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Deployment Officer[Staff]
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Everything posted by Chemi

  1. Hello again, Michael. As we were starting with your review, we noticed that your gloves do not meet the requirements for level 1. The CRL for level 1 states: -L1: Black in color, made of either rubber, nomex, leather, or leather-like material, with no visible straps or logos/designs. The fingers are enclosed. You may be able to remove it with acetone (I did that with both of mine). However, sometimes acetone can damage the glove. I recommend that you test on a less visible area of the glove first. Let us know when you have it fixed and we can "move along" with your request. Thanks!
  2. Hi Michael. Thanks for your EIB request. One of us will be with you soon. In the meantime, as Glen says, you could replace the photos with higher resolution ones, as the ones you have posted do not allow us to see all the details of your armor.(They are too pixelated when zoomed in). In addition to the photos Glen has told you about, I would need a more frontal photo of the teeth area. Example: And as a last favor, there is something we need you to correct as well, as it is a requirement for level 1. L1.- The white control panel raised ribbed pad faces the rear, with the controls/round washer style detail closest to the right end cap. I think it will be enough to "unroll" the detonator a little bit from its clips (besides, the detonator will be a little bit lower at the canvas belt height, which is its ideal position). Reference Images Thanks!!!
  3. Hello and welcome to the FISD, Andrew!!!
  4. Due to the delay in any movement on this submission we are considering it inactive. If you would like to continue, please get in touch with any member of the D.O. staff. Thanks!
  5. Hola Rodrigo. Gracias por solicitar el nivel 2. Uno de nosotros estará contigo muy pronto. Hello Rodrigo. Thank you for applying for level 2. One of us will be with you soon.
  6. Hola Trevor. Desgraciadamente, como bien indica Glen, no hay ninguna imagen de referencia que nos permita ver un trooper usando un holster para un SE-14R, así que no puede ser validado para utilizarlo en eventos oficiales. Hi Trevor. Unfortunately, as Glen rightly points out, there is no reference image that allows us to see a trooper wearing a holster for an SE-14R, so it cannot be validated for use at official events.
  7. Hi Manvi, and thank you for your Centurion application! CRL and CENTURION Application Requirements: All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of CENTURION . Congratulations! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly; In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions. - Algo que se nos olvidó comentarte, es la posición de este tornillo. Lo ideal es que intentaras roscarlo para que quedara plano. - One thing we forgot to tell you is the position of this screw. Ideally, the head of the screw should be "flat". Reference images Bueno Manvi, sólo me queda felicitarte. Se el trabajo que te ha costado dejar la armadura con este nivel de detalle, y además se lo que significa para ti esta insignia. Se las dificultades por las que has pasado y estás pasando (físicas), y por eso, me complace aún más entregarte esta insignia. Te animo también a que continúes mejorando tu armadura, haciendo esos pequeños ajustes que te hemos recomendado. Felicidades #526 Well Manvi, congratulations!!!. I know how much work it has taken you to leave the armor with this level of detail, and I also know what this badge means to you. I know the difficulties you have gone through and are going through (physical), and therefore, I am even more pleased to give you this badge. I also encourage you to continue improving your armor, making those small adjustments that we have recommended. Congratulations #526 Request your Centurion Certificate HERE
  8. Hi Pedro. Use this link... https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=36317
  9. Hi Manvi, and thank you for your EIB application! CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All required photos have been submitted, and on behalf of the entire D.O. staff we are pleased to welcome you to the rank of Expert Infantry. Congratulations! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly; In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor, and please keep in mind that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions. En primer lugar, me gustaría felicitarte por el trabajo realizado en tu armadura, y por el esfuerzo que has hecho para arreglar todo lo que te solicitamos. First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the work you have done on your armor, and for the effort you have made to fix everything we requested. Empezando por el casco. -L3. Idealmente, la posición de las orejas(y tornillos) seguirá de cerca el ángulo de los trapecios que están sobre ellas. Como hemos dicho en otras ocasiones, este "error" está presente en el 90% de las solicitudes, pero soro lo requeriremos para Centurión, en caso de que el casco se vea muy mal. Starting with the helmet. -L3. Ideally placement of the ears (and screws) should closely follow the rear angle of the Trap above them. As we have said on other occasions, this issue is present in 90% of the applications, but, it will only be a requirement for centurion level in case the helmet looks very bad... Reference Images -Hemos notado que tu ceja está un poco baja. Los TK´s las llevan más altas, al contrario que los Hero, por eso te recomendamos subirla un poco. -We noticed that your brow is sitting pretty low. Stunt TK´s trim sits higher, as opposed to Hero, so we are suggesting that you raise it a bit. Reference Image ANH Reference Image Hero [ -Tus antebrazos están un poco altos. Para una mejor apariencia general, y para ser más fiel a lo visto en pantalla, te recomendamos que los bajes un poco. -Your forearms are a little high. For a better "overall appearance", and to be more accurate, we recommend that you lower them a bit. Reference Images -La posición del detonador(TD) está un poco alta. Su posición correcta sería a la misma altura que la del cinturón, por eso te recomendamos que lo bajes un poco. -The position of the TD is a little high. Its correct position would be at the same height as the belt, so we recommend that you lower it a little. Reference Images -Parece que hay restos de pegamento en uno de tus guantes. Muy fácil de solucionar, quita el pegamento con cuidado y tu armadura se verá genial. -It looks like there are some glue on one of your gloves. Easy fix, remove that glue carefully so your armor looks great. Reference Images Centurion Requirements: In this section we prepare you for our highest tier of approval. Because Centurion photos must show more detail than EIB, items pertaining to Level 3 might be seen there and not here and additional photos may be required. We try to point out all that we can from what we are able to clearly see, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper. Nada que añadir aquí. Nothing to add here. Congratulations Manvi!!! Espero ver tu solicitud de Centurión muy pronto! Congratulations Manvi!!! I hope to see your Centurion application very soon! P.D.: No olvides solicitar tu diploma en este link. P.S.:Don't forget to request your certificate here.
  10. I'm sorry, but I disagree. The differences are too obvious even for basic (as a GML, I would ask to correct it).
  11. For me, the differences in the Pauldron, compared to the reference images, are too obvious.... I don't know what the rest of the staff thinks, but for me, this is not valid.... It's just my opinion.
  12. According to the reference images,, I think the front black lines of the Pauldron should be a little more towards the center....Something like this: Otherwise, nice work ,Justin.
  13. What can I say... Nothing you don't already know... A big hug, brother...(well, not too big).
  14. Hi Dale. Your helmet looks great!. A couple of fixes and that's it! Don't be afraid and "go the enamel painting route". Teeth are the easiest area to paint, I promise (I'm not very good at it, and the result was better than I expected). The vocoder looks great, although I would try to "define" its ridges(he arches on each tube) a little more, so that the result would be SPECTACULAR. Don't worry, we all know that in photos, " imperfections" are more noticeable. You can see things that you can't see with the naked eye. Keep up the good work! Reference images
  15. Due to the delay in any movement on this submission we are considering it inactive. If you would like to continue, please get in touch with any member of the D.O. staff. Thanks!
  16. Hi Christian. About the TD, you nailed it! However, the Blaster still has too many visible print lines.
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