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About irishtrooper90

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  1. ok does anyone know were i can get a hold of someone who can point me in direction in obtaining AP armor
  2. hey guys ok so ive decided after many discussions with some troopers to either go with AP or TE2.... my question is will the styrene TE hold up to some trooping?? or should i go with the AP??....im wanting screen accuracy and i know both are good choices i just wanted opinions from the pros
  3. hey guys im 5'11 210 lbs would an RT mod fit me?
  4. hey guys im looking for tie armor .......the helmet ,armor, chestbox...the works. im doing this for my older bro whos been going through some tough times and is obsessed with tie pilots anyone gave any suggestions
  5. has anyone used white silicone caulk or sealer to fix the seamline??? if so does anyone have any pics???
  6. well i have already bought a MR CE bucket....and im fixing to purchase an fx lite.. i got a really really good deal on the bucket and the fx lite is a good deal money wise.....basically i choose the option that i could afford...right now the RT mod is out of my price range as is every other armor ive looked at...
  7. hey guys im 5'11 and 200lbs is the fx armor too big for me?? am i tall enough to where the armor wont bunch together??
  8. hey guys well i decided to start my costume by buying one of the most important parts first. the helmet i am fixing to purchase a MR CE bucket but my question is it a decent , semi accurate helmet to go with fx armor??. now i know it has little flaws like the brow and ears but that doesn't really bother me im just looking for a semi accurate bucket and armor anyone have any pics of a MR CE helmet with fx armor??
  9. well ive decided to order a MR CE helmet as a start....then on to the armor
  10. hey guys i live in north texas Content removed. Want/where to buy threads are not allowed. Thanks
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