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[34] TK-22423 Troop log

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [15] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 3 months later...

Long time no see! :dancing-trooper:


Went on a troop yesterday in Luleå, for Vilda Kidz again, together with the family of troopers that I've been with on numerous occasions now. Also two others.


It was a big kids party with MANY kids, but it only went on for 2 hours so it wasn't THAT bad! :P


Hopefully I can continue with my builds soon, there have just been so much crap in the way! :56pullhair:


Oh, well see you next time, I guess! :salute:

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [16] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 2 months later...

Yesterday was a long troop, we were in a local mall, where some people from Gameskap, a group that works with old games and tabletop games had an event.

Me, Vader, TIE and 3 of Vader's sons were there, we had a small booth and patrolled the area.



I may have tired myself out a bit unnecesserairly as I went on non-stop for about little over 5 hours, oh well... :P


Next troop will probably be Nordsken, next month, the big con here in northern Sweden. It has been an hiatus over the lockdowns, but now it seems they are coming back pretty hard.

See you then! :salute:

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [17] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 1 month later...

Ok, then, I will keep this relatively brief... :smiley-sw013:


Nordsken has come and gone and it was a blast, with over 25 Nordic Legions members participating in the event for 3 days, it came out great!

The booth we had were a really great one that the family from Piteå made



I got to know more of those trooping with me and I can't wait for next time!





Well then, see you next time! :salute:

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [20] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 3 weeks later...

Short troop, birthday party in town.

A 3 yo boy got apparently fixated on us during our troop for Gameskap and wished for us for his birthday.

So the usual group, Me, Vader and TIE went over and exchanged pleasantries for a short while. :P


There is something special about seeing kids happy... :D

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [21] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 3 weeks later...

Gameskap had another troop for me and Vader, this time for a fair in Bjurholm. He picked me up and we, together with some of his sons +1, drove an hour to get there. There had been quite hot recently so we were a bit worried about that, but it was cooler than expected. We set up and patrolled through the fair for about 3 hours, standard stuff. :Stormtrooper_walk_south: Overall it was a successfull troop and we met many kids (and older) that wanted pictures and high-fives.


There were some kids that knocked around on the armors and cracked Vader's chestpiece though, so we didn't come out unscathed. :glare:


Other than that it was a good troop!

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [22] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 4 weeks later...

Remember the LEGO Masters troop from last year? Today we were there again and even more of us! :dancing-trooper:

The usual crew, with add-ons; Vader with family, TIE with son, the family from Piteå and two others. This time we had a proper stand with us and it didn't rain a bit, although it came close.

Although it didn't come as many visitors this time as last year, we still sold many photos for charity.


While I couldn't stay for the next day, as it would be a two day troop, it was still as fun as always!


Will update with more photos if I get ahold of any.

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [23] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 3 months later...

Ok, 3 days of Comiccon in Stockholm has come and gone and it was fun as always. :dancing-trooper:



Although I couldn't troop as much as I wanted to, as some buttons in my armor strapping pushed a nerve on my side and my back :glare:, (wasn't a necessary button so I've removed it) I still had fun!


I met some of the troopers from last year, and some new ones;



Greeted the visitors outside;



Participated in the cosplay parade;



And took some fun photos!




I also tried out my newly approved Snowie, unfortunately the only photo I have on it here is for one of the Christmas photos we took:


(I had to crop it since we should not share these yet.)


Thank you and see you next time!



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On 9/27/2020 at 7:13 AM, LEGOeatPokemon said:

Biggest one yet, a troop for a bullied boy who hadn't had ANY friends and this was apparently his first birthday party!


Vilda Kidz, a group that specialises i these sorts of things contacted and called if we could help, so we became 9 total characters (plus handlers) coming up to Luleå for a surprise!

The party was to be at Alkatraz, an entertainment place with gokart, lasergames etc.

So, we arrived, I met some new people (one had come all the way from Stockholm) and later dressed up.


There was still some time left before surprising the party so we took some pictures in the lobby, one girl especially became ecstatic and told us that it was "a dream come true", so thats fun.


Here is some pictures from there:


ABCvSsO.jpgNotice something...?


So when it was time, we scurried and hid in the changing room for the lasergame and came out later and surprised them!



