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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DarthChridan

  1. The muffins were nice too....respectively tasted also good ...miam miam Thanks for the kind comments
  2. Thank you for the nice comments I hope I could spread a little inspiration
  3. In our local DIY store it gives such a foam after what are you looking for....it's called 'BAUHAUS'.
  4. Yummyyyyyyyyyyyy...how awesome is that ...really great work for the first try, Andy
  5. ....good joke Not really...this really simply good Idea is by Martin Sivertsen aka TK 3664 ...here's his topic of his blaster build--->> http://www.whitearmo...sin-e-11-build/ Thanks to you both for your nice feedback
  6. You're right...there is still missing the weathering on the firing pin.... Thank you for the hint ...I will add this...
  7. Now the finished and painted details of the blaster. For the weathering I took a coarse brush, silver and gun metal for the paints. The black paint was simple black matt. --->> Finished power cylinder with the magazine details---->> Next finished part, the painted eagle hengstler counter--->> Of course with my TK ID M19 scope with details--->> Flash hider/ muzzle--->> Folding stock details--->> Charging lever with spring--->> End cap lock--->> Well.....that's it.....puuuuhh. So guys...what do you think?.....is there any chances to add more details?!?...ok, it still lacks the wires between the counter and power cell. Thanks for watching
  8. Next step, the lock for the folding stock..... For this detail I took a little aluminium platelet--->> More details of the folding stock--->> Next progress is the front panel for the counter. Unfortunately I got only the metal box without this front panel incl. the metal connections. Well, I've done it myself out of the resin counter of the doopydoos parts.....do it yourself trooper...hahahaha The tricky job was to get the pins ( I got a few real pins of GG member...thanks to Sven) through the resin part....but I did it, without cracks. The stuff of doopydoos is really awesome Ok...here it is--->> ...and here the complete counter added to the blaster--->> Next step.... ...flash hider/ muzzle with screws and grain--->> Grip with screw--->> End cap lock--->> Primed blaster--->> To be continued.....
  9. Aloha.... dear community In the meantime of my hero stormtrooper build I had finished my new E-11 blaster of doopydoos. The model is an ANH Blaster (ANH B2) My goal was all the details and parts to assemble and paint as accurate as possible....more is not possible...I think Ok...let the whole pics start (attention, there's really a lot of pics.......)!!! At first the assembling/progress pics--->> 1st part...the power cell modified with real screws and with Andy's central fuses--->> Magazine details--->> Interim result--->> ...here with the aluminium scope reail--->> Interim result with the power cell on the magazine and real eagle hengstler counter--->> Next detail, the charging lever--->> Spring for the charging lever ( I took the spring of a real discarded sterling magazine...it fits really great in the main body of the blaster)--->> End cap with lock--->> To be continued.........
  10. Aloha Brian... nice start with your build Is the kleenex on the left side for your flesh wounds after the assembling --->> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8391/8587147939_e6bf129587_c.jpg ...have fun continues... Cheers....
  11. Hey guys...thanks for the nice replys so far... @Derrek: Of course....maybe at the 'SciFi' Days in Grünstadt ...I've seen you're also there.
  12. Dude...I like your Luke-hero trooper soooo much Paul did an awesome job on this suit
  13. Aloha white guys, a few weeks ago I had started with my "Troopermaster" Hero stormtrooper build (...I want to switch with this suit to an ANH stunt and an ESB trooper). Here's the beginning with the torso, arm parts and the helmet--->> It's my 1st hero helmet build...all the time there was only stunt helmets. Edit: I want to go for this look, respectively that's my goal--->> Thermaldetonator--->> Then I want to say thank you to Paul for this awesome armour with the new really great details and for his service and especially his help Next step...the leg parts and paint job of the helmet....to be continued....
  14. Yap...I agree...this is a good tip to achieve this effect
  15. Äääähm...sry Vern, but Han is holding also an M19 scope ------ http://www.partsofsw.com/images/m19tele.jpg
  16. Ola und willkommen im FISD.... viele Trooper haben die von 'TK Boots' aus den Staaten...die Stiefel sind sind richtig gut und auch trotz Versand und Märchensteuer/Zoll recht erschwinglich. Ich habe aber vor kurzem gelesen, dass sie im Moment keine Bestellungen bearbeiten können, das sie mit einem neuen Lieferanten in Verhandlungen sind...also wäre das im Moment passé. Aber dennoch kann ich durchaus auch die Variante mit dem Anmalen nahe legen...es gibt gute Farben die wirklich gut haften und nur an einigen Stellen (die typischen Knickstellen) die Farbe abblättert....aber wie Karin schrieb, war dies ja akkurat PS: Versuche dich dennoch in Englisch...glaub mir, das hilft ungemein. Ich musste auch einiges nachholen und muss es immer noch. Aber dadurch bleibste auch fit im Kopp
  17. Uuuuuuh, that's sounds really good ...in awaiting for the next awesome step
  18. Like the other guys wrote...TM and RS ist TOP (for ANH and ESB troopers) and CFO for RotJ.
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