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TK Keith

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK Keith

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Napa, CA
  • Interests
    Star Wars (of course), Stephen King esp The Dark Tower, XBox Live- CoD and MW


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Golden Gate Garrison

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  1. I've never tried either of these techniques. I checked the tutorials but didn't find anything. Would you mind giving a brief description of how to these techniques?
  2. What a helpful resource- thanks!
  3. I have plastic plates and used e6000 to attach two elastic straps to each plate. One strap goes around my palm, the other runs behind my thumb closer to my wrist. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I can attach my old iPod inside my chest with a piece of Velcro and run the loop during parades and other casual events. It definitely adds to the atmosphere! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. TK Keith

    24 hours ago

    Good for you; keep it up trooper!
  6. "You're damaged goods lady. F@*^ you." I love this video. I laugh every time I see it. I only wish I could show it to my students like the other SW videos I get a kick out of.
  7. TK Keith

    24 hours ago

    I don't smoke and never have, so I don't have any encouraging stories or words of advice.... But I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are having success so far!
  8. Two buckets? Niiiice! It sounds like your wife is a keeper!
  9. The wife has to come first, especially on her birthday!
  10. Nice! I tried to watch it all without blinking but my eyes started getting a bit watery, so no luck.
  11. Congrats. I am expecting a big brown box myself right now- it's so much fun, but at the same time the anticipation is killing me.
  12. Sorry about the scare, but I'm glad you got your stuff back. Last year at a baseball game, one of our guys had his TK helmet stolen right out of our changing room. Thankfully, the sports team stepped up and reimbursed him for the cost of the helmet.
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