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The Trial of Han Solo


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I have had this fan film on DVD for about 5 years now. I thought anyone who cares for Han Shooting first would enjoy this...




Han Solo is on trial for the infamous murder of Greedo in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Throughout this trial the prosecution and defense provide evidence, counter-evidence, and double counter-evidence drawn from the 1977, 1997, and 2004 releases of the movie, in which the events in question are represented in three distinct ways. This is a must for all Star Wars fans (and for anyone interested in an extremely high-quality piece of filmmaking).



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I thoroughly enjoyed the trial vid, very well made .


Whilst on the page viewing it , I also watched the black and white "outtake" sort of vid from the cantina, showing Hans girl friend and diferant angle views etc.

No doubt that vid isnt news to anyone here, but a quick question from me... in the vid Greedo talks english , no subtitles. This hit a note in my subconscious... did greedo talk in the first cinema release in the seventies ? Ive never seen that vid before , but Im sure Ive heard Greedos voice before ..am I halucinating ?


Just for the record, yes I am old enough to have watched star wars first time around ;) and I did :o


Star Wars A New Hope Cantina Scene add ons


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Hey Rob,


That video was the original cut/edit of the Cantina scene, but was never released until it was put on a CD-ROM in the mid to late 90's, called Star Wars Behind the Magic: The Insider's Guide to Star Wars. The on screen actor spoke Greedo's lines in english.. When they got ready to do the sound edits, they over dubbed the Rodians voice with a voice actor, who spoke Huttese. They did the same for Darth Vader. David Prowse spoke every line of Darth Vader's dialog on set and that was over dubbed with James Earl Jones voice. About 90% of the dialog was re-dubbed, because of noises that could not be removed from the original set audio track.


Behind The Magic also had the cut footage of Luke and Biggs talking on Tatooine and Luke going to Tosche Station to show Fixer and his other friends the space battle that Luke saw while he was working on the moisture farm. It also had Luke working on a moisture vaporator while the space battle between Tantive IV and the Star Destroyer, Devastator was going on.


The girl was not actually Han's girlfriend, but a prostitute (which was kinda of funny, since Han called all women "sweetheart") . If you also look, after Ben cuts the arm off of Ponda Baba (Walrus Man), you can tell that the hand is different.


You are not halucinating, you probably saw this footage from the CD-ROM somewhere, and forgot about it.



A little TD info: the actor, Anthoney Forrest, that played Fixer also was the Sandtrooper (aka: Move Along) that questioned Ben and Luke about the droids in Mos Eisley.








I thoroughly enjoyed the trial vid, very well made .


Whilst on the page viewing it , I also watched the black and white "outtake" sort of vid from the cantina, showing Hans girl friend and diferant angle views etc.

No doubt that vid isnt news to anyone here, but a quick question from me... in the vid Greedo talks english , no subtitles. This hit a note in my subconscious... did greedo talk in the first cinema release in the seventies ? Ive never seen that vid before , but Im sure Ive heard Greedos voice before ..am I halucinating ?


Just for the record, yes I am old enough to have watched star wars first time around ;) and I did :o


Star Wars A New Hope Cantina Scene add ons

<a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...164841154986240" target="_blank">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...164841154986240</a>

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Solo's attorney is great.


Re: the Cantina clip: Making movies sure takes a leap of faith. The clip really reminds one that a movie isn't done until the editor and sound people have a go at it. I think if I was an extra way back in 1976, I would have gone home from the set every day thinking, "This movie's going to stink.... This movie's going to stink....".

The establishing shots of the Cantina where when all the various languages - and life forms - were introduced. It was such a critical element in establishing the breadth of the Star Wars universe - and none of it was evident in the shooting.

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