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Everything posted by BactaReality

  1. I'm really surprised we don't already or at least I have'nt seen anyone sport the "no stripes" look yet. That's something I'd actually like to do eventually. I'd also agree with the idea that these "no stripe" characters are in fact noobs. Those guys certainly appear often enough to demand a legit 501st variation IMO.
  2. Congrats bro, been a long time coming, but I'm sure you can appreciate the end results.
  3. I guess no one finds it odd that a Master Replicas blaster is less qualified than a modified toy for elite status, go figure. Nah, dude! it's all about that Hengstler!! *sarcastically*
  4. I would agree to keep the existing elite FX members, that's only fair, and really it's not that big of an issue really, considering there's only a handful of elite members at the moment. Now would be the time to change the stardards or requirements though. I really don't think it's an issue that should be sitting on the back burner, it should definitely be addressed and decided right now, versus later.
  5. I can dig on some talk radio, although it's gotta be satellite radio for me (Jason Ellis on Faction is entertaining..lol). I refuse to listen to the local airwaves, it's just depressing. I can't for the life of me understand how these radio stations can play the same songs over and over again for the past 10 years, it been like a friggin broken record. I've got to listen to something new all the time, or I get bored. There's really too many bands that I listen to, to even bother trying to list them out right now. Anyone interested can check out my myspace page to get a sampling of stuff I've been checking out lately. Of course you'll have to add me to your friends list. www.myspace.com/jedialysis
  6. The only link I can see in my controls related to donations is the purchase paid subscriptions, and that link states that it's already paid and I don't see any link from there leading to making additional donations. Is that were you'd normally make an additional donation? or is there another area or link that I'm overlooking?
  7. Thanks for the quickness! I did however notice that my "supporter" status is gone though. Which brings me to my next question, is it not possible to make more than one donation? I was wanting to inquire about this for some time now, as I was going to make an additional contribution, however, it appears that once you've donated, it doesn't seem to give you the option of donating anything after.
  8. Yeah Kevin, don't feel bad. It certainly was'nt my intention. Part of what has kept me interested all these years, is the amount of things you constantly seem to discover when not only watching the films under close scrutiny, but reading up on all the historical and background info. My favorite TK debate I think has to do with the question of the lens color of Luke and Han's stormtrooper helmet in ANH. That is probably one of the few things that to this day is debated, and if you did'nt know already, they're dark green. Another thing you'll notice about holsters, is how they change sides from left to right side (ESB), and sometimes disappear altogether (ROTJ).
  9. I'd have to say though, that the cushman seems to be a reasonable alternative for those on a budget. It certainly looks a lot better than the toy version. The mods that'd have to be done does'nt really seam to be all that much more intensive than modding a toy blaster, from what I can tell, and for group photos, I think it would be more than adequate. The details, granted, are'nt all that sharp, but then again, there are certainly some helmets out there that while fairly accurate, are incredibly soft in detail as well. As long as the proportions are correct, I think it's a start. As far as height requirements go, well, that's a whole other beast that's best left alone. I'd hate to keep someone from realizing their dream because their "build" isn't up to spec. Mark Hamill did'nt exactly fit into the height requirements either.
  10. I'd been meaning to request to have my name changed for some time now, so I guess now is as good a time as any. New name: BactaReality pretty much what I'd been using on a couple of other forums, so might as well keep it real, nah mean?
  11. TK/TX-9889 officially offical officer of the fighting 501st requesting access sirs. click me!
  12. Well, we really can't take those numbers too serious because this is really such a new thing, and it will take some time to get the word out, and even then you're looking at a certain number of people that are perfectly content with their setup. Then you have a fairly decent amount of guys who are only a small adjustment or mod away from elite status. If we'd had an elite status rank system in place for a couple years, and the figures were 9 to 1200, then yeah, it would obviously be something that might need to be taken into consideration. Another thing I wonder is if it becomes so easy to get elite status, and required very little modification or expectation, then it certainly would'nt seem like a big enough deal to even bother for some folks. The desirability of the whole thing might be lost if the bar isnt raised, or at least it would be case for me.
  13. "You have taken your first step into a larger world." Chances are if you've just now noticed holsters, there's no telling what else you've "overlooked". Be sure to check the archives and use the search button before asking any questions that've already been covered and re-covered, and beaten like a dead horse.
  14. That'd be cool to find out some official word on the matter, but I have'nt heard anything but speculation. It'd be interesting to find out whether or not these were painted a certain way intentionally, or that even Mr. No Stripes himself has an official rank that explains the lack of blue stripes on his helmet. I'd like to believe that there is a specific meaning behind the detailing, but for now, I'll have to settle with the idea that they're markers indicating how many targets they've actually hit in their career.