So when that was done we went upstairs and took some more pictures and handed out some presents from NG!



So after some more photos and saying goodbye we went and took our costumes off (saw though that the glue for one of my shoulder bridges had come off. :wacko:)


We were later offered dinner at the restuarant there from Vilda Kidz. 

Soon after the boy and his mom came to thank us and told us it was "his best day ever" and that he would someday like to join the Galactic Academy as a jedi!


So, great fun was had and I got to know some more things, such as that they had been looking for normal TKs up here in north Sweden and now they have one! :smiley-sw013:


Here is also a facebook video from Vilda Kidz (albeit in swedish).


When I read about bullied kids I just see red.  Then when I see the kindness of people doing something like this I get a bit teary eyed.  Good job!  Bart

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  • 3 months later...

Please add the following to your first post for social media sharing


I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion.


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On 2/15/2023 at 2:39 PM, gmrhodes13 said:

Please add the following to your first post for social media sharing


I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion.


Done. This was for a garrison troop though, did I miss a new guideline or something? :huh: I have done these kinds of troops before so I'm just curious.

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10 minutes ago, LEGOeatPokemon said:

Done. This was for a garrison troop though, did I miss a new guideline or something? :huh: I have done these kinds of troops before so I'm just curious.

New FISD social media team are asking that troopers add this permission to your first post if you would like your photos to be used on FISD social media accounts 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Although I didn't wear my TK for this (and I'm not adding it to my numbers here), I've had a pretty big 2-day troop that I still want to document;

Klossfestivalen, an event dedicated to LEGO (and some charity :P). Usually it's located much more south, but this time it was in town here up north. And as such, SG was invited.

As it's still quite wintery, I decided to use my Snowtrooper more thoroughly before the season is over. As usual, I went with the local gang and we trooped us very tired at the end of it.

Because the event had sold out it's preorder tickets, we were quite swamped with kids, big and small. When at it's busiest we couldn't go 5 meters before being asked for pictures or high-fives.

All in all, a successful troop!



Also, I met up with the Sandie from way back;

On 7/31/2021 at 10:21 PM, LEGOeatPokemon said:



Hot and Cold!




See you next time!

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  • 3 months later...

Went on a short but fun birthday troop for a girl in town. Me, Vader, his son (now in a Kylo) went to the EOs apartment to change and then we were led to the premises where the party was taking place.

It was the usual :P; hugs, high-fives, photos, etc.


All-in-all didn't take more than 10 min but it was nice anyway. :)

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [28] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 4 weeks later...

Went to a troop in Bjurholm for Gameskap, the same one as last year. I went with Vader with 2 of his sons, in Kylo and Scout respectively. It was the usual, high-fives, photos and the like, trooped for about 3 hours.

Fun to troop as always. :)


(Will add photo if I can get one)

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [29] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 4 months later...

So, last weekend I went to this year's ComicCon in Stockholm. 10 year anniversary, so it was a bit bigger than usual, including around 100 participating SG members! :D

Unfortunately I had to cut it short and only attend 2/3 days because of transport issues. :glare: I went kinda ragged though so it might have been for the best with only 2 days, oh well...


I did however have fun as always and used both of my armors. :smiley-sw013:




It was the usual, stand in photobooth, patrol a bit, greet the guests and such. :)




You'd think we would have more snowtroopers up here but we really don't have that many. I was the only one during the first day with that armor, I got reinforced by one of the others who's also a TK on the second day though.



(We need more snowies in this garrison!) :P


Anyway that's all for this time, will add more photos if I can find any. :salute:

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [31] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

A couple of days ago I went on a 2-day troop at Nordsken, while it's usually in the spring, schedueling confilcts made it so there was none in the spring 2023.

Although it was a smaller event from the usual, there were still a lot of people, probably because of the free entrance. Anyway, it went along as usual; stand in photo-booth, give high-fives and hugs and generally having a good time.



I used both costumes this time, serves me right for having the only TK (and TS, I think?) in the entire northern part of the country. :p

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  • LEGOeatPokemon changed the title to [33] TK-22423 Troop log
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Been a while! Last Saturday I went to Bureå for the Lego event. While it was a shorter troop, with not that many visitors (smaller event as well), it was still fun as always!



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