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Roukie 1

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Roukie 1

  1. BBB is ike x-mas. Nice set you got. I´ve red about Head Shop Props but didn´t see their armor yet. Looking forward to your build.
  2. Welcome. Nice to see, there´s another R1TK coming up. I also built my R1 from 850 Armor Works. Have fun and keep us up to date
  3. Hi Marcel, greetings form another german Enjoy browsing through this forum. There a plenty of tipps and tricks available. What are you going to do?
  4. Thank you all. I wanted to sign in my son to the Galactic Academy. Unfortunately there is no General Hux to be chosen as favourite character. On the other hand, my son just wants to accompany me to "our" troops. (as I become a member of the 501st) He loves to wear the uniform, but is not that deep into the SW Universe, that he would join the GA. He wants to wait `til he can join the 501st. Hope I could explain it right
  5. without wrinkles and crinkles
  6. Thanks. Time will tell if my son maybe changes his mind. You know how kids are
  7. Thanks I´m afraid, I´ll have to get a new armor. To be honest, I´m a little scared about the complexity of the FOTK armor. In case, I get my approval for my R1TK, does my son accompany me to the events?
  8. After my R1 was ready, my son also wanted to be a part of the Empire. Due to his hair colour he wanted to become Armitage Hux. I ordered a cosplay uniform for him, as he is just 16 years old. Later, when he is old enough, we either go futher with this costume or he will get a TK armor. It needs some ironing and little tweaking. But he wanted to wear it right away.
  9. Thanks. You just need some figures and a camera. That´s the other one I took from the Biker. Of course I am. Let us see, how it looks
  10. Didn't expect this "impact". I've got some ideas for more pictures. In my upcoming holidays I'll try it again.
  11. Of course. It'll be an honor if you do so.
  12. Last weekend I felt a little bit bored. so I took some Trooper in my garden for inspection. Okay, the Clones also wanted to go outside.
  13. I also built an 950 Armor Works R1. As it was already mentioned, there is a little guesswork and figuring out what has to be done. But meanwhile there are some other builds of this kit. I´m quite satisfied with the kit overall. Actually I´m waiting to get my approval. You can take a look to my WIP. Have fun and ask as much as you need to.
  14. I did it so. Unlike the ANH TK. I sewed a piece of hook and loop to my undersuit, glued the other part on the inside of the armor. works quite good. If you opt to go EIB or Centurion, you have to wear another undersuit with ribs. This helps to keep the forearms in its place.
  15. As I also had problems with painting my bucket. I went to a store to let them mix the right colour and fill it in a spraycan. They did a really good job. It took a while to find the right sort of white. But in the end it matches very good. I didn´t want paint my whole armor, because of cracking and flaking, as the ABS is quite flexible. Finally I ended with a bucket that has its flaws. But from a decent distance it looks quite good. Oh, it´s a BS R1 helmet
  16. NFORMATION: 1. First/Last Name: Andreas Johann 2. Future Garrison/Squad/Outpost: German Garrison / White Shadows Squad 3. Armour Maker: 850 Armor Works 4. Helmet Maker: modified Black Series Rogue One Helmet 5. Cloth Belt Maker: 6. Neck Seal Maker: Darmans Prop Shop (ordered and on its way) 7. Boot Maker: painted Chelse Boots 9. Blaster Maker: DoopyDoos with T-Jays completion kit 11. Height: 5’ 8” 12. Weight: 88 kg 13. TK Type: Rogue One The shin is only twisted on this foto. What do you guys think of my build?
  17. How´s the armor doing? Or are you first building the helmet? I´d like to follow another R1 WIP.
  18. Finished my 850 Armor Works TK. Approval has been sent today.
  19. Just a sneak preview of my armor. There is still a little work to be done. Like cutting the sides of the barrel and finishing my accurate helmet. Yeah, I forgot the boots Any thoughts and tipps?
  20. That's the way I attach the TD to the belt. I don't rely on snaps.
  21. A short question Has the TD to be glossy or matt grey? Is it the admiral grey, like the buttons on the abdominal?
  22. Thanks Tino. As you watch closely, you can see, the targetcross is the wrong way in. I´m such a "Blindschleiche"
  23. Thanks to the shutdown over here, I can´t finish my armor. The resin parts still need paint, so does the helmet aswell, but all stores which could provide me the matching white are closed for public.The bucket on my mannequin I ordered just to have a helmet for display
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