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revlimiter's R1/Remnant/??? Fiberglass TK Build


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Three build threads on FISD? Not counting blaster builds? Yeah.



I did this meme shortly after my BBB day last September.



I got this right about the same time that I started my HWT build. And while I was (and am) super excited, I didn't want to get distracted and have a partial HWT pack thread.


And then like 3-4 months passed.


So here's my R1TK build!



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This is a Jimmy kit that I got 2nd hand from the 501st forum. I paid about retail, but got it NOW and basically free shipping.



It's a very pretty kit.  The details are SO sharp.



I mean, them abs. Look at that 9 pack.



So sharp. And tons of pinholes and low spots, but so sharp.



MMmmmmmm. Bucket! It came with all the good jimmiroquai stuff. Visor, Mimban visor, etc.



And it's ITCHY. Omg. Every time I pick up a piece I'm itchy for the rest of the day. I hate haaaaate fiberglass. So after the armor recently came back out of the BBB, the first thing it got was a light coating of Justin's Fibreglast 1110 vinylester flexible resin on the inside surface. Just one coat. I know it'll need more, especially after some parts are trimmed, but now I can at least pick up armor panels without itching for the rest of the day.



I also have a rather beat up Black Series bucket that's gonna get sliced all apart and turned into something more accurate. And, as the background hints, I've got a shiny new baby resin printer just kickin' the parts out for various projects.



I bought Nico's helmet print files. I'm not sure I'll print the entire thing, but having key parts on hand to help bring this toy into Screen Accurate Land (tm) will be nice. I got these prints out of it last night. Just lovely stuff.



I've also printed a set of @BigJasoni's belt boxes. Using his suggested Siraya 80% Fast / 20% Tenacious resin mix!  It's an amazing resin mixture. I've thrown several of these boxes across the shop and watched them bounce off the wall with no damage. I hollowed the boxes and hope to actually have them be functional on the belt with a combo of magnets and elastic.



The sharp edges and perfect finish are just incredible to me. I've been printing filament for about 10 years. Never got into resin till after this past Black Friday. I was missing out.



So. WHAT am I building?

That's the question I keep asking myself. I don't necessarily want to have this armor set be a Rogue One TK, but that's the most logical first step. I'll get it approved for R1 and then go from there.


I really like the Mapuzo troopers from Kenobi. They had just the right amount of filth. They weren't partially dressed like many of the Mando remnants. So I might try to do that after finishing the kit. MAYBE help with or at least follow in the footsteps of a CRL creator? I don't have any burning desire to blaze paths or be the first for a given CRL, but I do wanna help with them.


I also really love the yellow guy. The Artillery/Mortar/Shell Trooper. I have indeed purchased the 3D files for the mortar pack and launcher and they may be printing on 3 of my 4 printers at this moment...  This armor could end up with some yellow stripes. One bucket will almost certainly stay yellow.


I also like the R1 Incinerator TK. So red and angry! This armor might stay red at the end of it's build, but that flame gun would take soooooo long to print. I dunno.


All I know is I have to build a Rogue One TK first. And I have to get off my butt and do a build thread. So here we are.

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10 hours ago, revlimiter said:




I bought Nico's helmet print files. I'm not sure I'll print the entire thing, but having key parts on hand to help bring this toy into Screen Accurate Land (tm) will be nice. I got these prints out of it last night. Just lovely stuff.



I've also printed a set of @BigJasoni's belt boxes. Using his suggested Siraya 80% Fast / 20% Tenacious resin mix!  It's an amazing resin mixture. I've thrown several of these boxes across the shop and watched them bounce off the wall with no damage. I hollowed the boxes and hope to actually have them be functional on the belt with a combo of magnets and elastic.



The sharp edges and perfect finish are just incredible to me. I've been printing filament for about 10 years. Never got into resin till after this past Black Friday. I was missing out.



So. WHAT am I building?

That's the question I keep asking myself. I don't necessarily want to have this armor set be a Rogue One TK, but that's the most logical first step. I'll get it approved for R1 and then go from there.


