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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by SheaJeff

  1. Anybody know the sizes of the boxes? I saw one build using the project boxes like this but I can't find which sizes to order. https://www.radioshack.com/products/project-enclosure-8x6x3?variant=5717251141
  2. Also, I'm wondering if I could use the endcap on the RIGHT for the each end of the side tube? I like the more industrial look that the ribs add. If not, can I use the closed endocap? (the one on the left) I really don't like the look of taking a regular coupling and just cutting it in half. Please advise. Thanks.
  3. I'm starting to build my pack while waiting on my armor, and wanted to make sure I started out right, so I'm starting this thread off with some confirmation questions. I ordered the oil drain pan from Bavarian and then I found various plastic containers and such. My question; will the pieces shown be acceptable? (once painted and detailed). I want to be sure before I get too far down the road on this. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Could you elaborate more on the vents please. It looks like you glued them with temporary spacers to angle them, correct? How did you do that border around there? I was looking at using a dryer vent but they are square. Yours gives the perfect look. Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I bought one of these too and wouldn't do it again. It's a ton of sanding and the parts and assembly feel really fragile. For $160 I would have thought I could have trooped with it. I didn't need something I could only display! I bought the electronics kit too. It sounds pretty bad; I don't know if it's just a bad speaker or what. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. That's what I would have thought. It's pretty interesting that there appear to be a lot of "wanna be" judges that sometimes give differing directions to people's questions. It's hard to know who to believe. I'm scared of trimming something or going down a path (i.e. magnets) then find out the "real" judges won't approve something that can't be fixed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I'm just starting out with my first build and the magnets seems like a great idea. But someone at a troop told me magnets weren't acceptable for approval and that only Velcro/snaps were allowed. Is this true? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I'm just staring out next weekend. I think I need more clamps!
  9. Maybe you're where I got the idea; I saw it here somewhere and have added it to my To Do list
  10. ----------- I'm hoping to make something out of this fleece; maybe with a thin layer of padding velcroed to the walls of my Huskey cargo box (why is this pictures pasting in so big...?)
  11. Contact Trooper1 on the MEPD site. Apparently he's the one to get them from. $90. I'm going to order one soon.
  12. I'd appreciate knowing the box sizes too. I just ordered your recommended oil drain pan and want to get the rest of the stuff.
  13. What size (width) nylon webbing are you using for the double snap method? Do you know how many feet you ended up using (roughly)?
  14. I'm making my own gun and was wondering if anyone knows where I can purchase the T shaped rubber(?) molding that goes along the barrel. Thanks.
  15. What about something from these guys? Expensive but maybe worth a try? ------------- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. What's the "cheesecloth" method?<br> Lay it in then spray?<br> What's the advantage?
  17. How about these foam pieces for tactical helmet?----------
  18. Holy cow that build is detailed! It will take a lot of back and forth from the workbench to the computer to ensure I don't forget anything. Thanks for the link. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Can you post a link to Navajo Bro's build. My AM will be arriving in May or June and it would be great to have this information. Thanks.
  20. I love it! I don't think my wife would want a creepy naked mannequin standing around so this is a great option! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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