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I'm sorta in the same boat haven't quite yet ordered my armor. Narrowing down what I want to get and still getting access to local 501st members to seek help and advice. I promised myself that I needed to get healthy before I order armor. Went from 6 foot 234lbs and i'm now down to 195.4 lbs as of today. Thats 38.6 lbs (since Jan 8th) which I know is crazy amount. I'm on the HCG diet which are drops you take 3 times a day and you eat a very (very) limited diet while on the plan.


Now just hit my goal of 185lbs or lower and I'll order my armor as my birthday present to myself on 03/16

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an update from me: after many months of trying to manage my weight on my own and failing, I am officially back at Weight Watchers. I have a lot of hope and feel really good about it this time. I am trying to remind myself to be patient because I have seen a definite slowing down of my metabolism the past year or so as I have gotten older (hence the weight gain).

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Bluehickey, sorry to hear about the metabolism slowing down...I understand that completely. Good luck with the Weight Watchers, they have had a lot of success.


I've been lax in not posting more up here, but it has been a long winter and I feel like I'm just now coming out of hibernation. I have lost some weight, not as much as i'd like, but I'm recovering from a bout of bronchitis that almost put me in the hospital so it's been difficult to work out for the past month.


Hope to see more people here, and if you are just joining us for the first time, please, please, browse the earlier posts for hints and tips and personal stories to help you. Aachieve your goals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone.


Browsing the forums I found this thread and wanted to add my name to this campaign. While I don't actually have armor, yet, I am planning to order the helmet, then the armor.


When I finally decided to be serious about this my weight was out of hand and decided it needed to be resolved before I went any further. It is wonderful to see that this community can come together and support each other through this challenge. Weight loss is something I personally have struggled with since I left the army in 2003. I just had my 30th birthday and took a hard look at myself. I can do better. I deserve it, and so do my wife and child.


Starting weight: 230

Current weight: 213

Goal weight: 170


Method for attaining: cut caloric intake to 1800/ day. I use the LooseIt app on my iPhone to monitor the amount I am taking in. I also have begin excercising with the Your Shape for the Xbox Kinect. Feels great to wake up in the morning and start the day off with a good sweat.


I picked my goal weight as that puts me into the 'normal' range of BMI.


I also want to loose weight so my daughter *3 years old* can be proud of her dad.


So. There it is. I am publicly stating my commitment to this.


Good luck to everyone else who is in this fight as well.


We can do it as a team!

Edited by Darth Ruprecht
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Darth, welcome to the Fit Club. I applaud your goals. For fitness sake, I'm going to ask you to look at some of the earlier posts about estimating resting metabolic rate and calculating weight loss. This will help you decide on a healthy caloric intake.


This note is going to be addressed to everyone now. Please do not go under 1500 calories a day. Why? Do you ask? Because it has been medically proven that eating less than 1500 calories a day compromises the immune system in adults.

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More than happy to help. Besides it is information I can use also. Just a reminder to all troopers, it is sttarting to get warmer outside...in a couple of weeks I'll repost links to my hydration and heat injuries articles. Don't want to see anyone getting sick this summer.

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Just checked to see how much of a gap I would have on my ab and kidney pieces. And I am happy to announce that I don't need to put a shim in the side. I have dropped 9 lbs over the past week and a half. Evidently it was all belly fat cause it didn't fit around a week and a half ago. I meet that goal so I can now start my armor build.

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Grats Katie! That's awesome!


I'm fighting the same thing, what was your plan of attack to focus on your middle?


Can't wait to see the new gear w/o shims!


I'm holding off on starting mine for the same reason, I don't want to look like a tubby-trooper. Almost sub 200, then I'll measure again and see where I'm at.

Edited by Darth Ruprecht
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Grats Katie! That's awesome!


I'm fighting the same thing, what was your plan of attack to focus on your middle?


Can't wait to see the new gear w/o shims!


I'm holding off on starting mine for the same reason, I don't want to look like a tubby-trooper. Almost sub 200, then I'll measure again and see where I'm at.




