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Toys R Us


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Yesterday there were a few local Toys R Us Stores that had us come out and promote a Hasboro product launch. There were 3 locations that we divided our forces between.


The unfortunate part is that the photographer went with the guys at one of the stores that neither Keith nor I were at and my back up photographer couldn't make it, lol.


The store I was at had Vader, Boba, ANH Luke and myself. We had a blast! :D Not sure what kind of turn put Keith's store had. I'll let him fill you in.




I was the first to finish getting suited up so they sent me out solo to get people excited and of course, being a shiny white TK, they got excited all right! :D It was like I was a shiny white kid-magnet!


The kids were great, showing me their recent Star Wars purchases and smothering me with hugs and high-fives. Heck there were quite a few of the 'big kids' getting all giddy over a real life Stormtrooper!


There was one poor kid who's mom had him in the shopping cart seat and he was practically dancing in his seat to get a better look at me. So of course I had to go up to him and give him a high-five and a hug! :D I just love the huge grins they get when they interact with you!


Roughly 10-15 minutes later Vader, Luke and Boba made their appearance and everyone went ballistic with excitement at seeing us all together. Having a face character like Luke really made it easier for the more shy kids to open up and come check us out.


There was one kid who was peeking out at us from a display so naturally, I had to hide behind Vader and peek out at the kid. It was great fun.


We of course had to make our way to the Star Wars section and check out the toys! I snagged a cute little mini plush Stormtrooper.


The best part, imo, was one little girl who was slightly shy about getting her picture taken with us and seemed to warm up to me a little better than the other guys. I leaned down a told her that I would let her in on a little secret - girls can be stormtroopers too. Her eyes lit up at hearing I was a girl and she hugged me. Her dad was saying, "wow, there's a girl in there!" and that his daughter could be a trooper. She nodded vigorously and excitedly! :D It was a fantastic feeling.


A short troop but any excuse to suit up and I am there having a great time! hehehe.


Here's some of the pics from the store that our photographer went to. They had a great time with the droids R2-D2, R2-FG, Captain Rex and two scout troopers:



Edited by gmrhodes13
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Those ARE the droids you're looking for! :P

I love telling girls that I'm a girl inside my TK, too.

Looks like you'll have to do some MORE trooping so we get some pics!

Thanks for sharing. I look forward to everybody's troops! Fun stuff!

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You knot it, Keith! Armor Party and Troop! :D Saturday is going to be awesome.


Sadly, there are so many troops in October it is literally impossible to attend them all due to time and location! Geeze =/

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October is shaping up to be a very busy troop month for the CG and the Tantive IV Boarding Party Fire Team!!! See you guys Saturday! No neighborhood trooping until I get there!!!

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