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About Vallius09

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  1. Thanks for the heads up on this! Where would I PM this Deckard fellow, by chance? The armor looks pretty nice and scaled, I'd love to get a price on it.
  2. Fantastic, I've sent him an e-mail! Thanks for your assistance, panda!
  3. Oh, wow, this armor looks pretty good. I'm not a "huge" fan of the asymmetrical helm but that's such a minor quip for my first suit. How does one go about ordering one? Just use the contact him button, I'm assuming? Any Idea what the price point usually is? Thanks Panda!
  4. Hello all, This is only my second post here since last year as I lost the funding to make my TK. My introduction is buried here somewhere, haha Anyway, I have saved up for a while now and will be looking to buy my first helmet to start with (or armor kit as a whole if it's more cost effective). So, here are my questions/concerns: 1. Which armor should I go with? I'm 5'11'', 260lbs and have a rather big noggin'. FX stood out as a "bigger" set of armor but I don't like that it isn't as screen accurate and the bucket is way too big. I've tried on an MR CE and it fit 'okay' but I'd like something with a bit more room for the mods I want to do (padding, speakers, new hovi's - the works). I'm looking for a bucket/armor that is as screen accurate as possible while still being big enough for me. Also, my shoulders are broad so I need something that will work with that, too. 2. There is either a shortage of helmets right now or I'm looking in the wrong places, haha! After you think you have a good idea of a bucket/set of armor that would fit me great - who would I contact for said bucket/set of armor? Or is it more of a "keep tabs on the For Sale boards and Ebay" kinda thing? I've been sitting here reading for days between work and sleep and you guys seem like armor wizards in every sense of the word. Any help you guys could provide me would be priceless! Thanks in advance!
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