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Everything posted by TK-7980

  1. Woops wrong photo! Thats my NEXT NEXT project, I hope. If all goes well in life Here is the image I meant to post
  2. I was about to do that, I'm just going to do strips on the inside and outside. If it doesn't work I'll over lap it anyways
  3. This is the single most amazing thing I've seen in a long time.
  4. The top right blue looks pretty good. I didn't have any others available for me so I went with one closer to the top left blue.
  5. I'll do the inside outside reinforcing for all the pieces I think, just to be safe.
  6. Sweet I think I got it guys! I gotta cut out the strips whenever I get the chance and start assembling. The only thing left is the dreaded thighs, I've been ignoring those like the plague. I got your email Andreas, thanks alot! I had better luck with the belt buttons than you did I think.
  7. They aren't all fully trimmed yet (some are) so ignore that.
  8. I'm having trouble differentiating the shin pieces could anyone help? I'll have pics up in a moment.
  9. You might want to move/tilt the faceplate a little to even up the gap. Looks fantastic.
  10. Lookin good. IMO what people should do when weathering is suit up and run through some bushes.
  11. Someone here on the boards offers enough screen for 2 helmets. 3 dollars shipped.
  12. Compared to FX this armor is anything BUT a walk in the park...
  13. Maybe with the superglue t-shirt method type thing?
  14. Has anyone tried this? I'm contemplating putting snaps through my chest piece and undersuit and shoulder bells and undersuit (just the top of the bell though).
  15. The ears look a bit off, but it looks really fantastic over all. Grats on your acquisition.
  16. I've noticed that no one ever puts sand on the teeth, why is that? Just personal preference?
  17. Generally this method is only used for pulling pieces apart. I used goo-gone to get e6000 off of my FX armor and I no problems.
  18. Galactic Basic even LOOKS like Japanese.
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