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YouCantBe Sidious

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by YouCantBe Sidious

  1. Shared on my band's FaceBook. We have around 3,000 friends on there mate. http://www.facebook.com/RIVETHEAD
  2. Thanks Jim! That would rock to see a nice troop of zombies. Scary as hell too, I would imagine... Day 4 and 5 - Death Trooper Build - weekdays (so after work = less work time) Added more weathering to biceps and shoulder bells. Gluing in snap plates (I use the strap material instead of ABS) More damage added to bucket: More weathering added to ab, cod, back, etc. Ripped out straps and added suspenders- that's what's clamped and gluing here. More weathering on thighs and bandages added for good taste. A bit more weathering on chest plate. and back Next step will be to trim and build AP legs, belt and forearms. Should be arriving soon!
  3. Yes - the nylon type strap material with the snaps in it, is my prefered method for snaps, as you showed above in the photos. It holds very well and doesn't crack like ABS has a tendency to if you use thin bits.
  4. I like using the excess strapping material. It bends and adheres very well to the curves and corners of the armor.
  5. I'm adding random scratches to the kit with my TK number. My thought being that as this TK was going crazy and slowly becoming a zombie, he was losing his mind and scratching his TK number into his own armor before becoming completely undead.
  6. Build Day 3: Used ATA parts arrived today. Nice and clean! Damage added with exit wound to back. Ripped armor and exposed flesh in chest piece. Thighs with open rips (thighs are being shimmed - mine are a little bit bigger, so I had to rip the back joins apart and I have inner strips gluing now before adding outer strips), biceps with damage and shoulder bells with scratches.
  7. Thanks Derrek! Using the excess nasty fleshy bits from the mask I used for the helmet, has provided me with lots of extra flesh to used under cracks in the armor. It looks and feels great (or nasty)!
  8. Death Trooper Kit Day 2: Added damage, scratches, paint weathering, cracks with exposed fleshy bits and plenty of "fresh scab" blood.
  9. Armor build day 1: Received used FX ab, butt and back and biceps. Removed rivets from used kit. Started from scratch and added strapping, buttons, snaps and side rivets - all to EIB standards.
  10. We're having an armor party at my house tomorrow man. It's posted on Star Garrison. PM me of you don't see it and want to come round. We're going to grill up some food as well!
  11. "Welcome to Vegas... Move along... Nothing to see here..."
  12. I don't think there is a better. Just a better for your size and skills. Opinions vary, but I have yet to see a bad kit from a kit maker that is recommended on this forum.
  13. OK. I have ordered all of the parts I need. This will be a killer franken-trooper... Can't wait to build and kill! Helmet - AP Neck seal - LSFU Gloves - Zombie Hands Under Armor - EB Chest - ATA Back - ATA Shoulder Bells - ATA Biceps - FX Forearms - AP Ab plate - FX Butt plate - FX Thighs - FX Shins - AP Hands - FX Boots - Ebay - may replace with TK Boots Thermal Detonator - AM Plastic Belt - AP Cloth Belt - TKittell Holster - Darman Buttons - VaderDave Inner Drop Boxes - KWDesigns E-11 - SciFire Blood - Fresh Scan - Ben Nye Wounds - all sorts of scabs, scars and fx makeup kits from Ebay and Amazon + some evil dremel work Bandages - lot of 10 Ace self adhering from Ebay
  14. The top is an FX kit being sold by a 501st member. It's also on the legion boards or here. The bottom is an AM kit that is only half assembled. Neither if these fall under the do not buy in eBay category, but they may not fit you, so they might have to be pried apart and re-assembled after trimming or shimming.
  15. Thanks guys! The red I'm using is called fresh scab from ben Nye. Wicked stuff! I dremeled the helmet to make the scratches, painted in some black to make it look dirty and then used the red scab to make it nasty!
  16. Updated helmet photo (still waiting on armor to become available for the rest of the kit):
  17. I'm on the fence about it. Haven't done it yet, but the diamond shape cut seen earlier in this thread is tempting.
  18. My dog isn't bothered by my TK or WIP Death Trooper...
  19. It's 2012... Anyone have any positives or negatives about this method?
  20. No - return edges are a personal preference. They make the armor look thicker, give it depth. They also are good for armor bites and a good bit of scratching. I know a lot of people remove all of them.
  21. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12972
  22. A return edge is where the armor ends and turns back inwards towards your body. To create one, you need a modeling iron. If you search on this forum for more info., you will see some good tutorial stuff on creating return edges.
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