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Everything posted by TK-7980

  1. Need to trim the teeth and do a little paint up and its finished. Theres a bit of space between the helmet and the ears, but it isn't that noticeable and I don't feel it will be a problem. Thanks for giving me quite a bit of confidence to just go for it, guys.
  2. Ignore the girly stuff, its my girlfriends room. I am a manly man, I can assure you!
  3. Fantastic. I'll be trimming the ears and test fitting before trimming back at the cap then. Thanks Tom!
  4. Looking at this picture, I think the overlap MIGHT be ok... You can see on the ring of the helmet a corner like the one created by my helmet due to the cap and back angling a bit upward. What do you think? Am I just seeing things or is it really there?
  5. Mmmm, yummy high rubber content... (Btw did you get my PM Mark? )
  6. I've had it this way with all my helmets, the aerator will not sit perfectly in the mic tip recess.
  7. Thanks again guys. Also, I'm thinking of going 3 tooth stunt, any opinions?
  8. I don't know why it never occurred to me to trim that side. :| It was staring me right in the face...
  9. Its a VT kit. The shorter side shouldn't be so short, I left the lower swoop towards the tube area alone and only cleaned up near the trap... Ugh.
  10. I swear one of the sides of the cap and back is longer than the other. but if I trim it i'll be trimming it too short and the helmet will be too small or look warped. If I trim the brow more the traps on the foreheads will look more like a rhombus or something. I thought it was fine but the dang ring is just out of whack and I don't think the ears covering it will fix it. Should any part of the Cap and Back angle UPWARDS at the tubes? Because it sure didn't on the CAP W I assembled.
  11. Yeah, they are exactly the same.
  12. Are you gonna end up trooping with this or just displaying?
  13. I'm sure with a coat of paint it'll look fantastic.
  14. The armor looks like a chopped up Rubies Deluxe. I don't see why anyone would devalue a TE suit like that.
  15. makes me want to redo my Hasbro. nice job
  16. Turn my helmet to the left, then squeeze on and rotate inside till its comfy.
  17. Yeah the SFS helmets were all supposed to be fiberglass. (I thought)
  18. It's screen accurate thats for sure. Did it come directly from the UK? Could be DA armor. Do you know what material its made of?
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