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Everything posted by Sonnenschein

  1. And even if there was a real one, one would have to sculpt a new master sculpt because of the shrinkage of latex. Latex is durable, but degrades soon if not properly cared for. Why do you think they made new versions for ESB?
  2. Not that I know of. Only screen shots and a few decent pics.
  3. Thanks, Paul But I must point out, that before me Stormtrooper_guy and R2Dan made latex hand guards, and in the past 4 years I got lots of encouragement, help and input from other members here. My salutes to them!
  4. I'm reviving this old thread, because I think there will be soon a discussion about accuracy of hand guards..
  5. You're welcome! I'm always happy to share my knowledge!
  6. I don't want to turn this into a lenghty accuracy discussion, but I think this points should bev considered: No set of hand guards was the same in ANH. +) amount of latex poured in: more latex, thicker hand guards. +) level of the mold: thicker or thinner on one end +) mold wear: after a few pulls, the mold wears out; chunks missing, rough surface, etc +mold flash: latex is a non-wetting fluid. if you just pour it in, it produces a convexe surface, with no flash. > Thin edges (like RS above) if you wet the edges of the mold, it produces a concave surface, with flash, almost like a "return edge" see this famous pic: +) latex shrinkage: depending on humididty, temperature, etc. latex shrinks between 5 and 10% +) I'm convinced there were at least 2 different molds of standard hand gaurds (+ 1 alternative style). a) one with somewhat round front "straighter" front, pinky finger part a little wider (Gee, after 4 years, Icould major in latex hand guards) Conclusio: if you like a particular set of hand guards and the price is right for you, get it. If not, don't.
  7. That depends on WHO you ask; I'd guess everybody should make their own opinon.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to take those pics! Much appreciated.
  9. Hi Patrick, I hope you're better now! I can send you a pair of handguards (latex or rubber) just for the shipping, if you like. Send me a PM!
  10. But I have nothing against if people round the sum the amount up for some extra tip And don't forget: the paypal protection works both ways. I never had any troubles in the past 5 years. A few packages got lost, several were delayed, but that's it. Open and constant communication is the key!
  11. I always "eat" the paypal fees. It is just fair. That way, the buyer has to pay the asked price only, and doesn't have to take math lessons or google for "calculators"
  12. Only for a short time; I'll soon disappear like Cinderella
  13. I'd wipe off those mustard stains. Did you eat some bratwurst while weathering it? J/K... Beautiful lid!
  14. Here's the "flash" (a thin skin of latex) from the back side. ---------- It makes about 3mm of the total thickness. If less latex is used, total thickness stays the same, but the "flash" portion is about 6-7 mm. If the flash is cut away, the hand guards look significant thinner, like seen other the sandtroopers. (I must add: I love the new macro vision app on my Android )
  15. Well, this post makes me to come out of retirement - for now. *Hand gaurds are curved because they are glued to to CURVED BACK OF THE HAND. *They APPEAR to be thick: There's thin flash around the edges, which gives the ILLUSION of thickness. On replicas, this flash is usually cut off, because it looks "sloppy in other people's opinion# * No hand guard looked the same. Depending of amout of latex, position of the mold, etc,.... * they are not heavy: just a little over 50grams +/- (#I'll post pics later for demonstration)
  16. Please dont fight Im a little tired (and tipsy) to write an essay, and I need some time to collect my thoughts, I love you all and I miss you!
  17. Thank you everybody fo your kind words! But with things being as they are, I highly doubt I will return some day I'm fed up beyond words. I'll still be part of this community somehow, but not here. Take care!
  18. Hey guys, this is Florian, Karin's BF. She says thank you for all the kind words. She was always proud of being part of this community, but right now she's really sad and very dissapointed. Give her some time, maybe she will reconsider some day. Peace!
  19. I'm sorry to inform you, but I'll leave this community AS OF TODAY. Most of you will be greatly missed, some not. (There's still face book) This account will stay active for some time, because my BF will take over the selling of the hand guards (in fact, he has done so in the past 2 weeks). I'm working on building a web shop for the hand guards and neck seal. Take care everybody... IT WAS FUN
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