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Everything posted by TKSpartan

  1. Hi Ardeshir , and thank you for your EIB application! CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Expert Infantry. Congratulations! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly; In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions. Looking at the under suit, it looks very wrinkled in that area, not a big deal and probably noticeable only when under direct light. But we pointed since we can see it Reference Images *************************************************** Centurion Requirements: In this section we prepare you for our highest tier of approval. Because Centurion photos must show more detail than EIB, items pertaining to Level 3 might be seen there and not here and additional photos may be required. We try to point out all that we can from what we are able to clearly see, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper.  Moving down the calves , they seem too big, a lot of gap can be seen between the armor and the leg(pic. 1). This is something we could see in your previous TFA application (pic. 2), but it seems that in this case, it is a bit more evident... #1 Current app different angle #2 Previous TFA app  Once more, Congratulations Trooper !!!
  2. Hi Dave, If you're talking about making a Inferno Squad Tie Pilot costume, the best source for info could be the Jolly Roger Sq Detachment https://jrs501st.com/ One suggestion for boots and gloves I could give is Crowprops https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/products
  3. Hi welcome to FISD Boots: Vendor: Imperial Boots https://www.imperialboots.com/product/421/ NOTE: Imperial boots are 100% approvable at every level, but they only open once a month for orders. They can run a bit small, so I suggest ordering a half size larger than what you normally wear. Make your own: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/27565-how-i-did-my-boots-tkboots-alternative/
  4. Hi Ardeshir In order to continue with your review, I would need you to address a couple of details on your TFA submission. 1- Update de F11 D Blaster Photo with NO Picatinny Rail, even though you have clarified it was removed for the full armor action photo, we would like to avoid any confusion for future applicants. 2- As the CRl states for Level 2 : 3D printed blasters can not contain visible print lines and must be sanded smooth for a more realistic appearance. Your SE-44C Pistol looks like showing some printed lines that will need be sanded a bit more .
  5. Hi Dimitri and glad to read you're aiming for Centurion Level. Bellow some references for you. Start with the Ab section , you can mark the places first and come to check before making any hole.
  6. Welcome Tom. Good luck with your project and looking forward for your advances.
  7. Hi Ardeshir, and thank you for your EIB application! CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Expert Infantry. Congratulations! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly; In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions. Another great build Ardeshir! Bellow we pointed some minor dressing issues that can make you look the very best. Your forearms seems to be touching the hand plates a bit , and we suggest you can get them up an inch approx. to solve it. - Looking at the under suit, it looks very wrinkled in that area, not a big deal and probably noticeable only when under direct light. But we pointed since we can see it The following two items are not indicated into the crl (not yet), but they're details noted in the TLJ blaster reference images and the first one is the the rear sight, in most of the TLJ version a rounded one can be seen, different from the TFA angled version. The second one is the Pic rail screws . References show the Pic rail attached with black screws *************************************************** Centurion Requirements: In this section we prepare you for our highest tier of approval. Because Centurion photos must show more detail than EIB, items pertaining to Level 3 might be seen there and not here and additional photos may be required. We try to point out all that we can from what we are able to clearly see, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper. According to the reference images, your TD has a very noticeable gap between the back armor and the backing plate.  Moving down the calves , they seem too big, a lot of gap can be seen between the armor and the leg(pic. 1). This is something we could see in your previous TLJ application(pic. 2), but it seems that in this case, it is a bit more evident... #1 Current app different angle #2 Previous TLJ app Previous TLJ-E app Reference Images Even though a picatinny rail is present, it would be located centered in the right side of the barrel. Easy fix .   And that's all Ardeshir. Congratulations for another EIB . !!
  8. Looking good Alan, If I may , prior to submit for 501st approval with your GML, a great source of feedback on your Armor build is to post in the bellow Section. There are always some details that once fixed can make you to look your best.
  9. Welcome to FISD. Good luck and looking forward for your Build thread
  10. Bienvenido al FISD Pedro !!! Que bien que ya tengas tu FO TK. Dejanos ver más fotos!! Este Link te lleva directo a la zona de los FO TKS por si quieres echar un ojo y este otro es un indice de temas que te pueden resultar útiles en su momento. Welcome to FISD Pedro. Let see some more photos!! @Chemi y yo estamos a la orden si prefieres en Español.
  11. welcome Bill. looking forward for your advances !
  12. As expected, great to see your Centurion submission brother. Added to the processing line. @justjoseph63 will be with you ASAP.
  13. Hi Ardeshir, In order to finish this EIB app we still need you to make the two updates requested: 1- Update the Helmet showing the correct from teeth number . 2- Since your request of allowing the Black D-ring is in an initial phase and this can take some time, following the right process , the update your F11-D Blaster with the correct D-Ring following the CRL as it at this time would be necessary . As Andrew @Sly11 responded before in this post "You presented a case, and it is being worked on, your case is not ignored, it is being handles with the same level of action ans seriousness that all CRL potential updates are given. In fact it is also being expanded upon, but like all balanced and fair systems the process takes time. You know this first hand as the TLJ thread has been running for over 2 years, we had no correct images so we couldn't update until we did. Patience is the key here, this needs to be done in the correct fashion and that is the fair and balanced way to do it for everyone concerned including our current and future members. I have offered up more possibilities in that thread because you are correct, this isn't about a D ring colour, it is about multiple variations and different parts, and if we consider one, we need to consider more, and it deserves the due process of discussion, and outcomes to be put to membership polls. I think its pretty clear that we are invested in continuing to update our CRL's, so your patience and understanding are appreciated." IMHO, you could update this submission as the current CRL requirements and move on or we can let it on hold till the CRL updating process finish later on. Thank you for your patience brother.
  14. Congratulations for your BBB day, Good luck with your build !!
  15. Keep on moving Trooper !! Great Work !!
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