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Ase95 and SL98123 Building Thread


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Hello again!
This tread is combined for me and my brother (Ase95 here on the forum) as we'll work both our armors together.

My brother want's to make an Executioner armor, i'm going for a normal TKFO from TLJ instead


The armors are made from Fan Made (Carlos Estrella), i'll post some pictures. We don't have any experience in building TK armors, so we're currently looking at some others build/guide to learn how to assemble all. If you can suggest some very dettailed guide to follow, we'll be glad!

We've saw that some pieces (biceps, things, shins) can be overlapped in the seams, and we saw that our pieces have the extra plastic to allow that.



We've put kinda all of the TKFO's kit parts on the table also, but with only 1 side for leg/arms for space issue :laugh1:



























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Here are two threads that I found very useful when it comes to FOTKs, both pinned in the TFA FOTK build thread subforum. There are good bits and pieces all over the subforum, but I'd say these two are very complete and detailed builds that should help. Of course, these are from different vendors, so you will have to adapt to your build.


@TheSwede has also been documenting his build really well and though it's not complete, you may find it helpful to read his build thread too.



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We've noticed that the back and yoke doestn fit 100%. Any suggestion on how to fix it ? or maybe is good anyway ?








I saw on a guide listed above , that i can just fill it and sand it down, as shown here and here

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Correct a few kits are just like this. I used JB weld to glue the pieces together, it's very strong and is able to be sanded. Rough up the areas before hand, apply the glue and once dry use automotive filler/bondo and sand.


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Hello again to all!

Here are our current progress:

Thermal Detonator:

First Fit-Test




Current status (Trimmered, glued and now waiting untill tomorrow for filling the gaps and sanding):








Back/Yoke (Trimmered both on the sides to fit better the union pieces to the Yoke. Hope tomorrow to glue them and the back too)





Abdomen back side  ( Ase Abdomen back side has been cut in half for a better fitting, since that part, with the front, was way too large for him)




Spats (This is where the situation gets a little tricky, we are not sure if the part in Yellow should be all cut off for a better fitting or not. The CRL shows that the greeblie is not attached to the surface of the spats but if you can help us decide what to do we'll be glad!)






Little Note: Both the DX Splats closure pieces does not stay exactly in position (as foto show down below). Still i think that with the help of velcro this problem can be solved.





Thank you all guys again for the help!






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I did need to give mine a little heat to make them sit properly.


Have you checked Tony's thread, a step by step guide.

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  • 2 months later...

Im having some problem with the forearm , i've assebled the most part of it but then this problem showed 





the only solution that i've found is overlapping the two pieces 




is this right? it needs to be trimmed maybe? also , is kinda big towards the elbow , there's some piece i can cut in order to make it smaller?(i've already glued the piece without the greeblies slots)

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Now we know how to assemble the forearms and will proceed to do so in a few days!

We also made the first holster for our kit, and looks really good (File on Thingverse). We'll make the second ASAP (I'm currently helping my brother Ase so that he can join in the first month of 2019 i hope, so i'm reaaally back with my kit).

I know i'ts a long shot, but does somebody have a 3D print file for the Rails in the forearms? Our kits had none!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice work, just watch some of your armor spacing next time you kit up, thigh gaps and rotation, knee plates, spats should be below the black ovals, ab section looks a little low, if you could bring this up it would also bring up the cod giving you a little more room for movement.


Good luck with approval

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11 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

Nice work, just watch some of your armor spacing next time you kit up, thigh gaps and rotation, knee plates, spats should be below the black ovals, ab section looks a little low, if you could bring this up it would also bring up the cod giving you a little more room for movement.


Good luck with approval

i know that the spats should be below , but i think they moved after i walked to the door in the armor, maybe i need to put more velcro to keep it in place better.
for the ab section i think it's because of my height (1,90cm) i'll try put it a bit more high, but i think that's not possible 


I've sent email for approval yesterday , hope to get response before the database is closed


Which storage container do you use for your armor?(if you have a stanley version to recomend that would be better)

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I found I had to add some Velcro behind the spats just to stop them riding around.


Good luck, hope you manage to squeeze in before it’s locked :duim:

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  • 1 month later...

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