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Everything posted by MaskedVengeance

  1. I may have archived (hidden) that purchase on my Amazon account last week lest my wife wonder what the heck is going on with my silly stormtrooper friends, or worse.
  2. I mean, pink shorts guy already exists at cons. A little more minimalistic than that, but not outside the realm of possibility...
  3. Indefinite hold on my EI app! Nooooo... But in all seriousness, truthfully it is @TheRascalKing and TK-97253, TK-42077, TK-82077, TK-62345, and Casey Kwock (as Justin mentioned in his post above) who deserve credit for this joke. It was them that formulated the idea, and only after their completion of the CRL did Justin approach Luca and myself about implementation on FISD. Adam, Luca, and I only took it a step further with our own threads based on the CRL. So BIG THANKS to the SoCal Garrison troopers on the amazing concept! Luca, Adam, and I myself had an amazing time spinning off your vision and work!
  4. Certain key meme staff won't need to order... We’ll say no more.
  5. If you’re really asking, Adam and I have the US inventory, and Luca is managing the Euro distribution.
  6. Looks good to me too! Another EI star on your profile in short order!
  7. Good question, James! And about a topic I admittedly hadn’t thought about for trooping. Currently I would normally mount an Aker amp behind my chest-piece, but obviously that’s not an option with this costume. Thus I’d either need to convert to all internal electronics in my bucket or go up in size on the swim bottoms…
  8. OH. MY. GOODNESS. YES. Running of the speedos and hoods. Adam - What about Dragoncon?
  9. Haha. My EI submission thread has the official swimwear purchase link, for those of you seeking the licensed product route.
  10. Oh heck yes! Merch FTW. Count me in for one, or twenty. I def need a cover-up for my new Beach Trooper suit, which is, well, very much birthday-esque.
  11. Thanks Chemi! I wasn't sure if you wanted me to suit up or not for the supplemental photo, so I took a photo both ways. You know it, Adam! I was bummed to miss out on the opportunity to be the CRL model, but I'm good with the first to EI (hopefully) kudos. It was nice to not have my thigh ammo pack alignment slowing down approval this time.
  12. "TK MEMES Coin Run" Please read everything carefully. Coin designed by your friendly neighborhood Meme Squad The meme trio drafted and modified the design several times, and in my IMHO has given us an amazing design that will surely stand out in any coin collection. We are happy to present the TK Memes Coin. Original April 1st joke proof with poor editing Actual proof for design revealed on April 2nd Artwork by Adam with Luca modeling Here are some basic questions you may have, but please ask on this thread if you have others. 1. How much are they? Each coin is $13.20 (USD) Priceless. DO NOT SEND MONEY UNTIL I CONTACT YOU! Payments will be due upon receipt of the PayPal money request! 2. Who can order this coin? This coin is for participants of the FISD Memes thread only. We will be checking for proof of thread posts. If you are a forum memer but have not posted on the FISD Meme thread, you can qualify for this coin by posting prior to submitting an order. 3. How many can I order? There is a limit of 1 coin per memer. If you completed the interest form, you should have already received an email to verify your purchase intent and shipping address. We are allowing group orders, but still need to know the memes posted of each purchaser. These are being monitored. 4. How much will shipping be? Shipping to the lower 48 US is roughly $5.00. Unfortunately for our International friends the quotes range very widely. Shipping will be billed separately for this run as we need to pay for the coins before 04 MAY 2023 5. What is the time frame for ordering? Run will close on 02 MAY 2023 or when the supply of coins is exhausted. 6. How long will it take to get my coin(s)? Production/shipping time from the manufacturer is 4-6 weeks. Add 1-3 weeks for individual packaging/shipping/arrival to your destination. so you are looking at 6-9 weeks after the run closes. ALL UPDATES WILL BE POSTED BELOW! ORDERING INFO. - PLEASE READ COMPLETELY! 1. If you filled out the interest form, you have already been contacted via email to verify your shipping address and confirm your shipping cost (shipping will be paid for at a later date). 2. Once those that completed the interest form have all responded, a link for the run will be posted, and those wishing to buy what is remaining will be able to submit their request via the linked google form. 3. All orders will be emailed a PayPal money request for the coin cost. You will either click on the link provided in the email, or go to PayPal and send the total due via PayPal using the "Send to a Friend" option to me, memelover421 at gmail DOT com ***Funds sent via "Pay for Goods/Services" will be refunded. If you do not have the Friends and Family options contact me and we'll make it work*** 4. If you don't get a PayPal money request email link from me and you have to send funds to me via my email, Please include your name, a link to at least one meme thread post, and FISD screen name in the "Notes" section when remitting the payment. 5. If doing a group order, please make sure I have the contact info for where the order is going, as well as all the memers (including post links) in the group order. 6. Shipping will be billed at a later date, more than likely late April. I will provide tracking numbers via the email you provide me once shipping labels have been printed, with all shipping at the purchasers risk. ( smol edit by @revlimiter on 4/2/23 ) THIS IS THE WAY! @revlimiter @Morgi
  13. Excellent observation, Joseph! Thanks for catching that! If/once the pauldron gets approved as an accessory I'll definitely need to pay more attention to the alignment. As for the blaster, it's true that this suit doesn't feature much in the way of real estate for tucking in blasters or anything. I figure maybe ESB holster loops would do the trick. Definitely not concealed carry. @revlimiter Do you have any other suggestions or techniques for blaster accommodation?
