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TK Armor Please Help


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I have my heart set on joining the 501st. I have found two kits on ebay. I dont have a lot of time and want to have this ready for Dragoncon at the end of the month. So I am willing to pay a little extra.







claims 501st approved FX w CAP helmet





Partially assembled. AM kit.


Edited by STATL
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you won't like ebay armor, stay away from e bay.


read this:




it takes most people longer than a month to order armor, get it shipped, and then build it.


it's not like making a model airplane!

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1st stop looking @ ebay and start here




and then read read read when you think your done read more


if your looking for a fast easy way to do it that is NEVER going to happen . with C6 on its way it will be months B4 you get any armor

Edited by snoopy trooper
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Yeah read thee above. Bondservnt has been around and is a provider of high quality goods here on the FISD. I almost bought makerofthings eBay crap then found the 501 and FISD.

IMHO go to dragoncon and have fun! All things concidered you might have trouble getting approved by then let alone getting it built by then. Hang out at the 501 info desk ask about armor and I'm sure you'll see different types. I've only seen AM in a full suit, AM with an RT chest and back (centurion tkrestonva) some AP lids (good lord they are small) and an MTK lid. I have AM with an ATA lid and I feel I made the right choice in waiting for it. Every 501 I've met will tell you the whole story of what they wear and why. Heck a couple guys in my future garrison told me all the parts they FUBARED and had to buy new ones before they finished. Good luck and happy building.

Edited by Valgars
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The top is an FX kit being sold by a 501st member. It's also on the legion boards or here.


The bottom is an AM kit that is only half assembled.


Neither if these fall under the do not buy in

eBay category, but they may not fit you, so they might have to be pried apart and re-assembled after trimming or shimming.


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You say you don't have a lot of time, but you also say you want it ready by DragonCon. Those two goals seem contradictory to me. If you really want this kit finished and approved by DragonCon, you will need to be prepared to spend a lot of hours in the next few weeks getting it ready.


Better to buy here than on ebay. Ebay will always be a roll of the dice, and I've found that to be true with pretty much anything being sold on ebay.


Anytime you buy a partially or fully built suit, it has to be modified to fit your proportions. How much or how little depends on how closely built your body is to the seller's body. Usually there is no way to know for sure until you actually get the kit in your hands. Best case - only slight modification is required. Worst case - you have a completely useless kit. Think of these costumes in the same way you would think of a hand-made tailored suit. You are almost always better off starting from a new, unassembled kit.


If I had to go with either of your options, I would pick the partially-assembled AM kit. Reason being (1) you say he's local to you, hence you have the unique opportunity to pay this person a visit and actually try on the kit before you buy, (2) it's only partially assembled - maybe he'll help you source the remaining parts and finish the assembly as an incentive to buy it.


Since you're in GA, you should get with these guys: http://www.ga501st.com/


Having said that, the first photo in that first link is NOT what it will look like. That is a totally different kit, being modeled by one of our members in Italy, and assuming the seller didn't get permission to use the photo - it should be taken down.

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Don't do it bro. You'll spend just as much time making a half built kit that may or may not fit ever (ie. if trimmed too much, etc.) than just building your own kit from scratch. It's doable! :)

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Everyone freaks out when they hear "evilbay" and with good reason - but here's my $0.02.


It's good that you checked here first. Can you post the links to the actual sales?


Quality suits are most likley to be sold here or on the 501st or garrison boards, though people also post their sales on ebay so SOMETIMES you can find good stuff, but it's rare.

http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=20461 <-- yesterday


Somewhere there's a list for who to watch out for, and also look through some of the Introduction threads. You'll see who bought bad stuff from evilbay and so you'll know which sellers on ebay to stay away from. They all say "501st approved" but they're not.


That said, though I strongly recommend you buy from one of our vetted armorers, your wait could be very long. Contact all of them and find out what they've got going on and how long you should expect to wait before you get desperate.


I hope that helps!

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I think that "evilbay" needs always to be checked. Sometimes it happens you can find something good at a reasonable prices. I bought my first AP helmet on ebay in 2005 directly from authenticprops, and one member of my (ex) garrison got a signed Gerardo Follano in 2004.

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