I really like the Mapuzo troopers from Kenobi. They had just the right amount of filth. They weren't partially dressed like many of the Mando remnants. So I might try to do that after finishing the kit. MAYBE help with or at least follow in the footsteps of a CRL creator? I don't have any burning desire to blaze paths or be the first for a given CRL, but I do wanna help with them.


I also really love the yellow guy. The Artillery/Mortar/Shell Trooper. I have indeed purchased the 3D files for the mortar pack and launcher and they may be printing on 3 of my 4 printers at this moment...  This armor could end up with some yellow stripes. One bucket will almost certainly stay yellow.


I also like the R1 Incinerator TK. So red and angry! This armor might stay red at the end of it's build, but that flame gun would take soooooo long to print. I dunno.


All I know is I have to build a Rogue One TK first. And I have to get off my butt and do a build thread. So here we are.


YEEEEESSSSSS!!! Another ROTK/ Anthology/ New Generation Build thread. Alright Adam, there's tons to unpack here, but let's get to a few of the big ones.


Nico Bucket vs. Jim's Bucket:
I'm a little tossed here. I think we all agree that Jim's helmet is a nicely modified BS helmet, but Nico's was designed from the ground up and he didn't miss very many details. Jim's helmet is great and I'm finishing mine up right now, but it needs a few modifications to get it up to EIB or Centurion level. For Jim's helmet, you'll have to add the eye bump and even though it isn't listed as a requirement for any level certification, the inside corners of the eyes are very pointy. This only requires slight modification, but it was enough to bug me. The rest of the helmet is awesome and my only gripe is that the neck opening has a built-in trim that precludes you from using separate rubber trim if you want. Again, rubber trim isn't required, but it's one of those little things that really set the helmet apart if you do it.


Nico's helmet is beautiful if finished correctly. Initially I wasn't even considering doing one, but after printing a Mando and Shoretrooper helmet with Carbon Fiber filament, I couldn't pass on the opportunity to do a TK. You already pointed out Nico's separate tears and traps which are totally accurate, but we've already seen the props department pivot with how these parts are done. In the Anthology movies and the Mandalorian series, the separate details were adhered to a black backing and glued onto the bucket's tear and trap recesses. However, it Kenobi, we've seen behind-the-scene photos of TKs holding their buckets clearly showing that the tears and traps were cut out and backed with black fabric for additional airflow. Honestly, I'm more of a glue them on kind of guy because cutting those out is a nightmare.

Next Nico's bucket has all the EIB/ Centurion details added in. Some will argue whether the eye bump is there and that's the point. That asymmetry was so minute on the buckets that you really need to study it to see it. Additionally, Nico's has separate ears, brow and chin piece which are all clearly noticeable in the references, and it's intended to be finished with rubber neck trim. If you grab a set of Paul Prentice's eye lenses, or form some yourself using Nico's buck, you're all set. Here's a gripe though: Nico's Hovi Mics are ugly. Get an accurate set and use those instead.


If you just want to get your bucket on, add the little details to Jim's, paint it and throw it on, but if you want something that's as close to accurate as possible, finish Nico's.    


Belt Boxes:
I'm really happy to see people printing these off. Again, Jim's boxes meet all the requirements, but I was really after those crisp edges and the accurate detail on top of the middle box. The Fast/ Tenacious mix is great and still serves as my primary resin, but I'm now leaning more towards Siraya Tech Blu for small pieces like this. Blu is advertised as an "impact resistant" and so far I'm finding it to be more durable than the aforementioned mix. However, if you need any kind of flexibility in your prints, I still reach for the Fast/ Tenacious combo. Here's a new belt I just put together a few days ago



Another cool thing about the Fast/ Tenacious and Blu resin is that you can drill a pilot hole in them and use screws to attach them directly to the belt. The last time I did this with PETG, the plastic stripped out a little bit which lead me to fasten them another way. But, with that said, here's one of the cooler things you can do with this resin:



M3 Heat Set Inserts. This really opens the door for tons of possibilities. If you want to grab some, you can get them here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D683Q26


