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Everything posted by ukswrath

  1. Hey Dennis, sorry to hear of your father's passing. Regarding the closure and glue, regardless if it's super CA glue just use some mild sand paper (400 grit) on the areas where glue once existed. Wipe down and reapply the CA or apply E6000, the key is ensure you're giving the glue time to cure properly ( CA 30min, E6000 48+hrs). Frown mesh is similar to a heavy household version window screen material. Hope this helps
  2. Regardless of the cape style I'd love to have this costume
  3. And a huge thank you back at ya Dan. You have been a fantastic member and asset to the FISD and admin team
  4. Coming along nicely Dan, painting is a pain indeed but you look like you're doing great.
  5. Thanks Mark, looking forward to your build
  6. Exciting times indeed. Congratulations FISD
  7. Awesome job Cam, congratulations and welcome to Expert Infantry. Hope to see you at Centurion
  8. Congratulations Sven and welcome to EI, great job on your build. Hope to see you at Centurion
  9. Congratulations David and welcome to EI brother. Fantastic job on your build. Look forward to seeing you at Centurion
  10. In all reality it's not hard to do. Having the cover strip more vertical is important in my book, not to mention your/our GML will defiantly see it and possibly say something about it
  11. I think you nailed it, the paint may have not been fully cured, or at it didn't have the correct amount of hardener in it. Most likely it will have to be buffed out, or in the worst case sanded and repainted. I personally wouldn't use cheese cloth or anything with a harsh texture to it. More importantly ensure the paint is fully cured by performing a fingernail test (find an unseen area and see if you can press your fingernail into the paint). Fully cured paint should be difficult to press your nail into. Lastly, store your armor in a cool environment after fully curing. Also, when stowed don't allow high points from other sections to rest on long flat areas like the Chest and back plates. These areas are the most commonly seen so you want to protect them to most. Hope this helps
  12. For me personally, I would cut the rear cover strip off. Trim the inner and outer thigh sides accordingly leaving enough room on the outer side to glue the cover strip back on. Sand the cover strip down so it's not too thick (if necessary) then glue it like a typical OTTK assembly. Afterwards velcro the inner seam to make it functional.
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