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Everything posted by TK8280

  1. Yeah, I know it is a big void that needs to be filled, I mean its not that hard, just create a mold with those arrow head ESB looking greebles and poor some resin in and wammo, there you go
  2. sorry to burst anyone's bubble's but those greebles are ROTJ and not ESB
  3. I'm ganna go out on a limb here and say...You don't know how much they pay people at ILM do you?
  4. TK8280

    The 3000

    alright Paul! I don't think I'll get there any time soon, I don't have much time this spring for much of anything at all
  5. Yeah, that was a big problem with that run, I have the same blue tinted helmet, his new stuff is a much more creamier white, I'll have to pic up another helmet kit from him in the future when I get back on my financial feet ...I sold my old Creamy white kite off to FBJ so he could utilise it rather than it sitting in my closet
  6. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut on this one
  7. The first thing that comes to mind is that you'll need a right side holster that loops around your belt rather than being rivited "I think" and I can't tell if your lips on the frown are painted, because for ESB the "teeth" are the only things painted black
  8. yes, Honesty is something you don't come accrossed very often from E-bay sellers
  9. You all have some good points, and it would be awesome if some of us were able to get some screen time But, yeah...Steve's a great guy, the next time I run into him, I'll have to ask him about this TV series, but there has been NO requests as of yet for extra's from the 501st, and they've had to have been filming for a while now... But, trust me, we would know
  10. Well, for 1 thing, the actor's would most likely be using the Tour suits which came from ESB's and ROTJ's...so that would be a plus...and as you know, not all 501st are "up to par" for screen accuracy so to speak
  11. EXACTLY!!! if LFL put out a request for "extra's" who do you think will jump at that when most of the 501st is in FX???
  12. Well, the problem with that is LFL will ask for "accurate" TK's those who are 5-11 and range from 140-175lb's, and who have passable armor...that’s what they request of me when I troop for their private parties and so forth
  13. Well, if he knows anything about ROTJ helmets, he shouldn't have hand painted the traps and tears and plus they are the wrong color, and the helmet has the wrong shape for being an ROTJ ...Mike should know he builds his own props, and pulls he has an eye for that kind of perfection
  14. The troops will most likely be coming from the computer animation department at ILM...I troop for LFL, and have worked with LFL actors, and obviously work with 501st member's and I'm sorry to say that I'd like to see LFL actors get the live action parts
  15. Hello Steve, I just need to know 1 thing, why did you buy another FX? and just didn't go ahead and get the TE/RT instead of putting your money into the FX again?
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