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Just a thought...


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I don't think he meant you specifically. Only the 501st would be able to claim armor as a deduction. Individuals from the organization would not be able to claim.


Actually no. The 501st is not a non-profit or a for profit. It is a non-entity, that is why there are no dues, and no money coming in or going out. Any expenses are covered by passing the hat and they are sent to individuals heading up projects, never the 501st.

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Oops! Sorry, I didnt mean to offend, After I read my post again it reads wrong. Yes, what I meant by YOU was any of us. The 501st is just a bunch of guys and girls trying to do the right thing. We are not a charitable organization though. Thats why we always ask people to donate to other charities in the name of the 501st, like "make a wish", etc...

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There are a lot of legal reasons why we're a club that does charitable events vs. a non-profit. This comes up every year in the 501st, and each time it fails. There are few benefits to the club by going non-profit, and you'd have to also ensure that this non-profit is global, what each of the local laws are. Are we US based? Out of the Netherlands? Whose laws apply? And it also opens us up to lawsuits. Anyone can now sue us. Say someone bumped into someone at the mall and they fell down. The 501st could be found culpable and liable, and be sued.


It goes downhill from there. There are several lawyers in our club and they all recommend against it AFAIK.

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...... every thing i donate i give it as the " 501st legion" that okay?????

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