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Dark PWF

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Everything posted by Dark PWF

  1. It should be about nine months total, yes. If you've only got a three month window to work with, I've got no advice to offer, since my only experience is my wait for my RT kit. Best of luck with your search.
  2. Check out RT-Mod if you haven't already. Mine will be arriving within the next couple of months, but here is Darth Aloha's build thread, so you can get a look at the armor kit: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/16995-darth-alohas-rt-mod-anh-stunt-buildrt/ Just an option for the taller/larger trooper, of course.
  3. A little bit of work done on the blaster this afternoon - more coming later though - A bit of a teaser as to what you can expect in the next installment: Another part glued in place. The gluing of that particular piece led me down the rabbit hole of another modification - Inspired by Steve's current project. (I said I wasn't going to grind out the inside of my receiver to get the bolt to fit flush, and I'm not - but I have undertaken the same modification that Steve did to the resin cast bolt, and I had a mini-epiphany that led to a slight, further modification of the same original project.) The "un-doing" of that hideous mistake that Germain was astute enough to catch and bring to my attention. A video - yes, a video. A bunch of work done with sandpaper. I haven't gotten to it yet, but there will be fabrication! Oh yes, there will be fabrication. Oh, and there was some shopping done as well. It's really starting to come together!!! Can't wait to get this next batch of work done and share it with you all.
  4. Gentlemen... THIS. ^^^^^^^^ THIS Right here, is a solid bit of advice, from a guy that knows what he's talking about. I'll only chime in as a relative newb myself. That's the path that I took. Just yesterday, my last soft part arrived in the mail. I'm just about done with my Doopydoos E-11 build, and I've got only one more piece of electronics to order for my armor kit - which will finally arrive in May sometime (after being on a wait list since August). Do your research, figure out which armor kit/maker is the right fit for you, get on the wait list and then start collecting accessories and knowledge. Before you know it, you'll be excited about the arrival of a big brown box, and you'll be ready to go as soon as you're done with your assembly.
  5. I'll be trooping with one as well... I think that the majority of the members do troop with weathered weapons, as opposed to building them to be display pieces.
  6. Makes sense, Steve. I just have no airbrush experience. LoL. I'm thinking I may have some soon though. Getting there, Germain... Getting there slowly but surely!! Thanks I can't wait either - but I'm going to!
  7. Beauty of a find, Steve! As luck would have it, the first thing on the right outside the main gate here is an Advance Auto - and they've got it in stock. Just in time for planning to paint the E-11! I'm going to be all over it. Did you do any testing with the Gunmetal over it yet?
  8. Greetings Matt, kudos for coming here first!! Dig into that link, and you'll find the right path for you, I'm sure!
  9. Thank you everyone! Truly an enjoyable read this month, as always!
  10. I know mine would. LoL Nice toys though, and I too appreciate the buckets in the corner.
  11. Thanks Aaron, thank you Glen! For the record, the monocular's genius belongs to SIMpixels - I borrowed that idea from him 100%. I even sought out one that looked like his on the bay of E. Looks to be a very good, cheap investment that should add quite a bit to the build in the end. Of course, I've just been hit with a deadline for the E-11 to be completed. It must be done by the end of April because my armor kit will be done sometime in May!!! I'm more excited than a ninth grader that has been asked to the twelfth grade dance right now. My neck seal (last soft part) shipped today, and my armor kit is about two months away! OMG!!!!! YAY!!!! LoL.
  12. Hair grows back Dan. Imagine the smiles that you'll grow in doing it, and it won't matter for even the most fleeting of moments. Great cause, great job!!!
  13. Thank you, Paul - for your good spirit displayed today - and for everything that you have done for the hobby, the FISD, and the 501st! Truly appreciate all that you have done, and continue to do.
  14. Thanks, Ricky! Getting down to the nitty-gritty work and the scary paint stuff. LoL The monocular was one month to the day from the day that I ordered it - granted it was February, so it was not quite a "standard" month.
  15. Well... Free advertising is good advertising, I guess. As already pointed out though - and as we already know - it's all BS.
  16. Congratulations Bobby!!! Awesome work, and well deserved. Do those motorcycle liners come in different colors, too?
  17. More food for thought, following up on Scootch's comments regarding building the bucket... Unless you tell him otherwise, Rob (RT-Mod) builds the buckets for you as part of his standard services. So you can look at a few RT build threads, and get a good idea how it will look.
  18. Congratulations Chris! Glad to see that you made your way over here. Looking forward to the build.
  19. Brian, I'm not sure if you've read the specs on Rob's (RT-Mod) armor kit/helmet yet, but he sculpted it to about a 104% scale relative to the originals, so it is 4% larger. It is probably not enough to make it look massive if using a normally sized armor, but it is enough of a difference that it could indeed be noticeable in some capacity.
  20. You're probably right. I'll get right on that. Oh, wait... The box is all jacked up. I guess I can't do that after all. LoL
  21. Indeed it is! Imagine the games we'll have when I get good at it!
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