  15. Unless I'm mistaken, elite status is just that right, a status, it's not a reward for having spent x amount of time or money on your costume right? Although at the moment we only see less than a dozen members having attained or requested elite status, I know that figure is far from being an accurate assessment of how many TKs that are out there that have accurate armor and blasters. It's true that not everyone can fit into an accurate kit, and not everyone can afford to spend the amount of time, money and energy to get their kits up to a higher standard, but that's what elite is all about is it not? I would think that a row of elite troopers all gathered together for a photo should all look uniform, otherwise there's really no point in having an elite status to begin with. At the moment it's just a way of being able to pat someone on the back and say great job, you've gone the extra mile and shown some genuine interest in your work. What exactly would be the point in having a rank or status that requires accuracy, but doesn't have the integrity it needs to truly be what it claims to be. The blaster is the smallest factor in that it seems to be the easiest to obtain an accurate version, so why not up the bar at least with that. The next step would be to up the bar on helmets. It seems like what we're truly after is a secondary level or intermediate level that would allow a higher rank or status to those using less accurate parts modified to resemble more accurate parts. Is it really fair to the individual who spent so much time and money and patience to get their gear as screen accurate as possible, only to give just about anyone the same recognition, even though it's clearly obvious the differences and discrepancies. If it's true that other detachments have a higher standard than us, then I'd have to ask, why? This whole issue kinda reminds me of when my kid played soccer for a league that did'nt keep score. I know that the intentions are to keep anyone from feeling bad about themselves, or left out, or whatever, but last I checked, we're all more or less grown men here. If we can't handle the fact that we can't all be on the same level in everything, then we all have some growing up to do. Sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to vote for a uniform standard when it comes to indoctrinating an elite status system. There's nothing wrong with modified toy blasters, but we should keep a certain level of consistency when it comes to being "elite". I know it's tough for some of you guys, but like I stated, a group of elites should all look the same, blaster included.
  16. You're better off selling a helmet and throwing in a DVD than this nonsense. You act like you're selling molds or something. These are photos man, and as proud of them as I'm sure you are, it's not like you're the friggin paparazzi or something and selling images that will make the front page of some magazine. It seriously doesnt sound like you have anything of any real value, and I get the feeling you really don't want to sell these after all, and the the only way to back out at this point is to offer a ridiculous price tag that you know damn well no one will pay. You need to seriously stop wasting everyone's time here with your pompous " I know something you don't know" attitude and either offer up some real input or just keep quiet. It makes absolutely no sense to present yourself as someone who seemingly has all the answers and all the inside info, but have absolutely no interest in sharing with the rest of the community. Take a good look around you buddy, and take notice to all the other contributors to this hobby that have done things out of good will and not to exploit their fellow man to no end. I don't know what planet you're from, but burning a DVD full of images certainly doesnt cost more than 20 bucks. There's probably a few dozen guys around here who would love to see some cool new pics, and I know for a fact that you could easily share your stuff without even having to charge a dime, but you're obviously fixated on taking advantage of your fortunate circumstances. You're fortunate to have been allowed access to the archives, not because you're some goddamn savior, and certainly not because of your character. What the hell is so special about a set of archive images that you'd feel compelled to rape people because "no one else has ever seen these". Who cares, it's not that important, as I'm sure you're finally beginning to realize.
  17. Or perhaps Vader could add some accompaniment. ------------------
  18. I'd imagine that as long as it's somewhat flexible, it could work, but we should probably start another thread for that discussion. Sorry for the derailment, we now return you back to your regularly scheduled TM appreciation thread.
  19. I wondered this myself. I remember someone on clonetroopers.net who was developing a rubber type material to be used for belt boxes, as well as knee, elbow and shoulder straps, and I thought to myself that that particular type of material would've been perfect to use for some accurate looking hand armor, as it was actually quite flexible looking material. I'll have to go and dig through the archive to see if I can find the thread. I just received my TM kit (armor only) in the mail today, and I noticed that the shoulder bells looked different, in that the strip that runs along the outside is actually straighter, or narrower(which is a good thing).. so my question would be exactly how many different versions of TM armor are there? I know that Paul mentioned the he's been constantly re-tooling his molds to perfection, so I thought this would be an interesting point to include in the historical progression of his work. I'll be laying out all the armor pieces later on tonight, hopefully to show here and contribute more to the thread. Man, I still can't get over how cool his hero helmet looks. I don't care if it is'nt cast off a screen used helmet, it's IMO the only helmet I've seen that comes close to replicating the look that I've been wanting in a hero trooper helmet.
  20. Kinda like asking how hamburgers are made, but not wanting to hear about slaughtering cows.? Not everyone will agree that meat is murder... or that any type of recasting is wrong regardless of who was paid off or how much was paid initially. I think we're all lucky to be able to get our hands on a set of armor, regardless of who's recasted work we decide to get. Unless you're doing the admirable thing and creating your own kit from scratch, it's odd to get so heated on intellectual property that technically isn't yours to begin with. But what do I know.
  21. Psst,.. hey... you quoted the wrong guy dude. I think you meant to quote John's post, not Simons eh?
  22. If you're referring to the ESB/ROTJ hand armor, I only have this photo on file at the moment. It's not the best angle, but you get the idea. Btw, the hand armor, shoulder straps, and cannister are all TM parts I picked up to use with my TE shadow stormtrooper.
  23. TM's ESB/ROTJ hand plates are by far my favorite of any other around. I've yet to see any ESB/ROTJ hand armor that comes close to looking as cool as his, no exaggeration at all.
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