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Everything posted by SW1

  1. OK i managed to do some test fitting of the TM weatherd 1 mm armour i did ask the manaquin if i could here are some test fit pics the only thing is the pics dont do the suit any justice or should i say the weathering dose not stand out in these pics , but when i have finished i will get some pro photos done to show this , so just a few test pics let me know what you think troopers;)
  2. Paul i will take the pair 2nd in from the right naf of i here you say , absolutley a great collection of the origanal boots well done mateB)
  3. Nice one mate all your hard work paid of , Paul i now blame you that i have to now sleep eat and drink Ebay and to hopefully net a pair of these babys
  4. Hi Brian , I will be trooping there with the UKG on sunday as a TK i look forward to seeing you there. Steve
  5. Your ton ton will frezze out there , Han , then i see you in hell. Han , Dont get all mushey on me princess .
  6. Hi Shiv, Thanks for your kind words mate , and yes i do want to wear it at MEM in November seeing that it will be my Birthday then , just need to get my butt in gear and get on with the adjustments to the armour look forward to seeing you there Shiv.
  7. Ok Pete i want you to come round to mine mate so we can recreate leias capture sceen , you are truley right mate these thing are made for wearing you look top dollor mate , i look forward to seeing it in the flesh next weekend when i troop with you my freind
  8. Hi John, yer Paul is the master i think you have preety much sumed it all up, and i think my self very lucky to have taken accution of the master piece John if you let me know where you are in the UK i would gladley show it to you in return of one of your ESB blasters only if you want to of caues TTYS Steve
  9. Sorry to here all that mate but iam sure it will all work out for the best keep your chin up and think posative , Rolf you will not be disapionted with Pauls new 1mm armour its unbeliveable keep me posted mate on all acounts. TTYS Steve
  10. Hi Kirby , i orderd a princess leia saber from saberforge just the hilt and it was perfect ,and i instaled Erv,s crystal focus sound board this is his sight if you havent been there yet (www.plectralabs.com)the sounds baords are the dogs do dahs , need any more info let me know mate.
  11. Some incredable photos there Gary that is just one mean Bat , i will look forward to seeing it in the flesh
  12. A very massive Happy Birthday mate enjoy the day , thank you for all your help and kwolage in this hobby , and dont drink to much , i will see you very soon Pete. Steve
  13. Many Thanks Steve, i would say very flexy more than the capped glossed TM i have put it this way Paul said to me you could sit down and have the chest bulging out like Han in the detention block , so i tried it and yes he was right just like Han but i did feel some armour bites so it was not that comfortable to sit for a great amout of time , but hay thats what it was like for them in the movie,top of chest cutting in to your neck ,biceps falling of the hooks, oh i luv it so if it was good enough for the origanal ANH troopers that will do for me ,plus i do need to do some allterations on the strapping to get it to fit a bit better, Oh Yes Steve when could you sort me one of your accuratte neck seals mate
  14. Thanks Rich , they uesd to call me MR Bump at school , dont mean to taunt you mate but tough sh.t yes you will have revenge , so that just leaves one thing have to get together and battle it out
  15. SB meets TM ANH MR SET FOR STUN just a couple of pics had to be done , i need to post pics for ESB EIB now i have more or less completed it and i will post it under ESB request
  16. Hi Pete , i just luv the second pic down proper pose mate
  17. iam sure i will see that in the flesh in a couple of weeks , looking forward to meeting you Mark
  18. Absolutly incredabal Pete cant wait to see it in the flesh, and can you tell that Bat to smile
  19. I love it Mark you really put your armour to the test and treat it how it was treated back in the day
  20. Hi Rolf how you doing mate , thank you for your kind words , Rolf you have got to get your self one of these they are awsome mate and it would look great with TM sand trooper
  21. Yes Mark your armour will be in that condition if you continue to drop it and throgh it around just seen the video of you and Pete, you wash i dry , very nice and very amusing mate , see you soon.
  22. Very nice mate very screen accurate with the bicep hooks, and i like the mod on the thighs to it all proceding as i had planed the emprour would be very proud of you
  23. Hi Mathias, Maybe enough to make a movie , no but seriously i have the CAP/TE ESB CLOUD CITY , TM ESB , TM STUNT , TM HERO ,and my new baby TM SFS WEATHERD , i did have a SDS HERO but i sold that it was to flimsey and could crack quite easly plus i thought it was oversized , Mathias i will have to get them all together and take some pics and get them posted on here
  24. Many Thanks Dameian and Jesse it means a lot , and may Paul keep makeing his work of art and his got it bang on with the accuracey of the 1977 armour when you put it on you really do feel you have step back on to the movie set in 1977, and this is good to see troopers building there armour the same way now like the straping method and to get there armour as accurate as the origanals , its so wounderfull to see
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