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Everything posted by Darth_Nickel

  1. Your speakers won't fit in there?
  2. How do you install these in Keith's tips? Can they be installed in Keith's tips?
  3. I too am looking for a solution to the Skullworx tusks. I've not had any luck to date, but keep me updated and I'll do the same.
  4. Don't use Hot glue for an FX bucket.... that would be a mess man. Use the ABS glue in the kit or pick up some CA glue (CA is prefered as the ABS glue is a bit of a pain to work with)
  5. I too used snaps. SOmetimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's been more of a pain (trying to get them together in a hurry, reaching around your back) I'm now moving to a canvas belt...
  6. that may have been me..... but perhaps there was another.... (I was focused on leg armor mainly) I've been trying to get a mold maker to make some larger leg armor to match the FX set. Talks were progressing along nicely.... however it's been some time since I've heard back again.....
  7. What a great thread. I loved the comments about being a proud TK. I have to say... it's the entire reason I'm here. There was NEVER a though before starting my TK armor about should I start a Clone, a Vader, a Boba, etc.... It was always TK (and clean at that). Now that I'm here, I'm looking at other options to "play with" and I'll build up a sandy, but I'm in no hurry. Love the TK, be the TK, Live the TK So on the FX armor. It's what I have. I'm 6'3" 250ish give or take 10 lbs (time of year and what I've been doing). I'm a big guy. Actually, I wish there was BIGGER armor out there than the FX. I'm actually trying to get some custom work done to get bigger legs (I hate my shims, and they are not that big - I just want one solid leg, that I can actual trim to fit proper) It's not the most accurate armor, but it looks good. Without it, I never would have been able to join the 501st (again, it never entered my mind to do another costume) So where can I get some bigger armor?
  8. Perhaps a link to this board (drive some mebership????) I'm fine with you sharing my photos. It's all about spreading ideas and helping people.
  9. Don, you are 100% right. I thought about spray paint (actually it's what I used, I just didn't spray it). I'm glad to see that you had some of the same issues I had (it was REALLY tough to get all the insides of the vents covered) The 10 foot rule is great. Actually the 6 inch rule in person is great. The flash on the camera is VERY unforgiving (you can see so much more close-up) In person, honestly if you didn't know it, you would never know those decals were cut. In the flash (if you look close) you can see a slight shade difference in the gray paint vs the decals. You can't see that at all in person. Your vents are much cleaner than mine, you did a great job All in all, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It's not perfect. It really looks different in person, so please don't judge 100% by the photos. I'm installing some fans now to really get my monies worth. I can't wait. I would love to hear some more comments from people viewing this. I tried to give a little more "distance" on a couple of shots to help demonstrate.
  10. I'll take a picture of mine tonight. I don't think it came out as nice as what Don's was looking, but it's not bad. My vent's don't appear to cause the area to become weak. I was actually out on a troop last Friday and the guys didn't even notice. I asked them about it later, and once I said something about it and showed them they realized what I did. When painting the insides of the vents.... which was in my opinion the hardest part of the mod.... I had to get pretty creative and start looking at all my options. It was VERY difficult to paint the inside of the vents black and NOT get any paint on the decals. So needless to say, I got paint on the decals. The solution..... and it sounds crazy..... paint the decals....(I didn't remove them, just painted them....) I hope the pictures come out well. It really does look pretty good in person. (outside of the initial mistakes I made when building up the bucket and applying the decals originally... )
  11. Great news all!!!!! I just got my pauldron and will be sending my photos for Mark status ASAP!!!!! I kid... I kid...
  12. I used a pair of pliers to hold the nut really tight. You should then be able to keep screwing. It takes some effort and feels like it's done, but you can keep on going. Also be sure you have the nut on correctly (facing the correct direction - made that mistake the first time too)
  13. A great goal. I'm working on mine. I just ordered the belt, next is the holster. I also have another FX bucket that I was going to put together (I had it as a spare) for my Mark status (since I put vents in my normal bucket). I've since decided just to get a better helmet (such as a TE) to complete the task and wear on special occasions and canon events. I'll just use the spare FX bucket for my future TD.
  14. I'm with yea Paul, don't get me wrong. I just thought it was a good discusion.
  15. So if they didn't have decals on the original ANH buckets, do we allow decals on the Mark standards? What I'm trying to say is if there were no actual decals on the original helmets, then are we already allowing a degree of "inaccuracy" to be acceptable? If so, how far does that degree stretch? Decals? Vents? Look? Feel? Intent?
  16. Congrats on the soon to be addition Jay!!!!! BTW.... (I know it's a little early for this warning) when you get number 2 in daycare.... it moves from a condo to a 3000 sq foot house....
  17. Very nice man. I love the idea of being able to keep my phone with me for emergencies. I have a couple of little ones, and my wife normally will stay home with them while I'm out serving the needs of the empire. So it's always good to be in touch if I need to be. It will be nice once they are old enough that they can come watch and one day (fingers crossed) join their father. Now any pics of the other drop box for smokes and a lighter
  18. I guess I question the vent lines if cut. I believe the originals were paint, so if decals are added what's the different with the cut lines? Would cut vents not actually look closer to "paint" due to texture? So long as they do not take away from the look of the helmet and are black lines (backed with black mesh). I think if we allow decals then we have to allow "other" methods. Just my 2 cents. Sorry if I opened a can of worms. I was just reviewing the standards to see what additional changes outside of the belt I needed to make. On a second note, what's the approved amount of lines for the back traps? Or does it not matter? I've seen 9 and 11 (I thought I saw another one with fewer than 9, but I can't seem to find it again) EDIT... Just found it. 5 So I've seen 5, 9, 11 lines. Is there an approved amount or does it not matter?
  19. excellent info Paul!!! Thank you man. Now does anyone make one? This may be past my sewing skills.... (since well... I don't have any)
  20. So do we need to update the standards to refect that a full decal and/or hand painting trap and tears MUST be present? i.e not cut vents.
  21. A neck seal is a MUST have (IMO). I thought I also saw this question/topic posted for the entire legion (as a base requirement for admission). Did I just dream that or did anyone else see it (if so what happened to it?) Point being, would we have to have a poll to add to the standards if it's a base requirement for the legion?
  22. On the ANH standards what are the approved helmet mods? For example, I just cut my back decals to make vents. Does that impact Mark status? I thought I saw in the ROTJ standards it was specific that the traps were decals, but that's not stated for ANH. I have another bucket that's not cut, but just asking for my "working" bucket.
  23. The canvas belt velcros in the back correct? Has anyone found a way for it to attach in the front then attach the rest of the front belt? Anyone have issues with it slipping down or up? I currently have my TD screwed to my belt (one less thing I have to worry about ever falling off or being pulled off) I would like to keep this option, but didn't know if it would be possible with a canvas belt. I want to pick up a new holster from Bernard, but I'm trying to figure out if I go with loops or the correct rivet method. If I can't figure out the canvas belt, then I'll go with the loop holster on my ABS belt. I'm close to Mark status, but it's the belt that's holding me back. Any help would be appreciated.
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