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Reconized for 1000 post.


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Hi i remember when i joined the FISD that you were reconized to reaching your 1000 post its like a milestone , dose this still happen ;) not saying anything of course :rolleyes:

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No one congratulated me, which leads me to believe that it's quality, not quantity, that counts. And seeing as your posts are full of the same sort of nonsense and rubbish as mine, don't expect a pat on the back from me either! :laugh1::P:lol:

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Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Congrats Rick well done Sir :icon_bow: , seeing we post the same amout of nonsence and rubbish its just nice to be reconized for it anyway anouth of me welling in self pity pick your self up TK and get on with it :P;):)

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Hi i remember when i joined the FISD that you were reconized to reaching your 1000 post its like a milestone , dose this still happen ;) not saying anything of course :rolleyes:



Depends om your popularity..same as birthdays. ;)

Congrats on joining the 1000+ club :)

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Arh i know what you mean Matt ;) .


To paraphrase/misquote George Orwell:


" All Animals are equal.

But some animals are more equal than others."


For example:


Most forums/groups would have the decency to atleast acknowledge the death of one of their members. Regardles of their post count.

Others it would seem do not feel the need.



Edited by carbonitekid
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Congrats Steve on your 1000th post, Thanks for being asset to the Forum...


Take a look at this link:



I know that is a little late, but better late then never.... ;)

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Depends om your popularity..same as birthdays. ;)



Not to start anything, but a congrats or a birthday wish thread can come from anyone (eg. your friends). This type of thread does not have to always be started by the staff... ;)

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Not to start anything, but a congrats or a birthday wish thread can come from anyone (eg. your friends). This type of thread does not have to always be started by the staff... ;)



Most forums/groups would have the decency to atleast acknowledge the death of one of their members. Regardles of their post count.

Others it would seem do not feel the need.





But the above would have been nice from the staff. ;)

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Are you volunteering to lead the Almoner's Department Matt? Before we can be accused of negligence, one should have given staff the courtesy to be aware of the fault. It's not like there is an automated report generated by the Legion's computer that let's us know. In fact, could you not have let us know via PM and we could have created a memorial?


Stephen - congrats on reaching the big tonne. Even more important is the number - some members fill up counts with me-to posts, but yours are filled with advice and help, embodying the spirit of Troopers Helping Troopers :salute:


When FISD was smaller it was easier to spot the 1000 post members - they were few and far between - moving forward I'll talk to the staff to figure out how best to ensure we don't miss this significant milestone in a troopers history.

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Are you volunteering to lead the Almoner's Department Matt? Before we can be accused of negligence, one should have given staff the courtesy to be aware of the fault. It's not like there is an automated report generated by the Legion's computer that let's us know. In fact, could you not have let us know via PM and we could have created a memorial?


Stephen - congrats on reaching the big tonne. Even more important is the number - some members fill up counts with me-to posts, but yours are filled with advice and help, embodying the spirit of Troopers Helping Troopers :salute:


When FISD was smaller it was easier to spot the 1000 post members - they were few and far between - moving forward I'll talk to the staff to figure out how best to ensure we don't miss this significant milestone in a troopers history.



Given the rather large thread pertaining to his passing in the 501st staff mess hall I would have thought that most of the 501st staff/detachment leaders should have been made amply aware by now.


Or perhaps the fricking great banner I had as sig bar for over a week might have been a clue? Indeed it was big enough to cause issue over its size until the complainant went back and re read it ( not an issue by the way, accident happen :) ).


Or the mention in the XO's blog on the 501st.


Or the huge number of comments / tributes all over facebook.


Forgive me for making the assumption that part of a detachment leaders/staff job was to keep his/their eyes on what was happenning at a Legion level, and that a simple search of the detachment member database was above them.


Incidentaly,atleast one member of staff was clearly aware of the situation ( for the reasons stated above ) . If there is a breakdown/ lack of communication between staff then thats no fault of the membership.





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Well poo on you Matt. I realize that for the UKG this was a big issue and perhaps for you personally as well. I think if you feel strongly about it you should have taken the initiative and created the memorial thread. It's unfair and unrealistic to presume that I as DL have to acknowledge every lost member in the Legion. Not everything has to be done by staff, and many of the best ideas are actually from the line members. This was the impetus to have the FISD Achievement Medal - to recognize and acknowledge members who took initiative for the betterment of all.


Take ownership of this Matt - don't pass the buck.

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Whoa there - I understand what a contentious issue this can be and how feelings are always going to be strong with an issue like this but let's simmer down the cheap shots.


It's a delicate matter for those not directly affected by a tragic event like this to intervene in any way, staff or not. It is less of a forum staff or non staff issue and more of a social agreement in general that memorialization of those passed should be left to those who feel the loss the keenest in order to maintain some level of dignity and taste.


I lost my best friend last year and both myself and his family were extremely angered to see the amount of people who did not know him at all posting "memorials" on Facebook and other places around the Internet in what amounts to 'tragedy tourism'. This can be received in different ways by different people, but the feeling that people are voyeuristicly associating themselves with what is a very painful and personal loss for you can be offensive to some. For this reason alone we should all be careful about how we deal with recognizing the passing of someone we were not close too. This makes it tricky for places like FISD - the honor needs bestowing, but grIeving is not a cheap post on the net. In my own experience last year, for example, we were experiencing something private and painful and the public displaying of it on the Internet only added to that hurt. Had those of us closely affected by the tragedy chosen to use the Internet to memorialize my friend the case would have been different.


It is important that the decision as to when and where to remember a loved one is left to those to whom the tragedy of death is the most impactful. If anyone close to the person wishes to start a memorial thread or similar that is excellent and they are sure to receive many sympathetic thoughts from the community here, but it is not, and should not be, the prerogative of those who are not involved.

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First of all, to Matt: I truly am sorry for your loss,and anyone that knew Allen. Unfortunately, I have not been on the Legion side in a little while, and I did not know Allen, but I understand that he is obviously someone who was close to you. I truly wish that you had brought this to someone's attention, or taken it upon yourself to start a memorial thread. It is also unfortunate that his passing has resulted in the formation of this negative thread. So, I respectfully ask everyone to drop this negative thread and please go to the link below. Possibly this will help with the grieving process. I hope in the future that if anyone is aware of the loss of any FISD member or Legion member, that they will bring it to light so others will be aware of the loss, also.



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