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TFA Stormtrooper Helmet on taobao.com


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Hi there. 

I saw a TFA helmet that is sold on the China's taobao. The seller makes props and costumes for a living for the TV production.




Can experts advise me on the looks and closeness to true form , with regards to this bucket ? 

He even sells the whole armor kit as well. I am contemplating on it. 




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Someone who knows the helmets better will have to tell you more definitively, but at first glance it seems not right. It doesn't seem to have the "duck face" quite right and little serials seem "off" to my untrained eye.


As far as the armor, it looks terribly made. Look at the pictures at the end of the guy going on a date (?) with a stormtrooper chick and singing. There are deep seams on the side, mis-sized parts everywhere, pieces with different colors, pieces with the wrong shape, and other problems. It seems the way Rubies is for the OT stormtrooper--nice at first glance, but terrible when you look closely.

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Awful.  Just awful.  But whaddaya want for $100.00?  Interesting how the word KIMI is built in to the sculpt on the bottom of the back in large letters.

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