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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Rich330

  1. Very good points again, Paul. Of course my first piece of advice and the most important piece of advice I could give him was "Contact our GML". I've seen pictures of his boots and they look good. They may even be TK boots. They're certainly no the Elvis boots! I'll probably meet up with the guy soon and have a chat with him, see ho wmuch time/money he wants to invest. He has lots of options and I'll offer him as much practical help as he wants. He should be able to put together a decent suit in the end. Here are some photos/videos of a recent unofficial troop. He's easy to spot (Rubies & MR): -----
  2. Though my advice would be to paint the frown black and wear the holster on the right to match the ESB shape of the hand guards. Much better.
  3. Hi Paul, For elite purposes I agree totally, the easiest/best path is ROTJ. The really annoying thing about the Rubies though is that it's neither fish nor fowl. To go ROTJ, you still have to flip the ab buttons. What were they thinking of? They had what I regard a very good basis for ROTJ armour but then they put the buttons on back the ANH/ESB way. The shortest route however for this guy may be to get the MR helmet up to scratch for ANH, paint his ab buttons blue and grey, do all the rest of the basic modifications and just live with the fact that his armour has piping. I kind of felt bad telling him that although he had replaced that awful Rubies helmet, the best thing to do would be to get yet another new one! I just hope he didn't pay the 1000 euros that they were askign for the Rubies costume in the shops out here just before carnival! Anyway, this guy made it work for 501st ANH base requirements it seems ... -----
  4. Thanks. There was one thread in there that I had missed. It seems he may be able to go the ANH route even with the Rubies armour but of course will be a log way off elite standard. But at the moment he's only concerned with reaching 501st base requirement. Looks like it's possible.
  5. Just noticed that it seems they've changed the Rubies buttons and they're now the same way round as ANH/ESB. So, what if he painted them the right colour? Would the ROTJ-style ribbing prevent him from joining the 501st as ANH/ESB? Of course, he'd have to make sure the handguards were the appropriate style and that the helmet painting/decals matched whichever version he was going for. But if the piping/trim is not a problem, this could make life easier.
  6. Hi chaps, I need your advice and guidance. I have been chatting to a guy who lives locally and would like to join the 501st. He owns Rubies armour and what I believe is a MR ANH Stunt helmet. It's not so much the components which are the problem, but rather the mismatch. He has his head in 1977 and his body in 1983! I've advised him so far that his Rubies armour is fine but it will only be any good for a ROTJ-style suit. If I understand correctly, the buttons on the abdomen and the trim are not removable in any way so he will never realistically be able modify it to be ANH/ESB. I have also told him that I think his only option is to get himself another helmet, i.e. specifically a ROTJ helmet. This is where I'm not entirely sure so just on equestion in case ... Would there be any way to modify the MR helmet to make it look like a ROTJ helmet and, most importantly, meet with 501st standards for a ROTJ TK? Or is that just as difficult (impossible) as modifying his armour. Any advice, however general or specific, abotu his options gratefull received. Cheers Rich
  7. He he! Excellent. I've got a couple of those somewhere too. Knowing our lot, after the quarter finals (at the latest) they're probably more use on an E-11 than the car!
  8. Ist das diese merkwürdige Aktion, wo sie alle möglichen Unterlagen verlangen für "Verifizierungszwecke" und irgendwie EU-Recht zitieren? Es ist mir auch passiert. Sie wollten ganze viele private Dokumente sehen, die keinen was angehen, damit ich das Konto weiterhin als Privatkonto benutzen durfte. Kam mir total unseriös vor aber ich bin darauf reingefallen. Der ganze Schriftverkehr ist aber so komisch vage formuliert, so dass Du denkst Dein Konto ist gesperrt aber ich glaube ich habe festgestellt, dass mein Gefühl stimmte. Die Sachen gehen keinen was an und konkret hatten sie auch nichts unternommen (keine Kontosperrung und nichts). Wenn es das gleiche ist, würde ich an deiner Stelle versuchen, das zu ignorieren. Das Konto kannst Du wahrscheinlich weiterhin ganz normal benutzen. Sie wollen Dich nur zwingen, das Konto hochzustufen, weil sie an den Geschäftskonten mehr verdienen. Wenn nicht, Konto schließen, ein neues aufmachen. A**ch lecken! Oder eine kurze Mail an den Kundenservice mit einer Erklärung, dass es sich um ein Privatverkäufe handelt und Du keinerlei Interesse am Geschäftskonto hast.
  9. Congratulations on receipt of your lovely armour. I'll be downing plenty of lager whilst I patiently wait my turn. If you need any sources for some of the tools you mentioned (snips, magnets etc.), PM me and I'll dig them out for you. I got most of my stuff online from UK suppliers. Have fun building.
  10. He was right! Those are great. Superb armour, man!
  11. Rich330

    Shadow Kit

    Any equestrian sport supplier. There are many online and on ebay and probably a shop in your local town. Larger general sports stores will stock them too.
  12. Quick question ... I'm planning on building a blaster from PVC pipe and the Doopydoos kit eventually. What are you all using for the scope rail?
  13. Many happy returns. Sounds like you had a good day.
  14. Recognition fully deserved. Mark was the person who helped me most when it came to choosing armour. Thanks again, mate.
  15. Really nice shots. You seem to have a cool Garrison.
  16. http://www.501stlegion.org/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=11968 :D
  17. I think you might need to add a link to your 501st member profile page too. Nice "green room" by the way!
  18. Congratulations on joining the 501st. The build looks great. For EIB status, I think there will be a request for you to shim the side gap (I personally much prefer a flsh of black to a big ol' shim) and add a counter to the blaster 'cause dems da rulez.
  19. My unit arrived today so I was playing around with it, trying to practice some of those classic lines. I don't know what was hardest; copying the dubbed Spanish version or trying to do a passable Northern American English ------------
  20. It's not fibreglass according to the description ("hand laid casting plastic –lighter and less brittle that fibre glass") but SDS seems logical.
  21. What's the deal with the lemontarts? Anyone know more about it? It looks reasonable. But does anyone know what it's made of and whether it's recast from something we're all familair with? Not looking to buy one, just intrigued.
  22. Unless you're specifically looking for a TK gimp mask!
  23. Connect the biceps to the shoulders to keep them from twisting, yes, but I think you've got the height perfect. Too many first builds (mine included) start out with the biceps tucked up too high with lots of gap between the biceps and forearms. I really like to see the biceps down low tucked right into the inside of the elbow and the forearms up snug against the biceps. Just like this feller ... Uncle Pete (Stukatrooper) also gave me some good advice on connecting the forearms to the biceps to keep them high ... ... here ... In general, Jesse, great work as ever.
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