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Everything posted by Lichtbringer

  1. Hm, i know that score and snap method, but at material strength around/over 2mm i will probably do it the same way as these guys, cutting and drumsander. Score and snap is something i prefer on thinner material and straight lines. Lexan scissors is something i only used on thinner stuff, too.
  2. You don´t get it - it´s not the question if they want to go after someone. As soon as someone reports any armor or helmet maker to them, they have the obligation to turn on him, otherwise they can lose the future right to defend their paid license. As an example: Fan-Armormaker A has a aversion for Fan-Armormaker B, it doesn´t matter if it´s personally related, business/money-related, or recast-related, or whatever. He asks a friend (to not be personally involved if IP or mailaddress is checked) to report Maker B. As soon as that is officially happened, Anovos needs to go after B to save their license, even if B is a close friend with them. Now, with a official Disney licensed product, the cards are mixed completely new - one single person can take any (illegal) armor-maker out of the game, with just one email addressed to Anovos with having it cc. to Disney. Even if they (Anovos) don´t want, they need to go after.
  3. According to his explanation only one official email ala "Is Armor XXX legit and can i buy with confidence" enough to force him to go after that armor maker, no matter if he wants to or if not - just due to the paras of his contract. Thats exactly what i thought all the time, from other license-contracts which in general are probably more or less the same in this regard. Hard times for armor makers, now with a licensed product in game. One unhappy customer, even one who just doesn´t like them or their prices, can get the ball rolling to get them out.
  4. To be honest ... i don´t understand any of your thoughts. If you need to mod this suit that extensive, you need to mod any other suit that´s screen accurate sized in a equal way. Only with a not screen accurate sized suit you have better chances for less modding. And even if you need to mod the size, it´s done with some plastic bits for a few cents. Just a little bit more work. No idea where you believe to spend additional hundreds of dollars.
  5. With Paul calling it a RS recast .... if he is right with his guess, you would have the same chances as with their armor. Sure, if you´re oversized in any direction, it might be better to choose a not screen accurate sized suit from one of the manufacturers that go in the oversized direction to help it fit.
  6. Well, i definately wouldn´t. And i assume many others wouldn´t do that either.
  7. I don´t think so. Under the line they have the license, and if the established "bootleg" armormaker step to much on their toes, it´s completely understandable that they would get them out from the business, with Disneys help. After that their armor would be the only one available.
  8. Just do what you want - rules are only relevant when at a event someone is enforcing them. If not ... ignore them and have fun. Most people are used on seeing pauldrons without knowing (or even caring) for more details, so you need to have a really fanatic supervisor to be not able to wear it. Fanatic and willing to argue, and taking the risk that one of the Troopers planned for the show straight goes away, maybe even with all his friends if they are close friends. Many event-managers are not interested in that sort of trouble. But if the initiator of a event is against pauldrons (or other things), it´s not worth to argue no matter if it´s canon or not.
  9. I ordered one of the Phoenixprops poseable mannequins from the run here on FISD.
  10. I ordered one of the Phoenixprops poseable mannequins from the run here on FISD.
  11. Yeah guys, i already was afraid it will need to take additional actions, Maybe fitting some strong rods under the armor, to take the weight issue from the mannequin. Should be doable after a definite pose will be selected.
  12. As i don´t be the biggest fan to long/fat or otherwise wrong looking troopers (or blond Leias, round Han´s, ....... you get what i mean), and don´t want to be one of them ...... i will probably only display it on my ordered mannequin, I just hope i will be able to get it holding my all real parts Sterling/E11. Not sure about that yet, as it´s way heavier than a pipe or resin build one.
  13. Isn´t any stated "501st approved" a straight lie? As far as i understood there is no general 501st approval on any armor - each suit, no matter what manufacturer, has to be build to fit the person to be approved?
  14. The Anovos can be ordered as a ready build one, too: http://www.anovos.com/collections/new-releases/products/star-wars-standalone-stormtrooper-helmet-accessory-standard-line-pre-order
  15. And off course there is not only the fanmade stuff: http://www.anovos.com/collections/new-releases/products/star-wars-standalone-stormtrooper-helmet-accessory-standard-line-pre-order
  16. NO kit is 501 approved without mods, so there is no difference. With each kit it comes down to your body and how you make the armor fitting to it.
  17. Not different ranks, more the way of different units (army, navy, airforce, ....).
  18. Just checked out the shipping to Germany - at 63 USD just for a helmet kit i think i´m gonna pass, unless they pack and send it together with my armor delivery.
  19. I´m wondering if i should order the helmet kit, additional to the already ordered armor. Just in case there is something with the prebuild suit-helmet i don´t like ...... and that i could fix on a helmet in kit form.
  20. Good decision on the scope. Not sure yet what to think from brass made pistons - i guess it´s a question of personal preferences. On screen one kind of them (ESB) was plastic model-kit parts, the other kind (ROTJ) was made from Delrin on a lathe.
  21. Look out for a M38, or a (cheaper and less sccurate) M38A2 that you can shape accurate with some Bondo (or use it with internal lightning for the play factor). Regarding "rich" - one thing i learned the hard way at collecting real stuff props, is: Prices for the real stuff are only going up. Buy whatever you can afford whenever you find it.
  22. Not really, the process of making is more or less the same, and at that small needed quantities the price of metal is also not that much different. For such small runs the most important thing (also pricewise) is to find someone who is willing to do it for a reasonable pricing. Alu casting is more common, so i would assume it´s easier for them to find such a shop. (With some practice/skills and selfmade equipment you can even cast aluminium in your backyard.)
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