I'm still 240lbs, but I just cut out most fast food, candy, non diet sodas, and constant snacking. I also increased the amount of veggies I eat in comparison to meats, and eat leaner meats now. It is also helps that the weather is above 0 now and we can get outside a bit. I also started LARPing. 72 hours running around constantly does it to you.

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Sadly I had no idea what LARPing was until I read your post and subsequently 'googled' it.


That sounds awesome, though living in south west Ga there are absolutely no groups around here. I'm finding that the 501st involvement down here is lacking, too. I think once I have my kit complete I'm going to actively attempt to turn younglings to the dark side, er, I mean. . . 'recruit'.

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I have been really impressed by all the progress and great information in this thread. I had been bouncing around 205-215 for the past couple of years and I have been sporting plastic shims since I have been trooping. It always bothered me that I could not close the side and have that screen look. My wife and I lost our baby girl in July of 2010, This really spiralled me into a bad depression and I began eating more and went back to smoking. By December I had reached my Max of 235lbs, I had to obstain from trooping because I could not fit comfortably in my armor. I am 6ft and my waist had gone past 36 inch and was sporting a large barrell belly. After the first of the year I began to motivate myself to make the effort to get back in shape. I started to follow the trooper fit club thread, checking in everyonce in awhile. I began my quest with the shrinking of the stomach, I did this by making my meals smaller. I began to eat things like bannanas and fruit roll-ups for snacks. I endured hunger pains but toughed it out. Instead of my normal snacking at bedtime, I have a glass of milk. I also introduced slimfast into my diet as a meal. I have to admit i have done a tad bit of starvation, but I am working on keeping the calorie count between 1500 and 2000. I have dropped down to a 34 waist and weigh in at 196lbs. I can fit in my armor with out shims :huh::o:dancing-trooper: My target weight is 185lbs(ripped). I have been doing abdominal exercises and some cardio. I am about to begin my work out schedule to tone up

and regain strength. During this process I will take a specialized creatine to assist with the process. Thank you for all of the great info and accounts!

I will post up some pics later B)

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Hey all! I thought to "weigh in" here. Horrible pun I know. Right now my weight fluctuates between 195-200. Being in the Army, I get a fair amount of exercise but still do some on my own. My hurdle is about to start. I tore some cartilage in my left knee during my last deployment. I go in for surgery to repair a week from Monday. I had the surgery previously on the right side for the same issue. However, I put on nearly 20 lbs because not being able to do cardio for quite awhile.


I'm trying a couple of things this time around. As much as I love a good steak, I'm cutting out red meat. I've decide to try a pescatarian (vegetarian but with fish) diet. I've been trying out some of the meat substitutes and not all of them are bad. Some of them down right suck though. Also, I'm sticking to tea, water, and black coffee for drinks. I do have the occasional Coke Zero to take the craving away. It seems to be working. I've lost a couple of pounds this week. However, it could just be water or my normal flux. Best of luck to you all and keep your fingers crossed for me.


Height: 72 in.

Start weight: 200 lbs.

Target weight: 185 lbs.

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Here are my before trooper fit club and after shots.

Right side





Left side





My entire armor is looser and I have more mobility now! Just need to adjust my snaps to bring the left in a hair more and I should be good :D

Can't wait to go Centuirion with my ANH build!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a long road, but I am officially out of the 200's.


I'm halfway to my final goal and starting my helmet build!


Congrats, that is terrific. I too am slowly working my way down out of the 200's lbs as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, I'm a big chap at 185cm tall (6' 1") and I'd been ignoring my weight and let myself get to 121 kilos (268 lbs) two years ago when I moved out to Bolivia where I am working right now. With the help of a nutritionist (this is very important in my opinion) I put together a diet plan that took me away from a carb-based diet to one with lots of protein, fruit and vegetables. It's been a bit of a stop-and-start story for me, some months I've followed the plan, some I haven't, but right now I'm weighting 97.3 kilos (214 lbs) and I'm feeling that I have a lot more energy. I've battled to introduce more exercise into my daily routine, as I have a rather crazy work schedule (9:30am-1pm, then 3:15 until 8, six days a week!) and where I live it just isn't safe to go and take a walk or jog at night. I've started doing 30 situps and 10 pressups every night before taking a shower on the grounds that if I start introducing at least *some* exercise into my life on a daily basis then it is better than none!


