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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by fuumantroop

  1. Also, an under armor shirt matches perfectly with the bcg leggings.
  2. I would trim some more on the side flaps of the chest plate. Once you get your arms together, you will get a better feel of how much to trim off of there. I trimmed mine to where my arms were constantly clashing with my chest plate
  3. U go through and sand with various grades of sandpaper, and novus polish? For the rivets, i just use white out. Its less of a pain to worry about, and i always carry a tub in my armor bin to troops. Just make sure u get the one with the cap/brush
  4. Right on! Now if only we could install a car alarm system on our TDs. I have been fortunate enough not to have had a child try to grab mine, but have witnessed it. Perhaps a sound file of "the deathstar plans are not in the main computer"...just to kind of startle someone, or even a r2d2 sound file to where we could quickly turn around(while staying in character) and say "look sir! Droids!"
  5. I wouldn't worry too much about return edges on the thigh tops. I left mine without returns, but it is a personal choice. Most people won't pay too much attention to the tops of your thighs as they are in more of a "private" area if ya catch my drift. And if they do, make sure you tell them the show ain't free! Lol
  6. I use BCG. Can't complain at all, except i need to buy more leggings before they go out of stock
  7. You'll have to find a spot to carry your straw. Unless you get really lucky and people at the event have straws. Thinking about it now, none of the events ive trooped at so far had them available. Maybe double sided tape behind one of the ammo boxes on your belt
  8. So far so good! Yes the thighs do need to be sized down more, i would even take maybe 3/4-1" off the tops as well
  9. Looking MUCH better! Can't wait to see it in person next week! Going to have some fun for sure!
  10. Are you refering to the metal buttons that came with the kit? I think its fine for eib, but not for centurion.
  11. That just might actually work! Good job Rick! I am thinking of possibly integrating a small camel pak in my back plate and feed the tube up my under suit somehow.
  12. I had to heat bend my flaps too. Wheres your EIB app Rick?!
  13. Yup! Just trim them a hair, maybe leave about 1/4" . trim along
  14. Looking good Scott! One thing though, your shins need to come down more over your boot quite a bit. Id say at least 1.5" to 2" downwards
  15. Geez you should be done by now! LOL just kidding! Glad to see you trucking along! You'll be trooping in no time! Better get ya a Holiday hat to go with youf bucket
  16. Back is looking good Rick! I had to heat bend the bottom sides in a bit as they stuck out a bit for me. You could always reshape the chest as well if you'd like:)
  17. Thanks for the kudos and what an awesome collaboration letter! Way to go troopers!
  18. Perhaps we could add a "seller/buyer" feedback thread as well. That way when buying and selling, others can have more confidence in their purchases across the board.
  19. Congrats Rick! Thats number 2 of the AM 2.0 builds now! At least the ones with threads Looking forward to your EIB application!
  20. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28772-belt-measurements-question/ There ya go, theres even a step by step on what to do. Billhags schematic is just a rough estimate. I found my snap placement was much differentl than the diagram showed
  21. Just making sure! I had to repaint my ab buttons. Hopegully wont have to do that again, it's certainly a pain in the butt plate!
  22. Word of advice, do not push or touch the paint even after it sits for 24 hrs. If you are indeed using testors. You can paint over it, but the smallest amount of foreign pressure can be a little berve racking. That paint really takes a couple or days to completely dry.
  23. You can use what they call "poormans fiberglass." Basically, a strip of material from a white shirt, drenched in super glue, and glued to the back of the hovi mic spot on the inside of the helmet. It just reinforces the thin plastic to where it shouldnt crinkle when touched. The mic tips should not sit flush. You can do this poormans fiberglass, then thread the bolt on as tight as it will go, and perhaps use some loctite to keep the nut from coming loose. Mine come loose from time to time, but I have not tried any reinforcement just yet. I keep meaning to but have been simply enjoying time off from building armor with the fam
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