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Everything posted by FIVE

  1. Yes, I thought as much. And that's honestly what I guess I'm going for. The exterior should look right... the interior needs to simply work for trooping.
  2. Okay! That's where my communication was faltering then. SO... I guess my question is, do I have the right hardware (i.e., split rivets and snaps) for the outside if I only care about the outside?
  3. So is this suit that Mark did with the rivets on the side done with original strapping? This is what (I thought) I was trying to do... but I realize I may be missing something completely.
  4. i.e., my end goal is to be able to go EIB with all of the things needed for that. IF that means I should use a different system for strapping to make it 1) better or 2) possibly easier in the long run... then that's what I should do. I've not touched the armor yet, so this is when to decide.
  5. Okay... I see what you're saying! (this is coming after my last PM btw...) Yes then, I want to keep and use the standard strapping system still. All I want to do is add the rivets and snap on the side to be there as show. So I can do that for show, then add the strapping inside. Is this... or am I... making sense? So basically do this... If this all makes sense I go back to my question above... do the rivets I have look right for the side?
  6. Here's what I got... does this look right? If the word is, "spot on/perfect" then I'm happy... if it's even just "okay" then I'll send more money for different stuff from you Paul. Rivets for side (to be painted white once in) Snaps for right side top ab plate and crotch Of course too I'm planning on just putting the rivets in the side and using the snaps/strapping I got with the kit for the actual connections. But, I want this to be great, and if I have to wait a while to get it right it's worth the wait!
  7. Oh... 'S' spring snaps and brads OR split rivets for the sides... Aren't split rivets accurate for ESB?
  8. Sorry I didn't clarify... which I totally didn't. I found some 3/8" split rivets for the sides... and a set of camping snaps (the same as what you sent on the strapping) for the side male snap and the crotch. So I think I'm good. All the rest is "interior"... right? What are the 'S' spring snaps for and brads for though? (I research and think I know it all then something comes up and I realize I still don't.) I'm really only worried about the exterior looking correct though... the interior should just work.
  9. So where is the best place to get the split rivets and "plain" snaps for the sides and crotch?
  10. Depends on a few things like, where you live (i.e., humidity), how long you waited between coats (the recommended 5 minutes? longer? shorter?) and so on. But yes... 48 hours should be really good. Just touch it somewhere "underneath" at first to make sure it's not tacky or that you don't leave a nice big fingerprint.
  11. Another thing you can do is to use the "flimsy" screen accurate acetate material and simply double it up. It shows up really cool in photos then! That's what I do for my sandtrooper... but for my ESB I'm using the heavier stuff.
  12. I moved the tube stripes and updated the pictures... they're much better now. They weren't "bad" before, but they're really good now.
  13. Okay guys... I got the decals put on, and polished the whole thing with novus (WOW is it shiny now!) How do the tube stripes look? I tried to put them on by referencing pictures, so I'm happy with them, but I wanted to ask. Should be painting the frown and ears tonight or Saturday...
  14. No worries! I got more Testors flat black... I'm sure it will be perfect!
  15. Apparently there isn't a testors "satin"... but I'm heading to the hobby store in a few minutes... so we shall see. I'll do flat if they don't have satin. Or just black satin in some other brand.
  16. Testors flat is better than Testors satin?
  17. Thanks everyone... I'm quite excited. Thanks man. But I don't want that strapping system... I want the one I got. I just want the correct rivets and snaps to show on the outside of the armor. Check out this post by Rich on his build to see what I mean. So... that's what I'm asking. Looks simple enough... 3 rivets... 1 male snap; also the snaps put through the armor at the crotch. I think I can do it... just want to get it right.
  18. Cool... I was just about to ask this.
  19. I know! I love the little pills in the traps! Amazing stuff. That's tough... I love my sandy — duh — but this is some fabulous armor! I think I'll probably troop dirty just as much. It will just be nice to have a "clean TK" for indoor events such as hospitals and such. Haha... I'd say "blessed"... but same sentiment! haha Seriously... I'm still pinching myself! Especially because it got here faster than almost anything I've ever had shipped... I was stunned. Less than a week from Leeds, UK to Albuquerque, USA.
  20. I just got my TM (troopermaster) armour today and am very excited about it. I’m going to do an ESB build with this set of armour and had TM himself assemble the helmet to match the trooper standing outside of the torture room on Cloud City. He has a very specific “nick†in his right eye that I asked to be replicated… and was happy to see it done perfectly! The armour is made from 1.5mm ABS and is incredibly flexible and strong. The coloring is really brilliant too. You’ll notice it looks a bit “off white†in the pictures. It’s not gleaming, brilliant white, but a wonderful shiny, perfect white. Here are pics of the armour right out of the box. The big brown box arrives! (even our cat is getting used to this.) Helmet assembled. Note the "ESB" detailing on the eye. TM left, TE2 right TM bucket ready for detailing! Very helpful labeling. The entire kit. 1.5mm ABS is incredibly flexible! My first question: I got the "standard strapping system" but I want to make it look as screen accurate from the outside as possible... i.e., I want the side snaps and rivets to show where they're supposed to. So what other things do I need to get? Rivets... sizes... number... color... Snaps for the crotch to actually pop through? Etc., etc. Of course I don't care if these things are even functional, I just want the LOOK of them on the outside.
  21. Great method Terry! Thanks for sharing that...
  22. Oh... you can still have a lot of "stuff" with kids too. If I've not proven that, my father certainly did... I have 5 siblings and my dad has every gadget ever made since 1963. And no one offered you help! The thread title says, "Please help!" I'm happy to help... send me 2 (or I suppose I can take 3 if I must). --------
  23. That's Macdaniel Macleod. I'm friends with him on facebook... awesome dude!!
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