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Everything posted by Locitus

  1. I think most here would agree that your stuff is amazing work, and I'm glad you're not stopping completely, I'll soon order some gloves from you! I hope you feel better in the morning and find that joy of supporting the community again.
  2. Yeah, I've heard that before. Great band!

  3. Yeah, I've heard that before. Great band!

  4. I have the 501st creation ones. The can sound a lot louder than one might think, but the feedback from having the microphone so close to the speakers limits the power you can feed then, thus decreasing the volume to somewhat that is similar to conversation levels. Very nice set of speakers otherwise.
  5. Recapping some undocumented progress! Earlier I glued on the front inner joining strip on my left shin. Yesterday I've added the front joining strip, and glued on both inner left forearm joining strips. These now sit firm and flush to my armour. Today I've glued on the joining strip on the back of the left shin (careful not to actually join the two halves ofc) and also glued on the outer joining strips on the left forearm. Now I'm out of clamps and magnets so that's all I can do until tomorrow when the E-6000 has dried. I'm a slim guy so I can keep to 20 mm strips on the shin and 15 mm on the forearm. On the inside of both I use 20 mm for stability and because I have more of those strips! I've got some photos, but until I transfer them to the computer (they're not that good anyway) I'll stick with the text only updates. Also, I test fitted my left shin with one of my TK-boots and it looks great. I got some photo of that too on my mobile.
  6. What about gluing in two magnets on the opposite side of the inner wall? With the appropriate strength it should be no trouble keeping the halves together and also taking them apart when needed. Haven't tried it myself, but that's what I would try.
  7. Got my TK-Boots today! Fits great, and I got a white shoehorn too! Think I will do some work cutting up the finishing strips in proper lengths, so I can start gluing things together real soon.
  8. Thanks! You feel the big U-shape will be good enough for trooping?
  9. Recently worked some on my bucket, which I'll post pictures of today. Today I mostly did rough trimming on the shoulder bells and thighs, but no pictures of that. Here's the vocoder Left ear Right ear And last, but not least helmet interior. Frown mesh is held with painters tape, which I'll replace and glue it on. Later. Lenses, dunno if I'll keep this mounting, but I can't keep it unless I trim off some of the plastic in the middle, bottom area as it is scraping my nose ridge, in a most unpleasant way.
  10. So yesterday I wrote how I got decals from Mike and that I had put them on. So I thought it would be great to do some painting today, to get back on some slow progress last week. Here are the images! Painted frown in humbrol DARK ADMIRAL GREY #5 Closeup on frown Trap, tear and left ear Traps and back Trap, tear and right ear Painted ab plate in humbrol FRENCH BLUE #14 today, as well.
  11. Today I got my decals from Mike aka TK-4510 among with some frown mesh, brow trim and stunt lenses. Increadible stuff! I got the "handpainted look" decals and they really take the helmet to a new level. Even though I came home at 00:30 in the night I couldn't wait to put on the decals (although I still got the tube stripes left)! I'll see if I can get a picture of it tomorrow, but right now it's nap time.
  12. I'm not trying to prove what the strap may or may not have been made of, but there is a fabric made from vinyl, which is very common, as a quick search on google will show. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=vinyl+fabric
  13. Apart from some kids-version of FX, you might want to talk to troopermaster who made an armour for his son. Might be other suits out there, but none that I've seen.
  14. Hah, yeah I know the sore hand feeling. Mine's still recovering!
  15. Yeah, I am already using stukatroopers flickr-page as a guide I've been using the scissors and blades to trimm off the worst bits, and then took the sanding-tool for the dremel to get the final shape. Later I'll get the sanding paper to smooth out the edges which are still a bit rough from the dremel. I don't know if I'm doing more than necessary, but I kinda like this approach. It's forgiving in case I would have messed up in a previous step. Thanks!
  16. Yes you do! I don't think there is one single piece (or yes, maybe the chest straps and kneeplate) that haven't got/had my blood on it somewhere. I even cut myself on the plastic itself twice. I barely touched a knife today.
  17. Today I had a long session out on the balcony with my dremel and the drum sander-tool. For a good 5-6 hours I trimmed down 23 pieces to a state where I only would need a quick rub with a sanding paper to get those edges perfectly smooth. Before And after
  18. That is one awesome mod! It almost completely removes the need for industrial velcro!
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