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Everything posted by Locitus

  1. I could bring a little to gbg, yeah. But I recommend you to get some more either way.
  2. It's wierd, but none that I've heard of. The thing with E-6000 is that it stays a little flexible after it has cured, unlike most glues that become hard, and therefore brittle. Also, with E6000, you can remove it, if you're careful, and redo what you did in case you mess up. There are some sites in Sweden that sell E-6000 but with the dollar as low as it is now, it's cheaper to order it from the states.
  3. Sure! http://members.cox.net/appstronaut/tk4510_decals.html
  4. Nope. But go to TK-4510s store and order some. You can never have too much of it! And when your TM arrives, even if you order it prebuilt, you still may want to have some E-6000 close at hand. It's the shucks. But if you really just want to glue it back on, then I guess any glue will do.
  5. Nice SDS mate. I's say slap that bayonet plug on with some E-6000.
  6. Maybe something like this could have been used on some of them then, http://www.makingmemories.com/Products/detail/deco-brads
  7. What Stephen says makes sense to me. It's only elastic for the inside. It's not supposed to be seen anyway, so I don't think they cared much it it was in a different colour than the other suits.
  8. I think you already know how to contact him.
  9. You will have to ask him about that. But more than untrimmed, and a lot more than an untrimmed ATA kit.
  10. It's gonna cost extra, but yes, you could ask that.
  11. Wasn't the silver version he mentions (up for sale in another auction) also for EIB only? Edit: silver coin link http://cgi.ebay.com/STAR-WARS-501ST-LEGION-CHALLENGE-COIN-SILVER-/260735719455?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb50f581f
  12. Yes it is. BTW, he also makes suits in 2mm acrylic capped ABS if you'd like that.
  13. I think drop box placement is good as it is. A better picture of the blaster power cylinders would be nice though. Otherwise I think it looks good!
  14. Awesome work Sean! Going the extra mile by another mile!
  15. Well whichever method you chose would not hinder your ability to go for EIB. As it's how it looks from the outside that matters. But if you really want to go for screen accuracy then you need something like this;
  16. I don't really understand what you're talking about. Pretty much all armour is the same in what I think you're talking about. Maybe this photo will help.
  17. Thanks a lot Paul! Yeah I need to investigate further if it's always that low or just at that particular occasion. And thanks for the tip about the talcum powder. I guess any "baby powder" will work?
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