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About kroenen77

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  1. I have made a ESB update with the MR CE.New ears,lenses,black nose and noseholes,new tubesstripes...and I like this helmet:
  2. I would update the nose,too.The original ESB nose looks not like the stock one of the efx helmet.I have build a complete ESB Mod of this helmet:
  3. I used the same grey on my MR CE ESB Mod,too.I think the grey is the same.
  4. Thanks...no,they are not trimmed.I bought a pair of screenaccurate ones and used them for the helmet.
  5. Thats what I´ve done...but I think it´s the maximum now.
  6. I´m 5.91 feet and 242 pounds and in a modded FX.But the legs are a little bit tight...hehe.Any ideas? ------------
  7. Hi guys...here is my MR CE ESB Mod....I know the helmet can never be screenaccurate..hehe...but I like the idealized design..have 2 other more screenaccurte ANH-Trooperhelmets,too.. :wink: : ---------- I updated all the other stuff,too...new ears,tube stripes,new lenses and padded it complete in the inside. I think for a ANH the noseholes are too much wrong,because they are curved to the inside.You can better cover this mistake of the MR CE/EFX with the black nose of the ESB-Look: -----------
  8. Wow....awesome Stuff,Stefan...very accurate.;-)
  9. Awesome..I think the best armor for bodybuilders like me!!! I need one,fast please...
  10. Beastman is making his armor out of orange and red ABS..
  11. Haha..yes..and Skeletor is wearing a black Trooperarmor. Thanks,man.
  12. Thanks guys...yes it was a hard work to put my muscels into the armor. About the details:Yes,the undersuit is not perfekt..its cotton.And about the butt..yes,but my legs are massive..so there is not enough space between my legs.I could cut it or set the armor a little bit higher?
  13. Yes...I´m happy with it. I cutted the FX Chest in a better shape,but the form of the chest is to long.So I changed it complete.
  14. So..here is my ANH-Hero-FX-Armor with weathered Rubiesblaster. I changed some parts and updated some. The Armor has a -new chestplate -new backplate -new Herohelmet all parts made in the exact same ABS like my Armor..you can see it on the flashpics I cutted the legs and the handplates in the right form and updated the Rubiesblaster with the Kit and painted it. I´m a bodybuilder..so the arms and legs are a little bit "pumped"... I hope you like it... And some under flashlight: and my blaster:
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