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I got this seconds lid off Joe as a little project to keep my out of trouble :)

I left it too near my halogen 1000w lamp in my shed :(



I've added milliput to the areas affected and made it a little better by filling in the lows and resculpting the traps etc

But how can I get the highs out?

In particular the tube dimple from the cheek to the ear



I don't mind a but of work which I why I asked for a seconds lid.

I was thinking would a sealing iron do it, or just leave it there


Any tips?



Edited by john danter
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Yeah I'll go and buy some plastic bumper filler from Halfords and see if I can 'rescue' it


I've tried my sealing iron on a little bit to make it flatter again. Moderate success. :)


Joe suggested an Ewok bongo lol :)


Anyone know who this is?



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Yeah I was thinking you should make it into one of the lids from the Ewok BBQ/victory party.


You know if those little Rabid Teddy bears were going to eat Han, Luke, and Chewie, then you know darn well they had TKs and TBs on the menu at the end.... I would hate to have been in that buffet line.


Almost as bad as the dinner at the Palace in "The Temple of Doom" :huh: huh...what... :blink: come again, eye ball soup, throw-up.gif live eels.... chilled monkey brains, throw-up.gif .. vomiting.gif





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Thanks for tips guys

I kind of used you all for help :)

Used my sealing iron to unkink parts using a mould like Karin suggested (but just a flat shape)

Used car body filler to get the parts flat again

One last touch up today before it turns white


I was kind of pleased about the the zombie idea though :)

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I've re done that trap, as it was at the wrong angle.

I'm just enjoying the fiddling abut in my shed :)


It's just the cheek indent on the tube that's kind of wrong.

It was a "second" off Joe. (cracked dome and back cap) not a nice spick and span clean one :) So not too bad I guess. Could have been worse :)

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After a good few days filling, sanding, priming, checking for bumps, sanding, filling, spraying and filling I've now moved onto white primer.....Great stuff, and got this so far :)




She's getting better.


How's it looking? Starting to look ok again?


the rubber band will cover the lower trap edge and the ear will cover the ear mess, plus the tear drop decal will highlight the eye area.

I'm hoping it'll turn out ok :)

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Looking good boyo! :D


you cheeky..... ;)


Just need to trim more eye socket out, spray a few more coats of appliance white, add the decals then find some rubber trim and mic tips :)


It's been fun


@ Joe, if anyone asks you, I found that bathroom sealant a really simple way to add the ears mate. I put less in for the second one, just along the inside of the ear, and bingo :)

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Boy ya brought that back from being an Ewok bongo... Good work John!

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we left off I've sprayed and sanded this about 6 times. Here's the final result



It's important to be patient when spraying things (I'm not and always tend to spray too much on)

I found a good tip today. When you spray something don't point the can at the object. Instead swipe your way onto your object so it goes on smoothly


I use fairy liquid and warm water to sand each coat with 800/1000 grit paper nie and smooth.

I found that 'listening' to the sound of the sanding helps you know when it's smooth The tone changes when you get there


Now for the detail

Draw around the vocoder section with a black pen

Take your time to paint the piece carefully meeting the border you've drawn. A wide nib would be better than my choice




Next the mouth.. Same idea



Another little tip, add some duct tape around the inside of your lid to stop it cracking


Cut away with a scalpel . this provides some reinforcement to a delicate area



Painted up with a marker pen...for now



This leaves a good outline yes but I think it looks oily (that purplish rainbow-like sheen with oil)

Not to worry as we can now paint over this frown with black paint. Not sure if I should matt or gloss....?





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