My goal is to get down to 85kg (187 lbs) by this Christmas. I'm setting myself this rather conservative goal because I've got a lot of business trips coming up when diet management becomes a lot harder and also the more weight you lose, the harder it is to lose more. I'm looking at taking up Krav Maga in July, so that should help. If I stay the course then I should be fit and trim for when I make it back to the UK and then I can start getting some TK kit :D

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What a great thread! I just found this (although not suprising as I am new). And I'll post a picture tonight taken today as my most recent pictures.


I am 6'2" and 244 LBS and 30 yrs old. My goal weight is 210 or below.


I have been on a teeter totter weight issue for the last 6 years being inbetween 225 and 260. Every time I go down, I feel sucess and gain back the weight I lost. It's frustrating. And my back issues don't help at all either. I have herinated a disk in my lower back 3 times no in the last 6 years which has kept me almost bed ridden for 6-8 months each time making it impossible to lose any weight and all I could do was change my eating habits.


Fast forward to today. I have been pain free in my back for a while now, and working hard to get down to a healthier weight. If I could, I would love to get back down to 190, but my plateau seems to be in the mid 220's and I have never been able to break that barrier for many reasons.


So, starting immediatly, this is my plan on losing the weight.


- for 4-5 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday) I plan on working on an eliptical machine from 30-45 min each time bringing my heart rate up to about 140+ BPM until I can get closer to the 150's without dying and so on until I have reached at least 65-75% of my max heart rate.

- I will reduce my consumption of beer (I love beer) to 3 pints a week spread out. Not all at once.

- I will not consume any calories after 7 PM so my body does not store food while I sleep

- This next one is to help my marriage as well as my body. Any time my wife asks me to go on a walk with her to walk the dogs, I will. Traditionally dog walking is about 1.5 - 2 miles.


I hope will all of this, I can finially break my plateau of the mid 220's. Even in the military, I wasn't able to do that and have been on the cutting edge of the weight/physical fitness issue for many years and it has finially wore me down. It will be a 2 sided goal. One to look better once I get my armor, and one to stay in good graces with the military until I seperate in October (due to my back issues. I am getting a medical out).


So Good luck to the rest of the people that are working to their goal. If I can be of any help or support, please PM me and I will give you my e-mail and we can do this together. I would like to have someone as a support to keep me going, if any one is willing to help a new trooper. Thank you again and best of luck to everyone.

Edited by irocink33
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Ryan, whilst I haven't been confined to bed because of injury I did suffer a knee injury whilst playing rugby and that kept me from doing anything strenuous for about 6 months. To this day I still have issues with cycling or other forms of exercise that require putting pressure on my legs. It's damn frustrating when you have the motivation to lose weight but just can't do anything about it! :angry: I'm off to the doctor after I post this so hopefully I can get myself properly sorted.


For anyone who's interested I've got a couple of tips that I have found to be extremely helpful. (Disclaimer: I'm just a regular dude with no medical training at all beyond "if blood is coming out then that's a bad thing" so if I say something that's stupid call me out on it!)


- Cut out or reduce sodas and alcohol, or look for diet versions of your favourite drinks.

- Allow yourself some "junk" or "comfort" food. I have something non-diet every Sunday lunchtime and I get to look forward to it all week so I enjoy it even more.

- Keep a supply of healthy snacks handy in the following places: house, work and car (if you drive).

- Read the nutritional information on the back of something. If I'm feeling like a pizza or hot fudge sundae ice cream then normally one look at how many calories and grams of fat they contain is enough to send me screaming towards the nearest apple :lol:


I do have some more ideas about what to chose when eating out, but that's for another time :)

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Since we have some new people here, I'm going to go back and post links to some of my informative articles.


I'm going to especially emphasize the heat and hydration post because summer in the Northern Hemisphere is just around the corner.


Welcome to the new people here, and if you have questions please feel free to ask.

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