at how to place them into the tabs and what not.
  8. I bought the closest blue I could find to Blue Angels Blue. Was dark blue or something... Testors 1110 or 1111
  9. I'll have to go back and check for those then. Thanks for the info!
  10. I swear to God if he uses 3D...
  11. I had some blood elves... couldn't stand the male attack animations after a while. I'm sitting on an 80 UD Warlock, 72 UD Mage... a bunch of alts... I still don't know what class I want as a main! LOL.
  12. Just went out to michaels today and bought some 5/8" snaps. Don't know if they're heavy duty or not but will that size work?
  13. Zac Efron can burn in hell.
  14. I'm just familiar with the numbers is all Thanks again. I'm sure if it's like a slight shade off I won't be penalized?
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