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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by v7sg

  1. Brian, remember to get 501st clearance here
  2. I have a SR props, its a good kit, but try to reinforce it from the inside with a smaller tube or something, it tends to bend
  3. Is not the stickers, it's the dome that he put back to front
  4. I tried 501stlegion.org and got the error too
  5. keith's mics are the best I also think Stomper makes em
  6. Alexandra, it is important that people know where you're from, that way you can contact a local fellow member and I'm sure they will help you out
  7. Clone Commander is done, still my love is for my TK

  8. It can be done, a TIE Pilot can be done with a X-wing rebel pilot helmet and the front faceplate of a TK, it is doable, you just need to work a little more
  9. Nice build Jesse!, I'm no EIB yet, but yeah, the sides need to be closed and you need the Hengstler on the blaster
  10. I use straps from the cod to the thighs, some users have made some kind of belt to hold the thighs in place. As for the Shins, (at least for me) they stay in place without any support.
  11. The Clone Wars Cody is more yellowish in color, but the ROTS one is Orange
  12. Yes, I will start working within a few days, just don't want to over do it. I really have no Idea what it says, but yes, it is in the movie My most humble thanks! couldn't do it without the help of Andy (EVO3), Bobby (Darman), Kevin (kwdesigns) and Todd (TD1035)
  13. Thanks To all for the comments!/Gracias a todos por los comentarios! I will keep working on it (never forgetting my TK of Course, I have an AP lid to work on for submitting EIB) Paul the problem I had is that with my time constraint (full time Grad student) I had to work on this armor on weekends and nights and the painting was mostly done at night, so I couldn't see very well how the paint ended up, but rest assured that I will be working on it!
  14. Hi, Just showing my new costume, Commander Cody. Still needs a few details and needs the weathering, but that didn't stop me from having a great time this weekend at the Puerto Rico Comic Con and my favorite Pic: I know the Orange looks bright in the picture, but in person it does not look like that at all, maybe it was the lighting or the camera...
  15. Paul, that Chewbacca was made by someone on The Dented Helmet, his plans are to start a run. If I remember correctly his screen name is dougiefett or something like that
  16. I'm working on being EIB ESB, just need to finish the AP helmet
  17. Impressive!! Very good job on the blaster and I love the case for it too.
  18. I have ordered from Kevin and he responds within 2 days, most times even sooner
  19. man, I can't wait to see it in person, I really couldn't go to the troop last Sunday
  20. the accurate configuration is without the chrome trim, the trim was added to simulate the metal from the clips, for the clips you can buy some from Jesse, here's the thread -----
  21. Yup, everyone that has one down here complains about the same thing, you just have to learn to live with it. Or you can get a pair of TK boots, I've read they do not stink.
  22. Hi guys, Tomorrow in Playstation Home, there will be a LucasArts Store, where you can buy many things, but most importantly a TK Costume. It would be nice for all of us to invade Home sometime. My PSN id is v7sg, if you want to add me.
  23. Awesome, I can only imagine the satisfaction of having your baby (NEW never before made Costume) approved. Congratulations
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