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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pretzel

  1. Thanks gents. Had a lot of help. Looking forward to this weekend!
  2. Been a little bit since I updated. Did some bucket work and.. Well More clamping and gluing is being done. More patience required lol This weekend I will be crafting soft snap plates and trimming of small parts with more painting. Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
  3. This is very impressive. I don't even have words. Just going to continue to watch the epicness unfold.
  4. Steam ID: Raz Vader I rarely get on anymore since I am busy constructing my armor, but maybe after I will have time!
  5. These are a great point of reference. If nothing more then just a guide. Thanks for this Bill.
  6. All good! But, to clarify even more, this diagram shows placement of only FEMALE? I mean it sure looks like it. But, you know what happens when you ASSume. lol
  7. This may sound like a stupid question, but are all these snaps female? Male? or a combo...
  8. Hey Pyrates, thanks for the help and support. I wanted to ask, the backs of the calves and lower back of the thighs do get cut out more correct? for mobility.
  9. I am going to be that guy... So, I thought of the name Vexus a long long time ago and realized last night that this was a villain chick from the TV show "Powderpuff Girls" Go ahead.. Google Vexus and see what comes up. So i am going to request.. yup.. another name change. Old faithful. Razgriz What is the story behind this name? I enjoy flying games and played a lot of Ace Combat Ace Combat 5 was my all time favorite, and its prenounced RAW-Zzz-GREES. So.. If possible, can it be changed again? Thanks. I will stick to this, or I will be punished for all eternity lol
  10. Thank you for the help Pyrates. The thread you provided will be a "great asset" in the future. Here we go. Trimming Day#2 is complete + GLUE!? I trimmed the Shins and the Thighs. I am satisfied with the way the shins feel, but wow those thighs are tough but we got them to fit snug enough that I won't feel like they will be falling down when they are attached. No photos of the thighs, since we are still working on the exact fit. major parts are trimmed. What next? GLUE!!!! I was very surprised I was able to get to this step this weekend. I glued the inner cover strips first. I will be purchasing more clamps.. believe that! That is it for today. In the days ahead, I will be fine tuning the trim, and double check before gluing anything else before I am 100% satisfied with the fit!
  11. Alright guys. I am doing more ttrimming and fitting and want to verify a few things before I continue. <br><br> I have trimmed the shins and they are great. I will post photos later.<br><br> However... I find myself trimming off a lot of the back of the thighs for me to fit properly. It is looser by the knee compared to the thigh. I am avoiding taking any off in the front to keep it flush. So.. Keep taking off till the knee is snug? Or Keep it looser to the knee? <br><br> Next question is when I get to the strips. When you combine the two pieces and butt join them together... You notice a raised edge... Now.. Does this raise edge have to be covered completely? Or just keep things uniformed and go off the recomendation sizes for the cover strips.
  12. Question 1: Not yet, I was actually going to add those dabs of glue for the screws before the end caps. And thanks for the pointer about the twisting of the caps. Got my weights ready for the caps as well. THANK YOU! Question 2: So, this is why E6000 is important
  13. BIG UPDATE. So stand back, you will see my full figure with ugly mug. This is your first and last warning. Under each photo, I may have a question or comment on what I had done. I would appriciate any feedback from expereinced builders with this one. I did more work on the bucket, Thermal Detonator work, did some trimming and fitting today. Here is my bucket so far. I painted the teeth and painted the ear. These are dry now and I am ready to touch up the screws with white. What you do not see is the bottom of the "black mouth" That also needs to be touched up. Next will be the lens. Faceplate on the TD is glued and on their pretty good. It is pretty close to the screen accurate version. QUESTION: At this point, would I be okay to glue the end caps? No point of return. This is why I ask this. At this point, I trimmed and fitted the two sets of arms. Forearms, Biceps, and Shoulder Bells. Did a rough fit with tape. I feel like after I glue the strips that these will feel better. Right now they are snug fit. Not too tight, and not too loose. They feel good. The forearm was tricky. QUESTION: At this point, if all fits snug, would gluing the strips be my next step? May be obvious, but this is my 1st build, and I wanna be 100% before i commit. As you can see, that the tape does not do this fitting justice. But, I did trimming of the chest and backplate. They seem to fit nice, I just wonder how the strapping system will effect the shoulder bells. and if everything will get jumped around after i attach a strapping system. That is it for now. Thanks for all the help and support everyone.
  14. Hello all. Taking a break from trimming and working on the helmet. I received my replacement ears from AP. I DID NOT make the same mistake twice and take off too much to be "perfect." Everyone says that the gap is fine. My ears are on the high side. I am told that this is okay. So, added some decals and did some painting, It bled in some parts of the teeth and black mouth, and will be doing some touch up work tomorrow or over the weekend. I then finished the night off with some thermal detonator action. I did not glue the end caps yet. C&C.
  15. Well.. This gives me yet another reason to finish up my TK!
  16. I meant the width, not so much the thickness. But that is amazingly helpful! I won't be doing any cutting until we are 100% on this! PYRATES = MY HERO
  17. UPDATE & a QUESTION (NO PICS YET) Doing rough trimming on a variety of parts. I messed up on one ear and took off a little too much, so I have AP sending me a replacement ear. Live and Learn right? Once I do my fitting with tape, and fine tune all of the trimming, the next step would be start on the cover strips and strapping system? My question: is there a reference point on how thick that these cover strips need to be for the various parts of the armor? Thanks. Stupid Question? I am new... lol
  18. I just received my AP kit for my shiny TK. I Think I should focus on one project at a time and if I wanna make a commander, I wanna do it right. In the future, I may just purchase another kit and make my own commander. Thanks a lot again. You helped me with my final decision on this.. Which will be to wait and make it from a kit. sure.. This armor could of gotten me to the 501st faster, but I'd rather do it right the 1st time. Thanks again. Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
  19. Me and him are the same body type. And wow. A lot of great info there! Thank you Elumusic. I will take everything you said there into consideration before making this type of purchase. But you made it sound like a lot of work needs to be done. He is selling it for $700 if you are curious and is all made by FX. Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
  20. Here is a Facebook Album of the actual armor. It is a brighter shade of blue, which kind reminds me of painters tape. Would it be possible to redo this? https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1497715010478071.1073741827.1497711397145099&type=3 Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
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