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Deployment Officer[Staff]
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Everything posted by TKSpartan

  1. Hi again Jon, great work with your adjustments for Centurion. Good luck with your application.!!!
  2. Hi, You're going the right way trimming little by little. here a couple of reference photos for you to compare .I think you can trim a little more in the left eye and more in the right one. and try to take a complete picture of both eyes together. cheers.
  3. I was thinking about and you may want to check out the following building thread, it could be so useful for you. Hope this can help. Cheers
  4. Hi Chris, congratulations on your BBB day !! Enjoy this journey to become an Imperial Stormtrooper. What I usually do, I call it My ABC, when starting an armor build is: 1- Cut all , remove return edges where need and sand all pieces. 2- Start Adjusting from upside Arms,Forearms, Thighs, shins using painter's tape. (remember to wear your inner black suit.) 3- Cut and glue cover strips, place Snaps ,Rivets, Ammo packs, Belt. 4- Place Straps . 5- Test fit all the armor and adjust where needed. Cheers. Good luck and looking forward for your advances.
  5. I'm not sure if a dremel can work, but you can make some test with an ABS piece. 1- mark the section you are going to remove and use a cutter or dremel , cut slowly till the edge, 2- Use the cutter to try to level up and peel off the part to remove 3- Remove the piece in excess 4- fill the gap with ABS paste. This a fast explanation, but hope it can help you to have an idea. cheers
  6. Give a minute to take a couple of pictures. Hi, my two cents. If you have used E6000 glue to attach the cover strips, it's easy just to cut the cover end just above the ridge, taking care on do it slowly and remove that part. Finally, remove the E6000 excess and fill the gap with ABS paste. Hope this help. Cheers
  7. When I have had some issue like that, what I have done is to use a cutter a slowly try to take the cover out trying not to cut the thigh.
  8. Hi, my two cents. If you have used E6000 glue to attach the cover strips, it's easy just to cut the cover end just above the ridge, taking care on do it slowly and remove that part. Finally, remove the E6000 excess and fill the gap with ABS paste. Hope this help. Cheers
  9. Hi, drop boxes are not needed. As per the CRL for HWT states about the belt: Belt face is made of plastic (TK ammo belt) and does not include drop boxes. Cheers
  10. Welcome to FISD future Trooper. Congratulations for your BBB Day. Glad to read your going for higher levels, feel free to ask whatever you need, post photos and receive feedback and tips for our very experienced Troopers. Take a look to the following post. I think it could be useful for starting your helmet build. Good luck with your project and remember, we are here to help.
  11. Great work mate, keep it up!!!
  12. Welcome to FISD. Good luck with your project and feel free to ask questions. We are here to help.
  13. Hi, congratulations for your BBB Day!! Looking forward to see your building process. Remember to post photos of your advances and questions. We are here to help.
  14. Congratulations Trooper, welcome to EIB. Great Work.!!!
  15. Hi Diana, Great to see you're going for higher levels, that's the attitude! overall you looks good in your armor, well done I would like to give you a couple of suggestion from my view for EIB Level, Centurion level would requiere some more adjustments : :As the crl states for basic level : 1- Frown is painted gray and does not leave the teeth area. A total of 8 cut outs in the teeth area of the frown are present. You may want to add some a gray paint to the extremes and remove some from the edges , take a look to the reference photos included. 2- Vocoder (vertically ribbed chin detail) is painted black. you may want to reshape your vocoder as the reference photos, just a few minutes with and toothpick and mineral spirits can be usefull. 3- Thermal detonator belt clips are positioned with little to no gap between the clips and the end caps. You would like to adjust your TD clips as the references Cheers
  16. Hi, welcome to FISD. Glad you're on the way of becoming an Imperial Stormtrooper. Some vendors have the two options on armor. Glossy and satin finished. I would suggest to contact each one and get a quote and all especifications. For me, it would be important to know how accurate is it? Is it a fan made molds or from original molds, combination etc. Good luck with your project and looking forward for your BBB Day!! Cheers.
  17. Hi, I think you can try trimming a little more , to get the shape from the reference photos . What I would do is trim litle and compare, a little again and compare. cheers
  18. Nice work Cory, as Dan pointed, just a few tweaks and you're ready. Good luck
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