  14. Wow Luca! You've done a phenomenal job with this submission! You've really matched the two-piece variant of the Beach Trooper quite well, and you even struck the proper pose! Well done, sir! If I may, I think there are only two items that may need to be addressed, though ultimately the decisions in these areas will be up to your GML (Garrison Membership Liaison). First, as shown below, it appears that the red portions on your shirt wrap too far around your suit top. Screen references show that the red stripes do not extend onto the return edges of your shirt. See the following references: The excess material can also be seen from the rear, but a few minutes with lexan scissors or a hobby knife, and you'll have those shirt return edges cleaned up and shipshape! Once again, fantastic work on this submission! With just a few minutes of work I have no doubt that you'll be easily approved! p.s. One last note unrelated to your build. It appears that your images have been compressed in some way, typically due to file size limits when uploading directly to the FISD servers. Many troopers use an image-hosting site such as Photobucket, Imgur, or Flickr, and THIS THREAD may be of help to you in sorting out your photo posting.
  15. If I may, I've just submitted what I believe will be the first EI application for this new Beach Trooper. It's very exiting to have the opportunity to earn an extra ribbon star! Thanks to the team who brought this to a reality!
  16. In keeping with my tradition of lightning fast L2 and L3 submissions after approval, today I have prepared for you @Deployment Officer Team my L2 EI application (with some L3 photos) for the newly-established Beach Trooper. I know I'm blazing the trails with this submission, but hopefully I meet all the requirements as noted in the new CRL. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out! I'm always eager for feedback to improve my kits! UPDATE: I appear to be having some issues with my Photobucket account. If anybody has any tips on how I can remove the watermarks and regain access to my original images it would be much appreciated! Thanks! (@Sly11 and @gmrhodes13 I know you guys have worked on this during your forum cleanup project) Name: Caleb 501st Unit: Venator Squad, Georgia Garrison Helmet: ATA Works Swimsuit: Official CRL bottoms E-11 Blaster: Hellhounds Props (rubber) circa 2019 Height: 6' 0" (183 cms) Weight: 192 lbs (87 kilos) at time of photos. CRL: Beach Trooper Shout out to @TheRascalKing, TK-97253, TK-42077, TK-82077, TK-62345, Casey Kwock, @Morgi, @revlimiter, among many others, for whom I'm forever grateful. Full Body ** * I had some image rotation issues on this one. Sorry didn't have time for a real fix. Action Shot (for the EI Gallery) @gmrhodes13 Suit Details Note: It's unclear if the color of the suit is Humbrol 14 French Blue. It appears to be more of a cross between French and Mediterranean Blue. Definitely not Midnight Blue. Helmet Details Blaster Details Optional Accessories Proposal I know that CRL has only just been developed, but I thought I might take this opportunity to propose an amendment to the optional items currently approvable for this Beach Trooper. I know that screen references are a bit slim, but in the interest accessorizing this minimalistic trooper, I propose the addition of the optional items listed below. Note that I've preemptively modeled the implementation of these accessories for consideration by the appropriate authorities. OT-style thermal detonator (TD) OT-style pauldron (specific color open for discussion) Imperial binders (with belt-clip) * Once again, apologies for the image rotation issues below * * Action Photo (image rotation issue again) Please let me know if any of you have any feedback on any adjustments that the DOs may require for IE, or even Centurion. I figure I might as well shoot straight for the top and aim to be the first L3 Beach Trooper! If only I could look as good as @justjoseph63 at his beach shoot*. If anybody knows a caricature artist local to me or in the Atlanta area, please put me in touch! * * And that's all for now! If all goes well I hope to submit for Centurion very soon, and who knows, maybe I can finally get my first trading card and show off my dad bod. TK-75276 standing by
  17. Bring the rain, guys! (Looking at all you March to 1000 EI troopers) @Sly11 I know you had to have gotten one.
  18. I second what Kyle said. Some gaps are certainly normal. Have fun on your troop!
  19. That's fantastic news, Gary! Welcome! I see that you've already requested the proper forum access, so hopefully in the next couple of day's you'll have Stormtrooper status here on the forum. A great place to start to prepare for EI submission to to post up your basic approval photos for us to see, or even better--take the photos that you'll need to submit for EI so that we can evaluate all the pieces. You can post them here or even start start a build thread in the ANH section. We're looking forward to helping you along on this next step towards EI and hopefully Centurion after that!
  20. Yeah you can almost guarantee that the TKs were practically invisible!
  21. You know, I don't currently own a refillable lighter... To save you guys .02 seconds on google, here's the direct link to the mini-saber. https://hacksmith.store/en-us/products/hacksmith-mini-saber
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