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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by kman

  1. Agreed with the posts above here. It CAN be forced into a Rogue One bucket, but the rest of the armor is still a question mark. It's not appropriate for ANH. The thread linked above to pre-vetted vendors is the best option for classic Original Trilogy stormtrooper armor.
  2. Just ignore those small rebel ships buzzing around outside... ships that small couldn't possibly do anything to a station this size.
  3. Good tutorial. I like mine mounted in the traditional way, but this method is definitely more safe for those concerned about their ability to get the covers off without damage. I do recommend cutting the Anovos belt away carefully, rather than just hacking it off. You never know when a spare belt (such as it is!) might come in handy, in an emergency.
  4. One word of warning: Make sure the 9v rechargeable is actually rated at 9 volts! Regular Alkaline AA batteries are rated at 1.5v. But rechargeable AAs are usually rated at 1.2 volts. That's fine for most things, but if the "9v" rechargeable is actually 8.6v or something like that, it may not deliver enough juice to the ROM/FX. As long as it's a true 9v, you should be all set.
  5. I did the same. $0.50 of chain from Lowe's gave me enough links to add d rings for about 8 blasters. (minimum they'll sell is one foot) Two minutes with a hack saw and 1 drilled hole later, and I had a d ring. Black lamp chain so I didn't even need to paint it!
  6. If the specific batteries you're trying aren't good or stable, then it might not work. But the theory is sound, so as long as the batteries supply power in the right voltage range, all should be fine.
  7. Yes, it works fine, as long as you can deliver the correct voltage. I use a voltage step-up from a 5V cell charger battery.
  8. Garrisons are based on where you live, so if you'll be moving a lot, you'll be changing garrisons a lot. The nice thing is you'll get to know a lot of people in a lot of different garrisons! Just put in the request to be transferred whenever you move, should be no problem, just a little bit of paperwork on the back end, is all. You can use the main unit listing on the 501st website to figure out which garrison you'll be in for any given location. Wherever you live now is a good place to start! https://www.501st.com/members/displayUnits.php
  9. Most suits are ABS. It's easiest to work with. That would be my choice, personally. TM makes some nice armor.
  10. Looking shiny! I'd agree your belt looks a tad lopsided. And the screw upgrade for the TD is super simple... not certain it's required for EIB vs Centurion, but it's certainly an easy (and cheap) upgrade. I would definitely move a belt upgrade to the top of the wish list, though. That Anovos belt isn't doing you any favors.
  11. If it's hard and dried enough, rubbing it with your thumb may seem inadequate. In that case, grab a rag (clean and white so you don't stain your armor! old undershirts are ideal) and wrap that around your finger. The shirt is soft so it won't damage your armor, but it adds a lot of extra friction that helps a LOT for clearing out the E6000. (also helps save your fingers from rubbing raw!) Also, guitar picks are pretty handy for deal with excess.
  12. Tagged to reference these great pics, for when I have time to start tearing down the Big Fig I bought.
  13. True, but Rebels is a totally different CRL from regular OT TKs. I noticed that about the insignias on the pauldrons, though! That was new!
  14. The nicest thing about FB is the free image hosting (ignoring the fact that they absolutely destroy any semblance of fidelity to the original image). The worst thing about FB is searching and long time archival of posts and data (go ahead, try to find one of your own posts from a year ago that doesn't come from FB "memories" function!). And then there's the incredible dependency on a third party's good will to make a home to our (your) content, and zero tech support should anything go crosswise. And don't get me started on the privacy considerations. Of course, FB is a multi-billion dollar organization that makes money off of ads. FISD is volunteer supported on a shoestring, funded by donations. FB has it's place, but in no way should it replace the forums.
  15. It's pretty common around here, although mostly among those with smaller cars that can't fit the bigger model. You have to get creative with packing, but you should be able to fit everything inside except the helmet. It's a well made, sturdy case, otherwise.
  16. It's been busted since at least June. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/37622-expert-infantry-tab-on-main-nav-bar/ Not really worth fixing, with the upgrade so imminent.
  17. eBay. There are also several vendors here in the sales forum who sell various die cut things, including cogs, who could sell you one.
  18. Gotcha. Looks good! Maybe see if you can get a die-cut vinyl cog to put on the base of the stand, and it would make it that much cooler.
  19. Looks good! You make that from bare metal?
  20. Ha! So cool. I may steal this idea, too, assuming I can find minifigs for my various costumes.
  21. Kalani Patterson 91423 EIB letter size Tony http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/91423-eib.png
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