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Femtrooper Julie

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Femtrooper Julie

  1. Ouch! A Parade is never a good idea! The AM kit says to use Velcro on all the parts, but most guys use snaps and straps. Are you with your local Garrison? The best way is to get with people who know!
  2. Next time I will post an open invite. This was a full day shoot, from 9am to 10pm. Three photographers, makeup artists, great food, great people, and a great time! Wait until you guys see all the shots! They would be worth a plane ticket over to be in the next one! Of course I promise to be a good hostess for anyone who flies in. I even have a spare bedroom! I am not kidding, there must be over 1000 shots taken. They filled up multiple memory cards. The photogs are processing the shots and putting them up a little at a time, and then at the end we get a full DVD of all the shots. I am going to make a book of prints!
  3. My original plan was to do Juno and get some great shots, but to tell the truth, I popped a vessel in my left eye after a little bang up surfing, and it really looked hideous! The photog liked femtrooper better anyway, and we decided pirate femtrooper would be a hot look and I could still shoot! So I am going to try and use some of the Juno shots I have now for the card! The Outpost made a flikr stream, more shots will be on there: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pac501/ I'll keep posting to share with FISD. We had three TK's in the shots, they looked great!
  4. The Pacific Oupost hosted a photoshoot potluck/movie day on Saturday, and we had a great time! Several hundred photos were taken, and eventually they will all be up. I wanted to share some of them with you all as they are coming out! I was trying for a tougher and badder femtrooper, so I went lwss glam and more bad! What do you all think?
  5. I helped with a friend building an AP, it felt sorta flimsy before we used the rubber spray on it, that seemed to firm it up and give more "heft" to the helmet. If I was a TK, I'd line it.
  6. I used the appliance expoxy paint on my armor, it really turned out shiny, and I assure you I am no pro with a spray gun!
  7. I am 4'11" and 95, let me know how it goes! I had given up on my TK dream and just went Juno, but if you can pull it off...
  8. Whoo hoo! You have been a great supporter of the 501st, and well deserved! Looking great!
  9. Like I said on the 501st page, congrats! You serve with unquestioned loyalty, and it shows!
  10. man, I ordered an AP regular in October, sent my deposit, and have not seen anything yet. No answer to my last email. I should've gotten a second
  11. Believe it or not, a standard scotch tape roll is a perfect fit! My roommate thought I was crazy spinning all the tape off a new roll Find a little magnifying glass (I got mine at radio shack), and you got it made!
  12. can always build your helmet and collect parts like they said, and finish up! In the meantime, get to know your garrison people and hang out at events
  13. Congrats! You need to find some minions to help! It can be a lot of fun messing with armor, but always gerat to find people who have done it before. Like other said, contact your local garrison and see if you can get with them. Even just seeing a completed kit really helps you understand what it takes to do one!
  14. Off to a good start! Keep us posted!
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