What Am I Building:
Almost endless possibilities. Of course, the CRL already exists for the ROTK, so yes, you can move from there. However, if you do decide to move forward with one of the many New Generation variants, we've started discussing the CRL here: 

Personally, I think the Mapuzo trooper is perfect and exactly what I want out of a TK. The artillery trooper is pretty awesome, but other than the Hot Toys collectible, the accessory references are lacking; this is the same for the incinerator trooper. The paint scheme for both is obvious and apparent in the shows, but I wish we saw more of their packs and weapons. Overall, if you're just going for shiny white, just be aware that there's a few different paint elements on these as compared to the ROTK, i.e. end caps on the TD.


Ultimately, I wish you happy trails and a smooth build. Hit me up any time you have any questions, and I really look forward to seeing this come together.


Oh yeah... I'll be posting my new kidney plate in the 3D repository soon. Mwaaaaaahaaaahaaaa...






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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't been slacking.


well... I've kinda been slacking. Instead of working on my armor I decided to build my E-11b. Because you need a blaster for EIB, right?!





Back around Christmas, Santa brought me THIS! It's the Sterling airsoft gun that was the E-11b base. Same blaster used in the movie for the hero shots and from which molds were taken.  I'd planned to use Bryan's @trooper96 excellent 3D files, but since this metal one dropped in my lap, who was I to say no?



And I used a lot of Bryan's 3D files anyway. They're all accurate to the E-11b and are based on this same airsoft gun, so they all fit.


I was surprised to see this Siraya resin mix come out translucent. Once cured it's far less clear, but it sure looks cool on the build plate.



The funky power cylinder straight from the printer. Everything required extremely minor sanding to get perfectly smooth.



Since it's the airsoft gun, I went for the all metal hero blaster rail variant. I printed up the little blocks for rail mounting, but this way just seemed nicer. I also drilled and tapped the resin printed scope for mounting. Pretty sweet that the resin is that resilient. (Siraya 80% Fast ABS-like / 20% Tenacious FTW!)



I splurged on the short magazine from evike. It's fully functional and apparently holds about 50 pellets. Instead of destroying my long magazine to cut it down, spending $28 on this seemed like a good choice. And the length matches the R1 screen-used ones.



The weather has been terrible here lately. I've been waiting for a day warm enough to paint for ages. I finally just did some small spraying in the garage. Here's everything after about 5 coats of Krylon Fuzion.



A last step with the scope getting lenses fitted to it.  I love the red lens in my resin Quest Design blaster and thought it would be fun to have in this one as well.


annnnd... here's the result of about two week's work.



I tried to weather it the same as the promo blaster in the reference thread including the slight bend in the scope rail.






I've got the large eagle scope on this one since that's what I had laying around.  This counter came from Blaster Factory and was meant to hold the BlastFX electronics in my Leia Leveller... but I've given up ever receiving that kit.  I think it looks lovely on this blaster and am planning to keep it. Hopefully the small eagle counter isn't a CRL requirement.


.... literally after typing that I looked at the CRL and discovered the small eagle IS required for Centurion.  :6: Guess I'll be printing another counter soon. ugh. Anyways, continuing on...



Replica M300 flashlight and a VERY hard to find picatinny rail with the mounting holes outside of the three rails. It's not perfectly accurate since the far edges of the rail don't slope inwards, but it IS metal and works very nicely.



The flashlight also works. :D



Correct 1943 scope and R1 power cylinder. The folding stock is back in this shot, but I seem to have not taken one with the stock out and the blaster laying flat...



You can even see an image though the scope. It's not very sharp, but you can see through it!  I also printed my TK number on the counter.



And lastly... a glimpse into my disorder. How does this happen you might ask? Gradually. It happens gradually.


Next up I hope to start tearing into some helmets.

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SUPER nice job on that weapon, Adam! 


"And lastly... a glimpse into my disorder. How does this happen you might ask? Gradually. It happens gradually".


Amen, brother.  It becomes an obsession.


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