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TK-2416 requesting elite status.[26][FX]

Guest DavetheDane

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Guest TK-2416

Hi all you white troopers – Think I wanna give it a try!! TK-2416 requesting elite status!!




FX headless

MR CE Modified – Ordered a TE ABS – should be here within a month or so

Vaderdave’s ANH buttons (just got it today - thanks!)

Firebladejedi Canvasbelt

Smitty’s 6th t-track for my Hasbro blaster (with resin kit)

Ab and kidney plate cut

White fabric for closing side gaps.. Will go for ABS later..

TD with banker’s clip (TK-2416 engraved!)


Nomex gloves

Neck seal.



What do you think guys!!??


Thanks for a great site - with great people and great information!!






Links to my photobucket:

























And my team :D :



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Everything looks fine in my opinion and I think you are Elite ready... hope so :).


Only thing I would like to put my finger on is that it looks like you have the MR CE helmet and you havn't filled the gap/crack thingie..... check this picture to see what I mean... on the pic it's filled with the red stuff:


I think I read that it's required. You just need to put some white stuff there and smooth it out with your finger.

But I'm new here so don't take my word for it.

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Thanks for the input - I have already done this mod, used white silicone. Perhaps the pics doesnt show this good enough...




Good to hear you've done it. It's just this picture that seems to have that crack/edge thingy:

click to view it in full size or it wont show because of the resize, at least here with my resolution.


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Guest TK-2416

Thanks for the great input:


New pics taken and compared to his cousin (no mods).. Cousin to the right and mod to the left:











Cousin (no mod):



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White fabric for closing side gaps.. Will go for ABS later..


Good call. Actually we're working on tightening up the wording to dis-allow using fabric to close the side gaps and specifying matching plastic only.


Looks good - let's see if anyone else finds nits ;-)



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Guest TK-2416

Hi Daetrin - congrats young man!! 40 is no age at all ;)


Well I just upgraded the armor once more - replaced the white fabric for the side gaps with ABS. The ABS belt which was replaced by the canvas belt was used for this upgrade.








So guys - only two comments so far! I really would like your input here!





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Guest TK-2416

Hi SuperTrooper!


Thanks for the input!! - I added one t-track which adds up to 6 in total. The hasbro blaster has 5 in total, so I only added one t-track.. I think I saw this aswell from one of the elite application and it was approved.. If I cover the remaing line of holes the total will be seven.


Please advice!!


I still have pleanty t-tracks so I could to the upgrade in no time!

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The accurate blasters have 6 and have the lower left row open because of the bayonette lug. The hasbro has T-track on the lower left strip, so if you covered both rows you would have 7. I'll talk to Scott about what the best solution is for the elite requirements.


Stand by....

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The accurate blasters have 6 and have the lower left row open because of the bayonette lug. The hasbro has T-track on the lower left strip, so if you covered both rows you would have 7. I'll talk to Scott about what the best solution is for the elite requirements.


Stand by....


I 100% agree the extra T-Track is needed. These was one app that had the lower set of vent holes showing on the mag side of the E-11 (this is where the bayonet lug goes), so that would be the only instance and location the vent holes could be visible. The Hasbro's (even modded) are so inaccurate to start with, it is very hard to use specific language about the blasters to describe them.


The new pic is awesome, and your rig looks great!!! Elite status approved. I would like to ask that maybe you could update your posts so the pics actually show in the thread. This makes it much easier for others to see and enjoy your work, as well las for me to view the whole setup.


Nice job trooper!!! Paul, would you be so kind to do the honors?



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Done! Congratulations David - the first Elite Stormtrooper from Denmark and also the Nordic Garrison



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Guest TK-2416

Thanks alot - Proud to be a member of the Elite group and the first from Scandinavia :D


It's been great fun upgrading the armor and a way of prolonging the build - now I need to look for other projects - he he


I will fix the pictures, no problem..


And regarding the E11 modf. Hasbro - I agree ;) cant wait to get my hands on a Hyperfirm or other better alternatives, but simply havent been that lucky... But my eyes are open


All the best



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