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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Haribon72

  1. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I'M BRINGING OVER MY ARMOR FOR A BUILD & DINNER PARTY!!! just need to free up the wifey-to-do-list!!!
  2. CONGRATS !!! ANOTHER NE SUCCESS BUILD!!! #inspirational (someone tell my wife to give me armor build time so I can finish) LOL!!!
  3. I did mine the second way in your picture because I have thunder thighs. I was very nervous, but when my family said it looks like hooker boots... I whipped out my blade and started trimming. After trimming, I started to heat bend the thighs to get them to open up more so they can cover my fat. its still a work in progress for me (trying to lose weight).
  4. hahahahaha! Thanks guys for the cheers! The wife is going through my collection (oh boy) and together we're going through them all. I should have everything ready by the end of the month!
  5. Thanks Scott! Two more weekends of wifey "to-do" list and then i'm starting up (and hopefully finishing up the build) on the April 26-27 weekend. New Goal: Get basic approval before the San Jose Big Wow Comicfest (May 17-18). http://www.bigwowcomicfest.com/
  6. Sorry if this topic has been posted before. I'm getting ready to start another project and I have decided to sell off some of Star Wars toy collection (1997-2012) and possibly other "garage sale" items. In the past, I did the whole eBay and Craiglist thing. eBay takes their cut after the sale and I don't feel comfortable meeting strangers on Craigslist. I will be using paypal as the transaction vehicle or maybe I might find a local buyer in my local Garrison (free pick up). So... any Star Wars Toy Collectors here in FISD? The wife and I are putting together the SW lots and hope I can sell them off in the commissary section here on FISD. I just wanted to see if there are any collectors here. Thanks!
  7. I got your text message this morning! CONGRATS COUSIN DIANA!!! #okay....... back to my build after my honeymoon is over.
  8. Good morning Ron! I had the same problems with my thighs. To control the thighs, I put front straps that are connected from the thighs to the abs plate. This stopped it from swinging around and keeping it centered to the knee. Also, I had trimmed them at the top and copied the movie scene pics like this: ---------- I removed 1/4" (quarter inch) at a time until I found it comfortable to walk around. And yes, I had to trim the groin area to make it more comfortable. I didn't like my armor thighs snagging the family jewels. But seriously...take your time. We are only the few working with NE armor and someday we will be able to help other NE owners. Cheers, Walter
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