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Everything posted by starsaber25

  1. Hey Richard. You are moving right along with your build. Like what has been said already, you should try and not put so much pressure on the knife. I built my whole entire MTK kit using the score and snap method and I liked how it went. You just gotta take your time. I love the comparison photos. While i like some aspects of the Anovos armor the AP helmet just looks so much nicer in my personal opinion. Great Start!
  2. So does the right side of the kidney have that deep curve Tony? Or is it like what Paul said? That's why he is a master...
  3. Hey Tony I just posted this on the Anovos Kit Building facebook thread. I hope you don't mind this. And I hope that none of the Detachment staff mind as well. If the the staff feels it is not my place then i will take it down. But I just feel this would be a great thread to try and steer some of these new members. Hi everyone. I first would like to congratulate you all on your purchase of the Anovos armor. This is a very exciting time for all of you as you are starting to see these brown boxes arrive on your door steps. I am a member of the 501st and a member of the Empire City Garrison. I am also an active member over at the First imperial Stormtrooper Detachment. I see here that many of you have started a great support group here on facebook and that is a great start. I am asking that for those of you who have not done so already, that you all consider joining the stormtrooper detachment as there is a large group of very talented guys and gals waiting to assist members who are aspiring to join the 501st as stormtroopers. The website is www.whitearmor.net. There is a huge bank of excellent build threads as well as an abundance of great threads for building certain aspects of the armor. Specifically speaking there is a new thread that has popped up on building the Anovos armor by ukswrath (Tony) http://www.whitearmor.net/…/35086-ukswraths-anovos-tk-build/ Tony is very talented and is going to provide an excellent resource for building a set of this armor. Tony is also one of the "Deployment Officers" on FISD who is responsible for certifying members in the Expert Infantry and Centurion tiers. So who would be better to see a build thread from then him? So everyone enjoy your time building your armor. It is a very satisfying experience. Good Luck!
  4. Maybe what is throwing you off about the traps is that the pull is so sharp that it is making it look different? That is certainly a sharp pull.
  5. Hey jayson. This is the box I use. It works great!<br><br> Try Homedepot
  6. Hey Geddy and welcome to FISD. Take a look at this link for some casual reading. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28304-how-much-can-i-realistically-expect-to-pay-to-finish-my-stormtrooper-costume/ ESB is a good choice because there aren't too many of them. Good Luck!
  7. Hi Dave and the bottom of the thigh looks a lot better now. While I agree that maybe some more work should be done in regards to your shoulder straps, that shouldn't be something that should effect your EIB approval. I feel that you met those requirements because the elastic isn't required until Centurion. So they might as well not even be on there right now. Having said that, you should consider ripping those off and try to align them a little better. It would certainly make the armor look better. If you are planning on going Centurion then you will certainly need to make that adjustment.
  8. Yeah Joe everything is looking great! Should be absolutely no problem getting approval! Good work and its great to see another approved MTK!
  9. Hey Dave! Your armor looks great! Another quality MTK build. I don't think you will have too much trouble with making EIB. However, it appears you may be interested in going Centurion and if that is the case you will need to work on the thermal detonator. You will need to square off the metal brackets and the metal brackets will need to be brought up to the panel so they are touching it. Also one other thing that will need to be done is you will need to bring the drop boxes all the way out to the end of the belt and not just at the 45 degree angles. Again these are things that shouldn't effect your EIB application. Good luck and I hope there is another MTK EIB!
  10. WTF is Walt here on the boards. Walt is a very nice guy and reliable. His suit is mostly made up from the Gino suit. There are a few armors that aren't listed on the "vetted" list but are very nice armors from reliable people like WTF, MTK, NE, and CAP-W. But RS is also one of the best you can get.
  11. Hi Cameron and welcome to FISD. If you would like to try and get the FX helmet approved, you would need to replace the faceplate, the cap and back and the ears (AKA the whole helmet). FX helmets are no longer approvable. Stay away from anything FX as it is no where near screen accurate other then it is a white spaceman looking costume. Look in the getting started thread.
  12. Hi Ash and welcome. You have made your first big accomplishment by finding this forum. Please take your time and have a look around. This is a very active detachment. We can help you here if you choose a TFA armor. If you go with a bounty hunter or clone trooper then Scott already pointed you in the right direction. Please keep in mind that TFA armor is hard to come by at the moment and carries a high price tag. Good luck and have a look around.
  13. Hi Kevin. When reading this thread I can sense your urgency. Please, take a breath and we will do our best to help you through this. Like mike mentioned I would highly recommend you return the Rubies for a refund. Then take your time and do some research on this forum. Contact some armor makers and get some pricing. Your height and weight will be important as far as which armor maker you decide on. <br><br> There are a few venders that offer a fully built suit. I believe they are AP, RS and TM. Also ask around here. There are a few members who will build the armor for you. If you are looking to join the 501st you can get in contact with your local garrison and maybe they can help with an armor building party. <br><br> Good luck and welcome to FISD.
  14. Hello Ryan and welcome to FISD. Like mentioned above you can fit well into an Authentic Props armor. Other armors that are available that would be great for your size are Troopermaster and RS Props. The last two are two of the best you can get however are also more on the expensive side. The differences between ANH and ESB are minor and it can be done using the same kit. ROTJ is a totally different set of armor and are available from CFO and Troopermaster.
  15. Troopermaster and RS Propmasters. I can tell you from experience that the TM helmet is top of the line but add another few hundred bucks to the price listed above if you want a completed helmet delivered to the US.
  16. Hi Shawn and welcome. If you are looking at Anovos and ATA there are a couple of more kits that are similar. ATA has a very long wait. And there is much uncertainty about the Anovos kit. Like Walt said you can look into his WTF or there is MTK, AP, Or NE. Then here are the higher priced TM and RS. There are many options for you to choose if there is something about 1 armor that you don't like.
  17. Well I'm not misunderstanding anything. However, I will clear up your misunderstanding. I did not use the word "recast." I used the word cast. Your armor that is pictured on your website looks the same as the older FX and older AM armor. Specifically your chest and back plate. Your Armor: --------------- "Screen Accurate" armor: Maybe your armor is made using quality plastic, it is vaccuformed well, and it is a fair price; but if you want to be "clear and honest as possible" then you wouldn't claim your armor to be "Your Film Accurate Stormtrooper Armour at a Fair Price." Because that statement you use on your website is only half honest.
  18. Um hasn't this been already discussed on pages 35 and 36? Your armor appears to be some sort of FX cast armor that you show in your pictures on the website as Mathias and MightyTank (AM) have mentioned...
  19. Hey Shawn this website is selling armor called Jedi Robe. Stay very far away from this. Follow the link that has been posted above and read through that entire thread. That will steer you in the right direction.
  20. Congrats Ryan! Your armor looks great! It is indeed a great feeling to get your number. Look forward to seeing your EIB submission soon!
  21. Hi Henry and welcome. Here is a link with 69 pages on anovos to help your eyes start to bleed. Short answer is that it is too early to tell but probably okay for base approval. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30831-anovos-tk-armor-preorder/
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