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Everything posted by bigironvault

  1. Hey guys I'm wanting to revert to the 2011 skins for now. How do I do that? I can't seem to find the option.
  2. Thanks Vern! That's a good idea. I was very concerned about it and aren't they like $20 a pop?
  3. Hi Terry, I saw the neat strapping you did for your hand plates in another thread. Do you have a picture of the reverse side so I can how your system was attached? Thanks!
  4. Hmm, I think my budget is going to be blown after just two weeks of sorting stuff out. Gonna need a second job.
  5. Well after a whirlwind of buying stuff I think I finally got everything I need except a few other bits (and excluding tools) ... AP Helmet and armour kit Boots Helmet Fans Aker+iComm Canvas Belt Rubber Gloves Neck Seal Holster Hovi Mic Tips Drop Box covers (inside) Helmet screen Darker lenses 1/4" Elastic strips Other stuff I think I need Doopy Doo's E-11 Complete Replica (definitely) S-trim for Helmet Random bits - Velcro, E6000, Novus 1,2,3, Humbrol (4 paint kit) etc. Helmet padding Possibly a second pair of Nomex gloves (more for trooping vs. for show) Undersuit (going for UA I think for comfort) Balacalva (is this needed?) Stuff I missed! TD clips! Helmet bag Did I miss anything?
  6. I know that some have put velcro on the highest point of the boot to prevent it from slipping. That might be an option but in my mind it sort of ruins the boot (not like I would really wear it out anyways - it just doesn't go with anything!).
  7. I would definitely be interested in a kit for my kid. If this ever becomes an option let me know!
  8. Excellent Ken! I wish my armour will be ready by then but it won't as I'm expecting it to be late May before I get it from AP (Mark). In the meantime, I'm getting a ton of random stuff delivered - can't wait to see my wife's face when she receives two pieces of plastic (drop box caps). Got my boots and Aker/iComm today and talking to her strictly via my PTT. Ha! I will definitely stop by and introduce myself. Once I get my kit done up, and TK approved I very much would like to be part of the CDN garrison. I'm going to try for EIB as well later this year before hitting up GenCon with my new found friends/troopers from that area.
  9. Thanks! If you want I can send you a screenshot of what it looks like from my end. Just PM me your email. Cheers!
  10. Heya released my cache, etc. etc. but still not showing up like that. I'm on IE9. Honestly, it's not a big deal to me. Don't worry about lil' old me.
  11. Hi first of all great work. Only one point - I noticed that the threads with multiple pages that have the little page buttons at the bottom are hard to read except for the page that you're on. ie. When you're on page 2, and there are 3 pages in the thread... 1 and 3 are difficult to read and at quick glance don't appear to be there at all and you have to "mouseover" to find the buttons. Just FYI. Suggest instead of grey ... maybe white for the numbers of the pages you are not on, and black for the one that you are?
  12. Thanks bro will definitely look those up. On a side note I got my Aker+iComm today too. That mic is super directional isn't it? That is unless you have it perfect - hard to get it to sound strong. But that can also be a positive in that you likely won't hear any helmet fan because it is so directional.
  13. Glad you found it useful. That's what we are all here for!
  14. Hey all! First piece of my kit came in today from TKboots. Right off the back I got these thoughts, Pros Really comfortable! They don't really look like they would be but they definitely are. Materials are top-notch. (Really for only ~$60?!). Workmanship is really great - better than some shoes you'd find at a mall. Soles are super sticky. I could actually wear these shovelling snow up here in Canada. Cons They are much bigger than "normal" - I wear 10's in real life so after some research I went with 9's and they are still quite big. Nothing that an in-sole or thick socks wouldn't fix though. As a side note - they don't "click" when you walk, if that's important to some. Overall, I'm really happy with my purchase. If anyone's looking for boots, I don't see a reason trying to find a pair in surplus or putting a whole lot of effort trying to get the look. Just get these imho!
  15. I went with Debbi's neck seal. It's a bit more of an expensive option but from what I understand the material and zipper makes a difference. Btw there's additional charge for shipping outside US. To Canada it is $15.
  16. Woohoo! Boots and Aker+iComm came in today. Man those TKboots are BIG! I ordered a size smaller and I'm still swimming in them. (Wasn't wearing socks though.) I think I need some insoles.
  17. Why do parcels take so long to arrive?

  18. Yup Canadian borderpatrol is pretty hardcore. We got really tight gun laws up here - for better or worse, a debate for another day (or thread). Yet my friends could carry around M60's, MP5's and M4's for airsoft ... go figure that one out. We have weird laws. Something about firing replicas are okay but non-firing ones aren't? GenCon is the bomb! I went for the first time in 2010 because it was on my bucketlist and seriously it's now an annual getaway for me and my friends. 4 days of non-stop gaming and just generally being yourself and not be judged by others, no bullying, nothing. It's great. We often muse on the way home that if the world was more like GenCon, the planet would be in better shape. I would certainly be more than happy to party it up with fellow troopers. One rule though - I will not cross the "track" ... let's just say my friends and I ran out of Whitecastle near downtown Indy once because we thought bullets were going to start flying. Seriously - no joke. Anywhere downtown Indy would work - I super love the Ram and the Steak and Shake myself!
  19. LOL am I missing something? Jenny and Cardiac have been giving me tips on my AP build. Would be great to meet folks that have been helping me thus far.
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