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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by zv288bot

  1. If you have a sewing machine. Sew (is that correct?) The velcro strips to the nylon straps. Super easy, problem solved. Looking sharp trooper! Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  2. I need that! Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah my kit has no return edges on any of the arm pieces but I am on the "thicker side". [emoji14] I took all the return edge off the shoulder bells hoping to get them as close to the shoulder straps as possible. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  4. Mine looks almost identical. My cover strip comes down to just the top of that ridge. I also added some E6000 to hold the belt in place. I had the same gap and glued a scrap piece of ABS to the back. Looks good! Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  5. That makes sense too. Have you seen the youtube video where they use a coffee can lined with a cotton or paper towel soaked in acetone to smooth out 3d printed items. Just the vapors as the acetone evaporates has that kind of effect on the plastic. It's crazy.
  6. Yea! Looking good. A word from a lesson learned by me careful with the ABS paste in a sealed container. I did the same thing in a mason jar. As the acetone evaporated it built up pressure and scared the poop out of me when I twisted the lid open! Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  7. I would take them to the armor party next week and get a second look before you go through the shimming process. I followed Bill's thread since we got or armor roughly around the same time and it seemed like his concern was being a bigger guy the armor wouldn't fit correctly but I think with a little extra work it would have worked. I believe it just was beyond his comfort level. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  8. Looking good! I think you may have already, it's hard to tell on my phone but in case you haven't don't forget to take a lighter to the ends of all your strapping to prevent fraying and it will also help clean it up. Move along, move along. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  9. Yeah, it's hit or miss. When I go to my local Wal Mart they are either in stock or out of stock. I would keep checking. Also a local Garrison mate has the same tote and said he picked up his at Target. I haven't confirmed if they are available but he said he even paid a dollar less?!!
  10. Looks great! Love the padding but you are scaring me with the ear screws sticking out (in) so far!? You should trim them down. My big fat head would get all scratched up if I put that on. I cut mine down then added a ball of hot glue on the end as an extra measure. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  11. Haha! So I did my troop last week and didn't use it cause the 3 of us had the same wireless system and two of us had crosstalk! So I guess I won't be using the wireless when trooping with others. Really I need to get with the other tks at a non troop and see if the units will somehow find a different frequency on their own. Wishful thinking I am sure. Anyway, it's all good. I have a troop on Saturday and maybe Sunday so I will try the volume level out then. How goes the build? Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  12. Is that throat mic comfortable? Also, do you have a link for it. The other day, 3 of us troopers used the same wireless system and had crossover with it. It was no bueno...
  13. Looks good, I would hold off on cutting the back of the shins until you get basic approval then talk to the GML to see what he/she recommends. They can give you a better idea of how much to remove. Not sure how much Mark agrees but I have give my shins, forearms, shoulder bells and butt plate all hot water baths to get them to fit me better. That's an option as well. Lot's of posts about it and even some tutorials I saw somewhere on here.
  14. Yeah, nice and smooth and shiney! What paint did you use?
  15. Looking good! Congrats on the washer and dryer hopefully you went with front loaders! [emoji14] Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  16. Yeah, it's most likely too long and you will also need to place a washer on that end as well or it could eventually pull out. You'll have to play around with it and see what washers would work the best.
  17. Interesting, where did you get the rivets from. For the ammo boxes that hang from the belt you will need to use pop rivets for that and the ones I bought from Home Depot worked pretty well with my crappy Harbor Freight gun. Did you take a picture? Just curious... Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  18. I used line 20 snaps because I wasn't sure I was gonna keep the belt. I will probably go with pop rivets when I fix it later.
  19. Great job!! Let those clamps sit on the shoulder straps for at least two days if you are using e6000. I removed the clamps 24 hours later and I had a corner on a strap pop up. I reglued and reclamped and have had no issues since. Also, I only did coverstrips on all the outer sides. The shins scared me the first time I stretched them to put them on but again, I've had no issues at this stage in the game. Honestly, I believe it's just for esthetics, maybe not, who knows but it's definitely flexible and strong without. Lastly great to hear you are going for the gold with your build. Should be super easy for you. Just make sure you print the CRL and EI/Centurion checklist and you'll be good to go. I also looked for EI AP submission in my weight class for visual check. I am currently do so for Centurion as well as I need to work on getting my bells closer. Anyway, you are doing well, keep asking questions! Keep up the good work! Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  20. Whoa Brother, are those glamour shots? Do you even have those in Canada? https://www.glamourshots.com/ Seriously, amazing pictures. I know it's your job but those are epic and sassy!
  21. Most excellent! Velcro may be the solution for the belt. I was going to remove the line 20 snaps and replace them with line 24 snaps and see how that worked out but maybe I'll just slap some Velcro on it. Thanks for the ideas, see you Friday!
  22. Do you have a link to the unit you purchased, please and thanks!
  23. Ugh!! That's a good question. Not sure on the answer to that one. You should PM Tony (ukswrath) that picture and see what his thoughts are. The biceps look much better by the way. [emoji2] Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
  24. Yeah, I did like 4 small dabs of e6000. I tried it on and off yesterday while testing my mic and had no issues.The velcro works amazing. I just did the square on the front and presto fix o, it's now a non issue. Thanks again for that Brother! Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
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