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The recasting thread

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Double standard for some. I think the only thing that is clear is that everyone has their own opinion and will find whatever arguments they want to support it.


that was kinda my point. arguing opinion is a lose/lose situation. because there is no such thing as a wrong opinion! :D



i always wondered why its "ok" (is it?) that the, lets call them original recasters, are never "bashed" or whatever for recasting? if im not mistaken they didnt take measurements and make thier own molds. i could be wrong. thats why im asking. so unless anyone has an answer, i dont need an opinion B)

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OK, I'm locking. Seems there's nothing new being added and it's just devolved like all such threads do.

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OK, I shouldn't but I was struck by the simpleness of this distinction I'll post. Thanks Jonah:


For me, it's the distinction between "reproducing" and "recasting".


Reproducing is what you do with something that's no longer being made. Whether it was Matt striking a mould off the inside of his purchased original ROTJ Stormtrooper suit (and then modding to make it ANH in details), or someone striking a mould off of one of C6's Clonetrooper buckets after he closed up shop. That's the fuzzy area. Technically, it's ALL Lucas' intellectual property, but he wasn't making any, and what "he's" making now (the Rubie's ROTJ TK) is crap. Maybe Master Replicas' offering will be better. Who knows. And for me, the MR CE was only a couple notches off from being the prefect idealized TK bucket -- although not a direct reproduction of the original (it was more what the originals should/could have been).


Recasting is what you do with something that's currently offered -- in the exact same form -- elsewhere. It doesn't matter that Chris thinks the TE/TE2 armour is offered at extortionistic prices. He has no right to undercut them with their own product. If he wanted to get a TE suit and them offer recasts to a few immediate friends for the cost of materials, that might be different, but not offering it up for sale as a cheaper alternative to paying Matt's or Tony's prices. In this case, he's no better than Star Fortress recasting General Fidelis or O.S.C.S. Clone armour or weapons (as they are).


I would never think of offering anything for sale that wasn't either completely sourced by me (i.e., buying an authentic ROTJ suit myself, striking moulds off of the inside, and making my own mods to make it ANH-accurate), sculpted entirely by me (my Crimson Empire Royal Guard armour WIP), or significantly modified off of someone else's final product with their permission. For that last, more likely offered in collaboration with them.

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Alot of people have been asking my stance on recasting and the FISD today. I've posted it before (search if you don't believe me) and I'll post it again but this time I'm the DL. These are only my opinions and are not anything official from the detachment or the Legion.


Do I think that is OK to copy another persons original work, of course not. The biggest problem with recasting is you generally get something that is poorly made for an inflated price, and as always it's buyer beware. I also don't think that it s right to make a quick buck off someone else's hard work even though it happens all the time in the "real" world and is often encouraged. As always educating the new guy is the most effective way to combat shady sellers and point them in the right direction so they don't get taken advantage of.


I also know that on the FISD we have convinced a few new guys that recasting is not the right thing to to and it's not the path to a cheaper costume and they have headed our warning. The FISD as all 501st detachments are places of learning and this is not the most pleasant side of the hobby but it exists.


Now do I believe all recasters should be banned form the FISD.....NO. Even if the Legion's position on recasting were different, the FISD is a place of learning and anyone who can contribute is welcome. This may strike a few the wrong way but in the interests of improving the communities knowledge it's the fairest solution.


The FISD is a place of learning, and as long as I'm DL that will never change. Yes I'm a member at all the major prop forums and they all have their niches, but I've yet to see one as helpful to the new guy as any 501st detachment. To anyone why missed the writing on the wall or any detachment charter, that is what we are about. Helping people build, improve, and if they wish push the limits with their costume. While I don't agree with recasting, I have no interest in being the prop ethics police and that is not what I was elected to do.


If anyone feels the need to discuss this further feel free to contact me.


Troop on.

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